Category Archives: Security

ISIS in AMERICA-A Cartel Franchise

QUINTUS DIAS.  July 24, 2019.  GROUP EMAIL.  Printed with permission.

As a former security specialist with experience in mass weapons and mass casualty terrorism, the presence of Jihadis in America is very troublesome.  That got even more disquieting, when a Muslim terrorist training cell was inadvertently discovered some 60 miles from where I live in New Mexico and the judge subsequently, released the suspects.knights_templar_battle_weary
Pundits and academic asshats say there is no proven link between cartels and terrorists-nothing to see or worry about, right?
Cartels are criminal organizations.  They are profit maximizers and in business to make money.  ISIS is a terrorist organization, in business to secure political advantage through instilling fear.  ISIS is known to support its aims by offering concessions in oil sales, weapons sales, military hardware sales-captured by them, made by them, or given to them by rogue elements in the US government.
To me this is a naturally symbiotic attraction-enabling a business model to further spread and capture monopoly market share in the global organized crime networks and extreme political capital venues.  It’s mechanism is the franchise of criminal enterprise by local crime chieftains by cartel capos (captains).
This assumes that terrorism can be considered a marketable good with capital value, and investment potential, especially when offered to despotic regimes or actors seeking to impose their will on others in a captive populace.
Consequently, it all boils down to artificially creating conflicts, where none existed previously, then using organized crime and terrorism to further the grip of hostile proxies in destabilizing, and looting a targeted state-even to the point of internal destruction.  Enormous profits abound in creating and financing conflict through the debt secured to fund such operations.  Control the debt, control the conflict, control the principals.  What this is essentially, is the MAFIA BUST-OUT racket on steroids.  The debt and profit yield secured by rebuilding destroyed or damaged infrastructure is beyond imagination in lay men’s terms. We are talking about billions and trillions in recapitalization for infrastructure.
We were given warning about this in the extant literature from revolutionary organizations and through the activities of the Medellin crime cartel.  Carlos Marighella. the Brazilian politician and author of the seminal work on urban guerrilla warfare. “The Mini-Manual of the Urban Guerrilla,” advocated provoking the state into conducting brutal massacres to drive the revolutionary impetus forward through public-spirited recruiting drives by those outraged over the government’s retaliatory measures.  Consequently, the more outrages perpetrated by government officials, the more recruits to indoctrinate and recruit into terrorist and insurgent organizations.  Thus, sustaining the insurgency.
Moreover, in the US we have NGOs organizing rural America, such as the leftist Oregon Rural Organizing Project that embraces sheltering illegal immigrants and creating means to shield and sustain them in rural settings.  Furthermore, the Oregon ROP was heavily involved in the Oregon Malheur Refuge confrontation and in direct contact with Oregon’s leftist Governor, Kate Brown.  Subsequently, the ROP published a how to do list centering on countering infiltration of its stake in rural settings and how to nullify patriot influence in rural America.  (Chip Berlet, an associate of the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] and Marcy Westerling the former CEO of the Oregon ROP are on the board of Political Research Associates [PRA]).
This implies that both the rural and urban markets are being addressed for maximum market expansion and penetration by the cartels and or by potential cartel criminal franchise holders (I consider such NGOs as the SPLC and PRA as either useful idiots or potential stakeholders in cartel operations).
Cartels as crime organizations are driven by business considerations-maximizing profits, seeking new markets, consolidating markets and eliminating opposition.  Thus, in developing and or merging with criminal terrorist organizations or in creating them, the cartels have much more to offer the insurgent.  We’ve seen this time after time, especially in the establishment of narco-terrorrist states.  We have a near narco-terrorist state now in Mexico.  Mexico is now in the process of destabilizing the US through illegal immigration, crime syndicates exported to the US and through irredentist movements seeking to reacquire Mexico’s former holdings in US territory.  Moreover, the Mexican cartels have a ready market of potential operatives to recruit from already in the US.  These are gang members, such as MS-13 gang members that serve as contract drug mules, enforcers, cartel drug franchise holders and killers for the main Mexican cartels.  The beauty of this arrangement is that gang members are easily replaceable and disposable assets for the cartels.
There are about 200 known cases of ISIS related domestic terror activities (2015) in the US.  Some 90% of these cases involved American citizens.  Some thirty percent were related to plotting domestic terrorist incidents.  This infers that ISIS already has a significant support base inside the US.  Moreover, as we saw with the Arab Spring, Muslim radicals are sophisticated information warriors and astute practitioners of media related radicalization.  Furthermore, there is compelling evidence to suggest that crime cartels and terrorist groups micromanage and micro-target a potential audience.  We’ve seen this in the “narcomanta” communiques used by cartels in Mexico claiming territory or to announce political demands, or in announcing who is on their hit lists.
But all of this is nothing new.  We already saw this previously some 25 years ago with the extent of the Medellin crime cartels activities in Colombia.  Yet, this is all ignored by the US Media and termed malarkey by politicians that constantly decry the establishment of Muslim terror groups associated with crime cartels as sheer nonsense or a fabricated fiction.
ORGANIZING RECEPTION CENTERS FOR MUSLIM REFUGEES IN AMERICA (Note: the lack of proper vetting and the attempt to soothe over Muslim instigated violence in America).
NARCOMANTA: (Cartel Communiques):

