Category Archives: US Foreign & Domestic Policy

ISIS in AMERICA-A Cartel Franchise

QUINTUS DIAS.  July 24, 2019.  GROUP EMAIL.  Printed with permission.

As a former security specialist with experience in mass weapons and mass casualty terrorism, the presence of Jihadis in America is very troublesome.  That got even more disquieting, when a Muslim terrorist training cell was inadvertently discovered some 60 miles from where I live in New Mexico and the judge subsequently, released the suspects.knights_templar_battle_weary
Pundits and academic asshats say there is no proven link between cartels and terrorists-nothing to see or worry about, right?
Cartels are criminal organizations.  They are profit maximizers and in business to make money.  ISIS is a terrorist organization, in business to secure political advantage through instilling fear.  ISIS is known to support its aims by offering concessions in oil sales, weapons sales, military hardware sales-captured by them, made by them, or given to them by rogue elements in the US government.
To me this is a naturally symbiotic attraction-enabling a business model to further spread and capture monopoly market share in the global organized crime networks and extreme political capital venues.  It’s mechanism is the franchise of criminal enterprise by local crime chieftains by cartel capos (captains).
This assumes that terrorism can be considered a marketable good with capital value, and investment potential, especially when offered to despotic regimes or actors seeking to impose their will on others in a captive populace.
Consequently, it all boils down to artificially creating conflicts, where none existed previously, then using organized crime and terrorism to further the grip of hostile proxies in destabilizing, and looting a targeted state-even to the point of internal destruction.  Enormous profits abound in creating and financing conflict through the debt secured to fund such operations.  Control the debt, control the conflict, control the principals.  What this is essentially, is the MAFIA BUST-OUT racket on steroids.  The debt and profit yield secured by rebuilding destroyed or damaged infrastructure is beyond imagination in lay men’s terms. We are talking about billions and trillions in recapitalization for infrastructure.
We were given warning about this in the extant literature from revolutionary organizations and through the activities of the Medellin crime cartel.  Carlos Marighella. the Brazilian politician and author of the seminal work on urban guerrilla warfare. “The Mini-Manual of the Urban Guerrilla,” advocated provoking the state into conducting brutal massacres to drive the revolutionary impetus forward through public-spirited recruiting drives by those outraged over the government’s retaliatory measures.  Consequently, the more outrages perpetrated by government officials, the more recruits to indoctrinate and recruit into terrorist and insurgent organizations.  Thus, sustaining the insurgency.
Moreover, in the US we have NGOs organizing rural America, such as the leftist Oregon Rural Organizing Project that embraces sheltering illegal immigrants and creating means to shield and sustain them in rural settings.  Furthermore, the Oregon ROP was heavily involved in the Oregon Malheur Refuge confrontation and in direct contact with Oregon’s leftist Governor, Kate Brown.  Subsequently, the ROP published a how to do list centering on countering infiltration of its stake in rural settings and how to nullify patriot influence in rural America.  (Chip Berlet, an associate of the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] and Marcy Westerling the former CEO of the Oregon ROP are on the board of Political Research Associates [PRA]).
This implies that both the rural and urban markets are being addressed for maximum market expansion and penetration by the cartels and or by potential cartel criminal franchise holders (I consider such NGOs as the SPLC and PRA as either useful idiots or potential stakeholders in cartel operations).
Cartels as crime organizations are driven by business considerations-maximizing profits, seeking new markets, consolidating markets and eliminating opposition.  Thus, in developing and or merging with criminal terrorist organizations or in creating them, the cartels have much more to offer the insurgent.  We’ve seen this time after time, especially in the establishment of narco-terrorrist states.  We have a near narco-terrorist state now in Mexico.  Mexico is now in the process of destabilizing the US through illegal immigration, crime syndicates exported to the US and through irredentist movements seeking to reacquire Mexico’s former holdings in US territory.  Moreover, the Mexican cartels have a ready market of potential operatives to recruit from already in the US.  These are gang members, such as MS-13 gang members that serve as contract drug mules, enforcers, cartel drug franchise holders and killers for the main Mexican cartels.  The beauty of this arrangement is that gang members are easily replaceable and disposable assets for the cartels.
There are about 200 known cases of ISIS related domestic terror activities (2015) in the US.  Some 90% of these cases involved American citizens.  Some thirty percent were related to plotting domestic terrorist incidents.  This infers that ISIS already has a significant support base inside the US.  Moreover, as we saw with the Arab Spring, Muslim radicals are sophisticated information warriors and astute practitioners of media related radicalization.  Furthermore, there is compelling evidence to suggest that crime cartels and terrorist groups micromanage and micro-target a potential audience.  We’ve seen this in the “narcomanta” communiques used by cartels in Mexico claiming territory or to announce political demands, or in announcing who is on their hit lists.
But all of this is nothing new.  We already saw this previously some 25 years ago with the extent of the Medellin crime cartels activities in Colombia.  Yet, this is all ignored by the US Media and termed malarkey by politicians that constantly decry the establishment of Muslim terror groups associated with crime cartels as sheer nonsense or a fabricated fiction.
ORGANIZING RECEPTION CENTERS FOR MUSLIM REFUGEES IN AMERICA (Note: the lack of proper vetting and the attempt to soothe over Muslim instigated violence in America).
NARCOMANTA: (Cartel Communiques):

