Category Archives: extraterrestrial

Cy2Dan: Precognitive Dreams and Solutions Dialog at OMF

Cyrellys Geibhendach.  Today’s discussion covered several ‘vector’ bases including the fantastic and the mundane.  Everyone agrees the situation is untenable in several ways.  Can a meeting of the minds on what constitutes a solution be had?  Perhaps a start if the pages match.  Here’s my end of the deal for about 2 cents:

Re: Hello, Cy, OMF II – Part 2

Post by Cyrellys Today at 9:39 pm

Dan wrote:12:40————–


Yes, you have a very good handle on the many problems facing. I don’t recall seeing any solutions.

I do believe I have the only one that is coherent and comprehensive, namely the BPWH.

We could use your help. What would it take for you to come around. We should have another talk on the phone. My #’s still the same. You number has been disconnected.

I can’t go into all the solutions I’m involved in just yet.  It’s like poker.

Have you exceeded the realm of theory and know how to implement your ideas?  Can you lay it out in a one or two page outline?  This I have not yet seen.

Others are advocating a variety of approaches from the mundane to the spiritual.  All of them require time to arrive at fruition.  Time is not on our side, from what I’m seeing.  Could be wrong.  I did suspect a clinch point back around 2011-2012 but we managed to hang on a little longer.

The navy is running an interesting ad on TV one that says, ‘they have to get through all of us first’.  I hummmed when I seen it.  Is the alt space program on the globals side, the Constitution’s side, or one all of their own?  Or how about the 10th Fleet?  It didn’t stop the situation with the guy screaming to the cops he couldn’t breathe before he croaked, as shown in the clip on James Jaeger’s full length documentary film “MIDNIGHT RIDE“.  a JAMES JAEGER Film — Featuring Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Sheriff Mack, Chuck Baldwin, Edwin Vieira, G. Edward Griffin, Stewart Rhodes, Larry Pratt, Dan Happel, David R. Gillie, Elias Alias, Erich Pratt, Jack Rooney, Rosie Haas, Sheila Matthews and Walter Reddy.

Each party thinks they have a handle on this paradigm and can implement adequate solutions for a situation that will take everyone working together, on the same page — operating with the same understanding of the ‘vectors’ and issues.  But I’d like to know how that’s actually going to happen when no one can get everyone in the same room to even discuss or present their version of the paradigm landscape.  This is an episode of 3-stooges…Larry, Mo, and Curly.

But someone must go first correct?

Who will that be?  Yours truly who the SPLC calls a terrorist for requiring our representatives and others obligated to abide the laws and their Oaths, to actually do so?


Like I said to Naconah the other day, we can talk about these things till we’re blue in the face, but you’re an ex-cop of the superman kind, who do we take stuff like this to?  Who or what party out there has the power and influence to deal with planetary level corruption and criminals?  Cops these days are trained to not move off their thumbs unless they’ve been so ordered.  The same can be said of the military, who has been ‘sorted’.  Heck, Jade Helm 15 was all about testing the software to do what brass typically do…no need for the brass no more, they were too troublesome with their Oaths to the Constitution anyway.

Its a mile long list of vectors.  Ask Ron about that, it’s probably one of things we’d agree on, at least under the table.  Where we’d get into a fizzing match would most likely be about what’s under Grandma’s skirt.  I say the national security state apparatus, aka SG1 is A-number one offender vying for grandma’s long-johns.  So I can honestly say I’m no fan of underwear.

Would I advocate eliminating all underwear?  Yup.  Is it realistic to do under the current circumstances?  Nope.  The criminals love that underwear…no matter what name it carries, hanes, fruit of the loom, lockheed martin, or CCETI…oops.  You can’t have digestibility when wearing underwear.  It generates its own methane.

In the same vein I’d also advocate returning all power of command to the families…if they deem the grist mill of depopulation unpalatable, then it is their prerogative to recall their children, who then could be redirected to their states under the proven eye of their Governor’s veterans.  Perhaps a bit more realistic than the last, but the effect of pulling the teeth out of Grandma’s long-johns might be satisfied.