The Fix Is In — Bummer Administration

Justice Department says it still won’t pursue criminal c…

Attorney General Eric Holder The public now knows even more graphic details about the extent of America’s torture program, but it appears that won’t be making any d…
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I stood about 40 feet next to the bummer man in Reno, NV when he was running for President back in 2008.  He emphasized he would restore our Constitutional rights and prosecute all of Bush’s war criminals for crimes against humanity according to the Nuremberg Accords, which the US is a signatory to.
Sure, yeah, right.  Bummer has become a war criminal himself and has continued with the practice of torture and waging war on women and children by remote controlled drones.
Now he has covered up most of Bush’s crimes, and furthermore has declined to prosecute contrary to his campaign promises any of Bush’s officials who perpetrated torture and war crimes.
Is it any wonder that we are now the most despised nation on earth?  And that our government is a Mafia government with the wise guys putting the fix in at every conceivable level?

Dialog: ISIS on the Border and My Confession

By QUINTAS DIAS.  From Email October 12 of 2014.

Report: Feds Arrest Four ISIS Terrorists in Texas

Apprehended in the last 36 hours… Government watchdog group Judicial Watch says they have received intel from high-level government sources claiming that federal …
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Man, all of a sudden we have Fox News (faux news, lol) screaming that ISIS is affiliated now with radical Black Muslims.  The f–[expletive]? What does that mean?  Well, the black chop dude that did that lady recently in OK is a rad black Muslim.  Digressing…
I am very leery about a lot of this.  I’ve been had before and a lot of this stinks.  Especially with ISIS suddenly evolving out of no where.  I do not buy that crap.  Nothing in politics suddenly evolves.  Digressing…
Back in the 1970s, we had the Black Liberation Army (BLA) blowing shit up and killing police officers, robbing banks, and killing folks.  Quite a few of them were Muslims.
My contacts conclude that after making some WAGS (wild ass guesses) and intelligence assessments, that like the Black Panthers, present day radical black Muslims have morphed to serve a new purpose…dunno for sure what it is.  Digressing again…
I had a lot of experience back in my day with the George Jackson Brigade and that asshole, John Sherman, the Brigade’s leader robbing banks and blowing shit up in the Pac NW.  His girlfriend, a gorgeous legal adviser slipped him a handgun that he used to escape custody after he got shot up and was convicted of bank robbery after the memorable Tukwila, WA bank robbery and blazing shoot out that left Sherman wounded.
Back then, I was hot on the trail of Sherman, and before that on the trail of the SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army).  We had set up a road block to intercept Sherman supposedly on his way back from CA, but we were too late.  An act of God?  I don’t know, but we were determined to shoot it out with Sherman and his bad boys.  He got past us.  Good for him, good for me.
I was also assigned to track leads regarding the SLA and Patty Hearst’s movements in the PAC NW back in the day.  I didn’t have a clue about the deep state politics and the agenda involved in these incidents until much, much later.
Today, I and a lot of other cops, wiser, and much more mature, are quite bitter because we had the wool pulled over our eyes many times over by our own government.  We did not like bank robbers or armed robbers (didn’t like the FBI that much either).  But we respected an honest criminal.  Imagine how we felt when we discovered that another bank robber, Cinque (Donald deFreeze) of the SLA (and perhaps Sherman) were in fact manipulated by the Illumines inside the CIA and the FBI.
Note: these later day findings apply equally well to another major asshole we were chasing around back then.  Who was that?  Well, it was that Weatherman dude, Bill Ayers, the bummer man’s mentor, who claims little knowledge of Obama, but then smirks that he maybe wrote Bummer’s biography, “Dreams of my Father” (Bill, you were an [expletive] back then and you are still a [expletive]).