MMR News Collection 24hr Set 10182017


Posted a collection of the news in last 24 hours to Mind Mix Radio twitter account. Some of this was discussed on the Tuesday Mind Mix in the Evening Show with host Cyrellys and Manticore Group Member Quintus Dias.

QUINTUS DIAS REMARK: Coroner same sh—t as in Harney County

Loomer and friends need to look in on the autopsy reports and see if they can what is there. I suspect that this info will be cooked to fit the official
narrative or sealed from public view. What about the disposition of the bodies?

Look for high number of cremations and sealed caskets

I doubt you will get any autopsy reports or police homicide reports or a ballistic evidence report. What is needed is a mammoth army of private journo ne
ed to take the field in Vegas and start turning over rocks!



















Clinton Cash Free Viewing Today

Cyrellys Geibhendach.  FYI

Breitbart news will allow free viewing of the movie ‘Clinton Cash’ at 2pm and 8pm today on their website.

Here is the link:

Remember this the next time you find yourselves mesmerized by the antics of the 2016 presidential candidates or drawn into a politicized debate over the machinations of Congress, the president or the judiciary: it’s all intended to distract you from the fact that you have no authority and no rights in the face of the shadow governments. — John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

The Deep State: The Unelected Shadow Government Is Here to Stay

Sarfatti List “Pancakes”: The Cruise to NoWhere

Re: Hello, Cy, OMF II – Part 2

Post by Cyrellys Today at 12:05 pm

Dan Smith wrote:The main thing for scientists is to chill out wrt to their armchair philosophy talk, and start minding their own material business.  IOW, quit being Pythagoreans, Spinozians, pantheists, panentheists, etc, when speaking ex-cathedra.  Also, quit trying to find the God particle and the ToE.  I’m the ToE for the time being.

Dan this is unrealistic.  It’s like expecting a zebra to morph to spots from its firmly established stripes.

Beyond that Synchronicity has a plan already in motion with an outcome that has only this remote connection.  And I cannot attend any cruise.  Notice where I reside?  There’s a reason for that.  But the Ps will do as they please, in the system-wide myopia.

Meanwhile, good things going here…

Bad news, one of the Sarfatti group is 30 days MIA and we are currently working to ascertain he is still alive and kicking.


So this Disclosure, are the system inhabitants finally planning on doing what was requested in 2008?  “Disclose to your people about contact et al, or we will do it for you?” scheduled 2017?

Or is this just one of those ‘digestible’ disclosures done by one of a hundred different groups?

P&S are not the only group floating a Disclosure right now.  Yes we have to get through December…several vectors in play.  One of the foremost being the fall of the European Union and a US Globalist/Globalist Controlled State Department instigated WWIII.

Putin is doing what the public expects to get done while the State Dept & Bummer Admin are threatening to attack him for taking out their latest depopulation proxy who is currently invading europe and then promptly disappearing from the camps…with Soros provided instruction booklets from the Greek coast.  Mean while the Russians are attempting to clear the trash and make it possible for the legit refugees to stay put in the ME.

Now here’s the big question…in 2010-2011 Ghosttroop was still roaming the net looking for signs of the rumored loose nukes prepositioned in major US cities…supposidly the specops found and deactivated the one in Helena MT and another in Utah…true?  Heresay between groups is hard to prove, but that was the dialog running…that the specops were being picked off and eliminated…how many theoretical contraptions still remain?  Did they finish the hunt?  We’re all still here so maybe they did…maybe that’s why the mil special projects have recently been busted into the public eye trying to attach ebola virus to chem spray strands, and the chem trail pilots are howling from the rooftops “FOUL!”

One can wonder but the only word from the illustrious P fam is about end of the world cruises, while there’s real work to be and being done…but maybe not by the three-letter acronym agencies who at least get paid for that kind of work while they reap the benefit of intel and boots on the ground by others.