Give back to the Governors the ability and horsepower to tell an out of control umbrella to chill out and remember who they serve, and we might then have a road to plow…then all the strange MC Escher tales can be laid out on the table and dealt with, beneath a restored balance of power.  Do we have time to do this?  ET thinks they’re gonna have to do the ‘splaining for us.  But if ET is in bed with DHS and believe the video they said DHS gave them about Christian’s, then again we have another twist in our story plot.  What the truck do we do with that?  ET feels that the brief convo with the liberty comm rep was sufficient to have some clarity wrt ulterior motives on the eugenics factor when it comes to any sorting of the general population.  Sounds intriguing…but without the F2F again we sit at square one without confirmation…so housecleaning is not off the table if the umbrella moves on the general population.  If they so much as sneeze in the wrong directions the gloves come off because now the cops are shooting pets and children and tossing flash grenades into homes with families during no knock raids, and often without even warrants.  So yeah everyone is on notice how this will go…it’ll be a sorting all right…just not resulting in the way the umbrella expects.  Old Hickory advised no one flinch till you see the whites of their eyes.

So yes I’m well aware we need a more digestible solution.  Particularly since we’re all doing the stare across the fence lines.

Information clear, outlined, and thorough can create relational being…but the umbrella is still holding out and demonizing those who could be the most helpful, at least that’s how it would be if they weren’t so busy telling themselves culling the herd is the ‘humane thing to do’.

Are there solutions out there?  Hell ya.  But a conflict rift has been created by the system inhabitants and their think tank masters.  So the paradigm has turned into a mexican standoff.  Solve the standoff equitably and then you can look at solutions.

How to solve the standoff?  Full unadulterated disclosure that does not pull any punches, that eliminates all national security barriers, that opens the door on all possible technology, that essentially creates an open playing field in which all parties may compare notes and work possibilities.  Will that happen?  No.  They’ve had multiple opportunities.  There have been people who’ve tried to set the ball in motion.  And several have ended up dead, and another one was stripped of his service record because the woods were set afire and the bushes were preferable.

Thus these days I also advocate bush burning.  Eliminate the hiding places and make them wear their ‘white hats’ facing forward.  The shield wall must be manned both here and within the system.  The shield wall of liberty, truth, and nature.  Knowledge belongs to the people…unless you prefer that feudalism which is a dead end road.

Re: Hello, Cy, OMF II – Part 2

Post by Cyrellys Today at 10:01 pm

But heck, I’ll tell you what the party who claimed to be part of the TW ET crowd had to say.  TW ET crowd said there are limits as to what they can do.  There is a treaty with Grey Group that is problematic and restricts their options.  The general population must move in mass to nullify through mass, public statements such as “from within their churches where we have people watching” to destroy and nullify the treaty with the Greys, which the Shadow Government made with them.  Then they might have options to help.

They asked if I could influence the public awareness and gain such a declaration with enough of the general population to put it into a ‘legal effect’ as recognized by the Greater Community.  I said I do not control the people and they’ve been lied to for so long that without proof of paradigm and proof of you, we’re in a ketch 22.  ET cannot legally reveal themselves without a nullification, and we cannot take a tall tale to the people and expect them to believe it without the proof in hand.  Doctor Doolittle’s Push-me-pull-u is working over-time here.  The situational landscape is just as ridiculous, whether you’re talking mundane corruption or the steroidal contact control structure influence in the mix.

You’re welcome to quote me on this.  There’s no proof.  Just dialog. Because proof-less dialog costs chicken-shifts nothing.  They care too much about their reputations, their employment, their salaries, their retirement, their pension, and their lives…the world can go to hell in a hand-basket and is, if you look at it objectively.

So nothing changes.  The wheel is rusted and everyone forgot to bring a little WD40 in one of those nifty spray cans with the little red tube for a spray spout.

But I’m still here.  Keeping the lights on and the door ajar.  There’s a hundred people out there who I truly wish had the staying power Dan has put out since before 2008.  Some parties can snot-nosed say what they want, but they can’t deny he’s done the one thing they all failed at.