Today, many years later, the inescapable conclusion is that these people were provocation agents, perhaps unwitting, but serving a covert agenda nonetheless.  Today, we know what it was.  “The man”was scared of rising black consciousness and the evolving wide acceptance of black power movements among whites.  That’s right, white kids were buying into black angst and identifying with it.  [expletive] groovy– right on, bro!  That scared the [expletive] out of the man.
What was the purpose of creating fictitious bad guys and terrorists we all could all rally around and hate?  I’ll attempt to explain it.  Basically, it is political warfare 101.
The man wanted to disrupt black unity movements, black aspirations, and the emerging civil rights movement…  Essentially, guys like George Jackson’s Soledad Brothers, Donald deFreeze, the Black Panthers, the BLA assholes served as “useful idiots,” to push forward a preplanned political agenda.  They were usually disposed of by equally stupid cops in spectacular shoot outs like the LAPD and SLA shootout.
So what about that foxy UCLA black professor who got mixed up with the BLA and Panther dudes, the feminist movement, and black power movements?  Maybe despite her Ph.D, professor Angela Davis was just another dumb fuck like me, and the cops out there chasing her bros around.  Fact is, we were COINTELPROED.  WTF?
And the man COINTELPROED a lot of chicks back in the day, when deep cover CIA operative Gloria Steinem and that porn rag devoted to female orgasms and male bashing Cosmopolitan got lots of chicks to burn their bras and to switch from wearing sexy French cut panties to guys’ jockey shorts (oh, no!).  Digressing…
A lot of guys bought into the political drama and social angst surrounding the feminist movement, too.  They dropped their balls and became wussies, another crop of useful idiots for the man. This is not to say that a lot of morons out there fucking around on their women, beating up their wives and girlfriends. getting constantly drunk, screwing the pooch, smoking dope, and acting badly toward women did not lend legitimacy to the feminist movement.  It sure did.  And then some.  However, it would have served us all much better if the women along with decent males had gotten baseball bats and had beaten the shit out of these guys.  Then we could have all gone back to being men and women, loving each other, instead of being enemies playing that “she said, he said bullshit” that drives up apart.  [expletive] man, he be real sly and ya gotta watch his moves.
I gotta say that we were stupid back then.  The “man” knew how to use the cops’ patriotism, willingness to serve, and our blind faith in the goodness of America, and its leaders as weapons against us and the American people.  That has all changed.  There are still plenty of stupid cops out there today, but the people have woken up and they are much wiser today than ever before.
In many cases, the people see right through all the bullshit and political theater.  So now, instead of bank robbing [expletive]s like Sherman and Ayers, we have Ebola, and Muslim head choppers playing these roles.  Same old shit and same old story.  Thing is, the scripts are stale, have been played too many times before, and our people are tired of being led down the primrose path by sly werewolves.  We got guard dog packs watching our backs and those dogs have sharp drooling fangs and they want payback.  Payback is a bitch.
I learned much of this to my horror from army CID operatives and from a former LAPD (LEIU) intelligence cop, who I networked with.  He jumped ship, told “the man” to fuck off and the last I know of, is still driving his tractor around in circles on his remote Alaska homestead.  I wasn’t far behind in following him to Alaska, when something else came up diverting me to another purpose.
See the links–
The Lighthouse Report

THE CONSTANTINE REPORT No. 1 “Remote Viewing” at Stanford Research Institute or Illicit CIA Mind Control Experimentation?
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vacaville | In Search of Black Assassins