If anyone can forgive my biting words of cynicism.  At this rate I’m becoming less and less a fan of the national security state that seems to be operated more for the benefit of white collar criminals than the taxpayers of this nation…maybe its time to dismantle it, since the work isn’t actually getting done by system inhabitants?  If the system inhabitants were employees of a legit business, the business would have been bankrupted and shut down or the ineffectual employees at the very least sent to unemployment lines.  Secrecy in a Constitutional Republic has a very very small footprint…ours on the other hand makes Jabba De Hut look like a blimp and way overdue for eradication.

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen I am in favor of doing away with the national security state based on the review of the landscape over the last seven years.  It has become the cannibal beneath Grandma’s skirt and makes ET look like an Easter Parade.


From Email 11/11/2015 Jack Sarfatti to List

No Dan because you have no message that is worth anything.

You are finished.
End of the line.
“Your future is all used up.”
On Nov 11, 2015, at 9:20 AM, Dan Smith  wrote:


BtW, if any of you care to take up the chase, you’re more than welcome to take it up with me and your personally select audience and/or on OMF

On Wednesday, November 11, 2015, Dan Smith wrote:


Ron was right when I tried talking about the SeptSurp, he said…… Hold on, Dan, we have to get through December, first.
What’s December all about?  It’s all about the Cruise-to-Nowhere, and back, except for the poor devil who has to go back in the jump-jet!
Everything I say about December and September, from now on, is to be taken strictly on spec.
I will not be shoving it in anyone’s face.  I’ll just be blogging the lead-up, and giving you a head’s up, from time to time…….

cc: OMF

On Tuesday, November 10, 2015, Dan Smith wrote:


Ron has put much emphasis on this cruise as a preparation for a disclosure that must come prior to the September surprise, a surprise, which is liable to lead to downward spiral of events on the world stage.
I am taking the Footmann at his word.  Aliyah, though, does not seem to have gotten this ‘memo’.  When I brought this topic up to her, this morning, she very politely asked my suggestions of participants, for her due consideration.  That’s not quite how I envision this end of the world cruise being handled.

Neither she nor the Footmann claim to have any insight into the BPWH.  The Footmann claims to have taught philosophy for several years at the agency.  She is a student of Rumi.

None of this, above, sounds promissing.  There are not many days left to turn the boat around.  There are not many weeks, after that, to turn the world around.
Either this ship is headed nowhere, or I’m missing a lot.  This preliminary data on this nautical microcosmic adventure does not bode well for the macrocosm.

On Tuesday, November 10, 2015, Dan Smith  wrote:

Metaphysics is often described as news from nowhere.  Well, that’s exactly where this cruise will be headed………
This cruise will serve as a microcosm for the disclosure that will pre-empt the September surprise.  This would be a moderate sized commercial ship, of which the participants in this seminar will constitute a small minority.  All participants would be encouraged to bring a significant partner, whether or not said partner is metaphysically inclined.

Yes, this cruise would be all about me and the BPWH/SWH/CTC (4M/K/SoT/X2).  This is the presupposition for my involvement, at least.

A condition for participation, and especially for receiving any stipends, would be involvement in and/or close observation of the ‘proselytizing’ of the other passengers wrt to the disclosure that is expected to pre-empt the September surprise.

 I can’t imagine why anyone would wish to join such a cruise…….

The Fix Is In — Bummer Administration

Justice Department says it still won’t pursue criminal c…

Attorney General Eric Holder The public now knows even more graphic details about the extent of America’s torture program, but it appears that won’t be making any d…
Preview by Yahoo
I stood about 40 feet next to the bummer man in Reno, NV when he was running for President back in 2008.  He emphasized he would restore our Constitutional rights and prosecute all of Bush’s war criminals for crimes against humanity according to the Nuremberg Accords, which the US is a signatory to.
Sure, yeah, right.  Bummer has become a war criminal himself and has continued with the practice of torture and waging war on women and children by remote controlled drones.
Now he has covered up most of Bush’s crimes, and furthermore has declined to prosecute contrary to his campaign promises any of Bush’s officials who perpetrated torture and war crimes.
Is it any wonder that we are now the most despised nation on earth?  And that our government is a Mafia government with the wise guys putting the fix in at every conceivable level?

Washington State namesake of our nation’s first President flushes US Constitution

Cyrellys Geibhendach.  America is a Constitutional Republic NOT a democracy.  Many people forget there is a distinct difference.  A Constitutional Republic places restrictions upon democracy that is reasonable.  A nation founded upon Constitutional principles enshrined within the founding document which defined the conditions upon which our nations states agreed to become a union, risks voiding the contract between the States when it violates the contents and intent of its national Constitution, just as it does when the national structure violates or disregards the constitutions of any individual state.