Posts about vacaville written by Prince Ray
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Bill Ayers– Profile of Bill Ayers, the Weatherman (aka …

Bill Ayers led the Weathermen, a 1970s student group, to violent action in the quest to achieve a classless society and protest the Vietnam war.
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COINTELPRO FBI Domestic Intelligence Activities COINTELPRO Revisited – Spying & Disruption
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I am NOT getting down on blacks…do not forget there are legions out there who love America, have served as good soldiers, as cops, as legislators, business men and scientists.  The Illumines, goddamn their rotten hearts want to use our black folks as racial weapons to ignite a devastating race war.
It’s not working very well, is it?  And it will never work, as long as whites and others reach across the divide to assure black folks that we will join with and protect them as they must with us.  That drives the man up the [expletive] wall.
Another thing, the media will have you believe is that blacks are all criminals or criminal wanna bes… You know MOFOS.  Well, there are lots of black criminals.  I put a lot of them in jail and had it out with some of them.   However, there are even more decent black folks then black criminals.  And there are even more white criminals than blacks.  Black criminals just stand out more because they are black, is all.
So, eff the media.  What we need to do is to reach out to our black bros and sisters.  We have much more in common than we realize.  Same goes for decent Muslims who believe in America.  Islam is not my religion, but Muslims have a fundamental right to worship as they please under the First Amendment and the Constitution and that is what is really at stake here.
Don’t know about you folks, but I am sick and tired of being fooled and had by the man.
Quintus Dias

Reply by Cyrellys on October 12 of 2014.
In regards to your story this recent account piece from one of the listeners at Quayle’s Alerts seems apropos to note:

Islamic loyalty in US Military & Russian troops.You must understand the nature of this threat especially, to those who serve along side of those whose job will be to kill you when ‘it happens’I was traveling through the southeast for my business this past wk. I stopped overnight in Johnson City TN before I headed to Virginia. I met some business partners of mine to discuss growth & numbers at a restaurant/bar. Granted our conversation inevitably moved towards the realities of our market place & current economic state of the nation & the world. In the midst of this conversation, a strong, early 30’s black man approaches me & asks me if I’m in the military(he was wearing his dogs tags) I said no but I come from a military family. He then asked what I know. I responded with what do you mean? He then began to aggressive. He pulls out his military ID & says we can’t talk at the table come outside. (I come from a military family & have been around some very influential people in my time & you &I both know what’s coming)

When we got outside his first question to me was are you Russian?! I’m not I said no. Than he kept saying don’t lie to me! You look just like them! You know more than you’re saying!

After i shared with him what I know about money, powers at be, & the times we live in he than asks “who’s side are you on?” I’m an American, I know this country is toast but I’ll stand by my fellow Americans. He then asked again who’s side are you on? I had to ask what do you mean? He then lifts his sleeve & shows his tattoo on his arm, which is a text/quote out of the Quran.. He then looks at me & says plainly, ‘I will not shoot an American citizen, until the EVENTS. If we see each other again when this takes place and I know which side you are on. (I’m a Christian!) I asked why did it matter if I’m Russian? He said ‘they know, & we (radical Muslims) know it’s soon’, we talk. (I also know there’s a large population of Russians in the Smokey Mountain areas & Appalachian/BlueRidge) 

I’d appreciate your insight on this seeing that there is an American Citizen in our military who’s loyalty is ultimately to Islam & apparently they “talk” with the UN Russian troops “waiting” here.

Whatever’s coming is big, & it’s coming soon. CHRIS

Oct 10, 2014

Reply from Bob on October 12 of 2014 via email. 