On December 11 of 2014, the Seattle Times not only reported that the State of Washington flushed an integral chunk of our nation’s contract, the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, but it also described in its editorial statement how it itself approved of the flushing in an incredible example of absolute Statism.   Statism is the belief that the state should control either economic or social policy, or both, to some degree.   It is one of the foundations of Communism.  To promote or uphold statism is the definition of being a statist, which is a very ugly term when living within a Constitutional Republic.


The Seattle Times repeatedly referred to the arguments opposing I-594 as smoke screens.  “They also saw through the smoke screen from I-594’s opponents, who claimed the measure would criminalize such transfers as intrafamily gifts.”


In true communist fashion it described the legislation as, “Instead, I-594 represents a restatement of the compact gun owners have with society: The fundamental right to keep and bear arms is not absolute.”


Since when is the US Constitution and the rights it recognizes, negotiable by the States?  It isn’t, without breaking the contract.  A “restatement of the compact” cannot be done without a formal alteration of the US Constitution.  That would require a Constitutional Convention of the States of the Union.  So when did Washington State host a Constitutional Convention?  Funny but it seems none of the other states agreed to such a Convention, nor were they invited to Washington State’s shin-dig.


Washington state took it upon itself to nullify the US Constitution and create in the whole of the nation a Constitutional Crisis…not that one didn’t already exist with Obama violating it every time he turns around.  The man is re-inventing the direct-offense-wheel, once referred to by grade schoolers as ‘go sit and spin‘.


Secretary of State John F. Kerry told Congress Tuesday that President Obama wants expansive war powers to pursue the Islamic State terrorists wherever and however he deems necessary, stunning lawmakers by requesting a war authorization that would even allow the Pentagon to commit American combat troops to the fight.  ~  Obama Stuns Congress By Demanding Expanded Powers To Declare War | NTEB Newsdesk


That’s the same John Kerry who along with Senator McCain made trips to the Ukraine which resulted in US sponsored regime change which they later blamed on Russia.  And as we know from prior dialogs posted to this site, the general research consensus is that not only is Obama a sock puppet of colossal proportions, but both Kerry and McCain are well known deep state actors for the US Shadow Government as it moves out into the open supplanting elected surface government.  Ref. Catherine Austin Fitts.  Ron Paul in his recent address on the Congressional Resolution defaming Russia, which can and probably will be seen in the international relations venue as a total fiasco at least or an act of war at worst, mentioned the money that was spent on regime change in Russia.


One might wonder if the statists who are also generally-speaking supporters of the NWO pursuit of ‘no borders’ or ‘open borders’ and global government which current incarnation is for the corporations and transnational central banks by the corporations and transnational central banks rather than for or of any flesh and blood people; one might wonder if they deliberately devised this little bit of irony as a ‘back-in-your-face’ of the Celtic roots of the Pacific Northwest?  Would it be far from imagining they would strive to impinge upon Celtic Virtues and the celtic contribution of Nature’s God and natural rights by stripping the US Constitution down to its skivvies right in the heart of Celt Country?  This Old Irish American didn’t find it amusing.  There is no part of our natural rights and obligations as citizens according to the Constitution that is negotiable.  What part of “shall not be infringed,” didn’t make sense to Washington State or the Seattle Times?  My father once said, that anyone who doesn’t like this nation as it is should pack up their bucket of rocks and ship out to some other country and try their luck there.


Well it gets better yet.  Not only are the Statists laying their grubby hands on our liberties and rights, but the bureaucratic terrorists are also moving on violating our health with allowing their compadre’s their depopulation meme’s via an intent to release GM modified mosquitoes.    ZOONOTIC AND OR INSECT BORN DISEASES’ ARE THE PERFECT CARRIERS FOR PROPAGATING BIOLOGIC WARFARE AGENTS RELEASED WITH GM MODIFIED INSECTS!  We already have a variety of mosquito born diseases plaguing us such as West Nile Virus.  These right on the heels of Ebola which btw hasn’t actually ceased…it’s just not being reported by the media which these days has an attention span shorter than a three year old.  What a way to spread something like Ebola and goodness knows what else, far beyond any ability to contain?


It might be easy to swallow a suggestion of coincidink if it weren’t for having patterns traceable to a disturbing number of these various actors illustrating an effort to emminitize the eschaton (Book of Revelations or a parallel track).