QD,  I sure am glad that you are on the same page as I on the racial issues!  I have been telling black people for several years now that this entire racial strife is orchestrated by government/illumines/ et. al. to implement their “divide and conquer” game plan of enslavement on all of us, black and white and you can throw the Hispanics into this scam with us !  One of the founders of the NAACP was Jewish Bankster Jacob Schiff, a white man who wanted to divide the races so we couldn’t gang up on the evil banksters and throw them out of the country.
During my last two years of trying to get the Constitution Party moving forward in New Mexico I have spoken to many black Americans trying to explain how we need to join hands (forces?) and convince both of our races that we all are Americans and we are being made fools of ourselves by buying into the racial divide !  The Black people in this country are not AFRICANS !  They are AMERICANS !  Abraham Lincoln tried to convince the black Americans to return to Africa, but most refused because they were born and raised right here in America, and most had been here for many generations.  They would have been in a very strange land (to them) if they had gone to Africa in the 19th century, and more so if they go now !  i.e.  We need to join together and win back our freedom from the global bankster overlords who THINK they own us and want eventually to eliminate us !
What disappoints me today, is that the black people I spoke to seemed to agree with me, but none have contacted me to move forward and bring our two peoples together.  They did appear to be very surprised to hear that message coming from an old white man.  I told them that it may be more difficult for me to convince the white people than it would for me to get the support of the blacks.  Our white people are so brainwashed, but I truly believe that it is our only hope of winning freedom for all of us.  Real education needs to be free of government interference and open to total local control.  Our youth must be educated to the truth and leave the social engineering to the dustbins of history forever!
–Bob ———–
New Mexico

Reply from PB on October 13 of 2014 via email.  I have a short story to tell that I hope give at least a little bit of insight into today’s condition.
When I was a young teenager in the mid 1980’s I attended church with my family at a very active and outreaching church. almost every week we had someone from around the nation or world come in a present something different that would either be very uplifting, heavily warning, or strongly informative.
One Sunday evening a very well dressed black man with jeri curls and a slight islander accent told the church about a subversive movement going on in the seminary schools but especially those of the black organizations. He said they are being literally invaded by islamic men who are not seeking to change themsleves but instead seeking to subvert and change the Christian church. He said they (the “black” church) has been targeted and many ministers in the churches are already (in the 1980s) causing problems. It seemed that NO ONE listened.
I can go on with examples like BOBO calling himself a Christian and that minister “Wright” calling himself a Christian when we know better.  However I just wanted to lay down the idea this has been going on for at least 35 years and those PTBs are definitely generational in their approach.  Christians must stop avoiding generational thinking.

Round Robin Input and Comment Request Re : Mumbai Option

Naconah.  The Mumbai Option – Part II

Regarding the recent attack on the hospital in Yemen, we need to address the Mumbai issue and quickly.  It is amazing how the first responder community still remains ignorant of the Mumbai lessons, not to mention police and National Guard.  I trained elements from these agencies, however there is no national coordination or training efforts to address this issue.  Momentarily,  they are blowing hospitals and people up overseas while chopping our people here at home.  I keep YELLING until I am blue in the face that Mumbai is coming here.  Cliff, perhaps you can get some input from the local cops about this.
The Mumbai terrorists used machine guns, RPGs, satchel charges and grenades along with automatic rifles.  Over a span of several days they executed a rather sophisticated military operation attacking several iconic targets.  The targets included a community center, a train station, a hospital, and two well known hotels.  Twenty-five operatives killed some 175 people and wounded over 300 persons.  The outcome was chaos.  Firemen and first responders were attacked.  Indian police and military suffered from shock and awe syndrome and remained at first largely ineffective.  Mumbai, India’s financial center suffered serious losses and tourism was badly affected.
One of the significant findings is that the attackers blended in well with the population, had planned the operation meticulously and were determined to carry it through.  Additionally, they had conducted an intelligence assessment and reconnaissance and cached weapons and ammunition in the hotels.  They did not use WMDs.  There was no need as ordinary infantry weapons served admirably.  They infiltrated the AO by sea and were in position without attracting attention when they initiated the attack.  They attacked a police station, pinning down with heavy fires police units and disrupted police response and communications for a considerable amount of time.
Terrorist assault teams then attacked a hospital, a movie theater, a cafe, and community center and then focused attention on the Trident and Taj Mahal hotels.  Security forces encountered heavy resistance, ambushes, interlocking fields of fire, and had to engage in room to room clearing operations.  Explosive booby traps were rigged in some of the hotel rooms.