NOTE:  Emminetizing the Eschaton is about creating the circumstances of Revelations final war and all that goes with it.  It is the cover for global depopulation by the Eugenics crowd.  —name withheld—- has been involved in the academic theology-building to justify or establish a public-usable version of content supporting an Eschaton.  He was making statements in dialogs with a —- name withheld —— and other associates on his blog at ——- at this time, about the Eschaton.  He’s a theoretical physicist and philosophical heretic with a reach that extends not only into the exotic end of academia but also into the environmental movement and evangelical christian community while ————– mentioned above has had visits to the Vatican.  Ref. email 12/08/2014 synopsis on the Ukraine/Russia crisis – forward, backward, and beneath the table.


When all the pieces of the puzzle are laid out on the table, we find a sleeping populace who is seemingly oblivious to the proverbial freight trains bearing down on them from opposition directions.  It isn’t the journey or the speed that hurts, it’s the sudden meeting of the minds where X marks the spot.  It reminds me of another one of those long ago wisdoms once applied to errant children, “you’re an accident looking for a place to happen.”

Cyrellys, I am ROAR.



Other wild and woolly news:

Russian Missiles Shoot Down Ukrainian Surveillance Drones Over Crimea

US military converting transport planes to carry wave of infected Ebola victims to the United States


World facing Armageddon unless Obama and Putin ‘defrost’ icy relationship: Gorbachev warns new Cold War could last for years

Elite Think Tank Admits to Ongoing Climate Engineering Experiments





Flashback: FW – ISIS Caliphate Has Created A New Front In North Africa

Quintas Dias.  From email November 29, 2014.  Re:  ISIS moving into North Africa…
This event should have the bummer man and his goddamn crew of stupid idiots thrown out of the WH and into jail.
It all began with George Soros and his buds in the WH seeking to profit from destabilizing the Middle East, especially in toppling Gaddafi, who was pursuing an independent course and for refusing the Rothschild banking cartel access to Libyan resources.  Our intelligence agents are a bunch of morons or paid-off traitors.  They should have seen the Al Qaeda connection behind the so-called Arab Spring and George Soros.  He is the same killer, war criminal,  and psychopath who also orchestrated the Orange revolutions in eastern Europe, resulting in the explosive Ukrainian crisis.
Regime change is a polite term for killing anybody in the international arena you do not like.  It is basically murder and an act of war against another state.
Bummer hides the brutal acts of his regime change notions under the neo-liberal mantra currently in vogue with the UN of acting to protect people from their leaders, termed “RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT.”
This doctrine conjured up by the globalists, is a means to intervene in the internal affairs of any state, and infers, the loss of state sovereignty.   It is based on the notion of global security architectures maintained by the UN to stop incidents of genocide or internal repression which could destabilize a country, and thus the stability of a region.  Great powers have vested interests in stability, as it grounds trade and money exchanges to benefit them.  They also have interests in removing from power anyone leader of a state perceived as a rival, or who refuses to concede economic concessions to a great power.  Just ask Gaddafi about that.
Al Qaeda has now morphed into ISIS.  A move by ISIS into North Africa, jeopardizes the entire region and I must say it poses a mortal threat to Spain.  Spain, geopolitically is enormously important.  It represents the southern axis of NATO and the shield of continental Europe from invasion from Africa.  Really?  Yeah, really!  Remember one thing.  An aggressive Islam conquered all of North Africa by the 8Th century, and then launched an invasion of Spain, dominating Spain for 800 years.  The thrust of the invasion was finally brought to a halt when the Muslim invaders attacked France.
There is another thing you should know.  This is the complicity of Turkey in facilitating the expansion of ISIS.  I attribute this to the hidden hand in Turkish affairs that really controls Turkey–the Donmeh, a faction of crypto Babylonian Jews that are part of the cabal.
 Thus far, Spain has refused to consider letting the descendants of Spanish Islamicists related to the Spanish Al Andalus to return to Spain.  And for very good reason.  ISIS has cited several times that they want the return of the glorious Cordoba Caliphate and to base it in Spain.
Of course, Americans are not to know of these things and we are constantly fed a bunch of bullshit to keep us distracted, like the mini-riots orchestrated now regularly as a new reality show entertainment  “BLACK FRIDAY” and the events in Ferguson, Missouri.
This is a very important issue that could like the Ukrainian crisis cause WW III and set the west on a direct collision course with Islam.  Albert Pike and the Illuminati sought the destruction of the world’s major religions as a final step to implement a global Luciferian-oriented government on earth.  ISIS in North Africa could very well be a step in that direction.

GEORGE SOROS AND THE ARAB SPRING 2.0 George Soros is a man obsessed. He is a diabolical genius with a gift for making vast sums of money.
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