I.  Outcomes and Significance of Mumbai

1.  Terrorists used commonly found infantry weapons found in conflict zones.
2.  Terrorists used explosives and booby traps
3.  Terrorists attacked police and overwhelmed them, disrupting police communication nodes and police response.  Police executives were killed in the attack
4.  Terrorists preplanned the operation, infiltrated by sea and cached weapons and ammunition to sustain the assault phase.
5.  Terrorists remained undercover without attracting notice or a police challenge
6.  Terrorists attacked multiple targets and coordinated the attacks
7.  The targets were public places: medical care facilities, transportation centers and hotels where large numbers of people are found… a target rich environment
8.  The attack was carried out over a number of days
9.  The attackers retained the initiative and evaded responding police
10. The attackers used barricades, seize and hold tactics, challenging police and military to a MOUT scenario to flush them out
11. The attackers opened fire on responders at every opportunity
12.  The attackers used vehicles to conduct drive by shootings
13.  The attackers used a variety of comms, including cell phones and GPS devices
14.  The terrorists were mobile: foot and vehicles and shot at citizens at every opportunity
15.  The attacks on iconic targets provide guaranteed high profile media coverage

II.  Security Failures

1.  There were no active shooter response procedures in place
2.  There were no common frequency comms between responding units.  Comms were best described as a cluster fuck.
3.  No back up for police comms taken out in the attack on the police station
4.  No overall centralized command authority took charge of the counter op, especially during its critical early phases
5.  Police and security force response was piecemeal and insufficient
6.  IEDs and explosives used by the attackers degraded security response and prolonged the op due to mine/bomb clearing requisites. Security failed to recognize that explosives and booby traps were elements in the strikes
7.  First responders did not integrate a cohesive response plan or train together
8.  Special operation military units took over 8 hours to arrive on the scene
9.  IEDs that exploded at random caused additional surprise and confusion
10.  Security forces failed to identify the number and location of the attackers and could not manage an overall coordinated response
11.  Overall intelligence failure–no adequate warning that the attack was imminent
12.  Security forces failed to execute appropriate containment perimeters allowing the attackers to displace
13.  Responding fire units and equipment could not cope with large scale multiple fires

III.  Implications

1.  Terrorists are capable of conducting sophisticated STRATEGIC mass casualty assaults without the need for WMDs
2.  The automatic rifle is a significant mass casualty weapon complimenting explosives
3.  Intelligence is critical to disrupt, preempt or to forestall such an attack
4.  Emergency responders are at risk and so are hospital personnel
5.  Armed citizens and their willingness to intervene can prove critical in disrupting an attack
6.  Emergency personnel must train together and have interoperable communications
7.  All comms must have backups
8.  Emergency personnel must account for command personnel casualties and must train subordinates to assume command
9.  Emergency personnel must plan for multiple contingencies
10.  Emergency personnel must be able to provide for their own recon and intel
11.  Iconic structures and hospital and emergency personnel are at risk
12.  Armed citizens or citizens at large are now first responders.  They must be able to react on their own

Dialog: The Mumbai Option

Dialog: The Mumbai Option

Dozens killed, wounded in Yemen Houthi hospital bombing Dozens killed,…



From Bo on September 29 of 2014.

How did the terrorist communicate or did they? If by cell phone then we need to blow the tower power or something less drastic if there is an available plan for power shutdown. The value of this must be weighed carefully against victims call for aid and the terrorist need for communications.  Jam the com freq if by radio. Schedule com time for responders and jam all other times. Map sniper positions where terrorists can fire from and plan position where those areas can be attacked by counter sniper details. from the terrorist position map determine safe areas and hot areas within target complex. This will allow you to narrow down the best positions for the terrorist and the best position to take them out.
Dense white smoke can be made from potassium chlorate and sugar until help arrives.
As intel starts to warm up keep track of the weather forecast. Attacks tend to happen on windy days to reduce the effect of smoke and gas.
Keep plugging ———-. It’s only a matter of time. The army is giving away MRAPs. ask for one as a village memorial and you’ll get one just keep it in running condition.

From Quintas Dias on September 29 of 2014.
Yeah, they did and a lot with their op center in Pakistan using sat and cell phones.  I must say that the Indian army when they engaged did a good job, but it took them 8 hours to mobilize and get on the job.  Police are not equipped to do house to house fighting.  They can, but they don’t have the equipment for this.  That is a tac section’s job.  I do not object to police having MRAP’s, as long as they are not used against civilians for ordinary operations.  Police are not military, break things kinda of guys.  Collateral damage is not acceptable in police ops.  Don’t object to having police armed with ARs…but I do OBJECT in having them shoot up the neighborhood and suspects in uncontrolled mad minutes.  We have gone too far with brutal and unaccountable police and I know where that it is coming from.  Whole bunch of chiefs need to be fired and go to jail.  I do not want police thinking they are super soldiers and above citizens.  Police have gotten into a fatal let’s wait for the SWAT team in dealing with critical incidents.  They have to go back to being the Johnnies on the spot and acting accordingly.
Thanks for the observations.  I’ll pass them on.

From Naconah to Group on September 29 of 2014.
Bo’s comments…timely and good ones.

Dialog: The Mumbai Option

First Responders
Certified first responders in the U.S.  .

Dozens killed, wounded in Yemen Houthi hospital bombing

Dozens killed, wounded in Yemen Houthi hospital bombing

Dozens killed, wounded in Yemen Houthi hospital bombing Iran Press …
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Naconah.  This (incident in Yemen) is an example of the Mumbai option.  It rests with terrorists killing first responders and attacking hospitals, killing staff and patients. In other words, Samaritans.  Nothing is sacred or respected anymore.  We read their discourse and statements and knew that we would see this at some point, and it’s here.  This is going to complicate our lives and presents challenging security issues.

Continue reading Dialog: The Mumbai Option

Islamicist Beheading in OK and Precautions

Naconah.  I am not going to mince words… A lot is not being said about this incident.  It is another reason why I suggest you go about armed, especially women, and especially women in critical incident positions.  Why am I saying this?  I taught Mumbai and lessons learned to special operators and to first responders at my school.  The lessons from Mumbai, and there are many, is that medical personnel, and first responders are going to be targets!  First responders including medics can expect to trigger primary, secondary and tertiary ambushes.  Hospitals, clinics and staff can expect to be attacked by explosives (IEDs, RPGs, satchel charges, grenades) and gun-wielding Jihadis.  How to we know this?  We’ve seen this overseas, ad nauseum since the 1970s.  And from chatter, back channel sources and from open source intelligence bluntly telling us that the jihadist MFers and their head-lopping bros are going to.  And they are going to do it here, in the USA.  It pays to listen to people when they threaten you.

I have been in contact with emergency service personnel and I am urging them to address present security protocols to contend with two main issues.  One is the threat of attack from terrorists aiming at killing medical staff and patients.  The other, is the threat from multiple threats posed by infectious diseases including Ebola.

Consequently, I am urging medical personnel to get ready for an infectious disease onslaught.  I am also urging that nurses and other hospital staff not wear uniforms between home and work, and from work home.  Nurses, clinic, and hospital staff should be escorted to their cars, especially at night.  Hospital security must stay alert for strangers probing the perimeter or the inside the building without pertinent ID, asking questions without merit.  They should watch for abandoned vehicles, loitering people, for the presence of minivans or campers or commercial passenger vehicles loitering in the lot or closeby.  Anyone parking a car on hospital lots should get a permit from security and must display the permit inside the car’s windshield and carry a receipt on their person.  Anything out of place is suspect.  Including the delivery of unsolicited packages or callers requesting information on hospital staff, lunch, or dinner hours, or delivery protocols.  This is basic stuff, but we have been asleep at the wheel and we can expect hell to come down on us if they come calling.

These precautions also apply to schools and government buildings and malls.  Do not forget that Chechnyan terrorists attacked a school in Russia and killed some 250 people in a prolonged and massive terrorist attack.  The attack in Mumbai went on for days and they killed close to 180 people and attacked multiple targets including machine gunning a train station.

Enough.  Please pass the word and stay safe!

One last thing.  We could have stopped a lot of this by a change in foreign policy.  Instead, we blow shit up overseas and kill babies and people going to weddings to stop a suspected terrorist.  For every innocent we kill, 25 more become terrorists!

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A man fired from an Oklahoma food processing plant beheaded a woman with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot…
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ISIS Plotting Subway Attacks in New York City and Paris,…

Claims come as news to U.S. officials, who say there’s no evidence of a threat
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