Category Archives: Ebola Outbreak 2014

Ebola Update – December 9 2014

Quintas Dias.  If you have noticed that Ebola has dropped off the radar screen in the US–good job.  You have eyes to see with.  However, despite some estimated 400 cases under surveillance in the US and two new people undergoing tests in Phoenix, AZ and in Seattle, WA, Ebola has not gone away, especially in Africa, where it has killed two more doctors.  We have no idea of the number of people with Ebola in the US, how many are sick or those listed as dead.  The reason?  Obola and his crew have buttoned up the news media.  Does  this mean there is nothing to worry about?  Hell, no!  Obola still allows infected persons to come to the US for treatment and still allows people from the hot zones to enter the country.

Spain has been declared Ebola free.  So they say…
The latest…what you are not being told is that it has been confirmed that Ebola is transmittable through the air by vomitting, coughing, and sneezing, and can linger on surfaces for quite some time.
Ebola: What We Are Not Told | Ebola

The World Health Organization has issued a bulletin which confirms that Ebola can spread viaindirect contactwith contaminated surfaces and…
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Health Care Workers Behaving Badly?

Kaci Hickox: Judge rejects Maine’s bid to quarantine nurse. Is simple prudence the better part of valor? Source:

QUINTAS DIAS.  I suspect that this article (attached “Ebola Aid Workers Can’t Be Trusted” link below), which appeared on cue following certain statements by Obama and political pundits in very liberal Seattle is part of the psyops regime associated with Ebola.  Psyops tend to covertly manipulate people to believe in certain issues with a political outcome, and to condition people to loose confidence in themselves, an icon, or certain valued belief systems, like all nurses are angels and doctors fearless champions of humanity.  Thus, anxiety and fear set in making it much easier to manipulate people to a preconceived behavioral outcome.

more about Psyops – for Greenhorns:

Here it begins, with The Seattle Times wading in that HCWs cannot be trusted because of Nurse Wilcox and her well-connected boyfriend and Dr. Spencer, the recent victim of Ebola.

So, then what is the objective here?  Could it be the imposition of draconian medical martial law by implying that medical practitioners are a social risk to us all?  It appears to be.


Break totally the most likely source of resistance is a prime rule in counter insurgency and political warfare.  Nurses and health care practitioners are for humanity and not necessarily for politicians.  Politicians know this.  Consequently, selecting them for demonization will tend to isolate them from the mainstream, causing them to loose credibility and legitimacy with the masses.  Once that happens, it is easy to turn the masses against them, and the job is done.

The insidious and unobtrusive thread in this narrative is that by implication, if health care professionals with their near God like-aura and elevated standing are social risks to order maintenance then by association so are the masses.  Society, thus must be rigidly contained.  Only government and government officials can be trusted.  Martial law must necessarily be maintained at all costs, and those chosen to be targeted as enemies of the masses must be sacrificed and eliminated for the good of all.

This thread is all too familiar to me.  It is the same approach used by the Nazis in Germany to demonize the Jews as “infectious agents” and to isolate them from the people.  Once that is accomplished, the demonization process begins in earnest and the loss of all freedoms is a certainty.  Moreover, the last step in the process is to legitimize the death of all infectious agents as a national security construct.  In Nazi worldviews, killing the Jews and all resistors to the regime were prophylactic measures to cleanse Germany of all undesirables.  Think about it…


Ebola aid workers can’t be trusted

Whatever tattered remnants that were left of American health care workers’ benevolent image is now gone. They can thank Kaci Hickox for that. The Maine nurse, who …
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Quintus Dias

A Call Arms: Requesting Assistance From The General Population In Support of Medical Personnel and First Responders

It is abominable the level of negligence suffered by our medical personnel and other first-responders. That they should face dealing with Ebola or EV68 without the best in infectious disease protocols, training, and equipment because short-sighted or corruption conscripted administrative managers feel the whole Ebola situation is over-blown by media and genuinely worried people. Ebola is rapidly proving to be a multi-pronged biological attack upon the whole of the planet and respectively upon the American population which is seen by the eugenics movement as liberty-loving hold outs practicing an insidious form of tribalistic thinking not conducive to totalitarian control systems useful for their purposes!


Ladies and gentlemen, this means our leadership whether it is in the administrative realm or the governmental system realm is for our intensive purposes, disturbingly dysfunctional. Our medical personnel and first responders are at dire risk, as demonstrated by the nurse who has now become afflicted while treating the Texas patient from West Africa. And today the news is a flood with other possible cases, and no further viable preventative measures than the screening of body temperature of passengers disembarking from aircraft whose origins were points in or near the West African hot zones, all exercises in mediocrity, seeming more akin to grudging public pacification than any real preventative measures.


If our leadership is so disfunctional, then what are our medical personnel and first-responders to do? Direct comments from sources close to us have indicated that many will not participate in anything that even remotely resembles the E-virus if they have not what they believe to be adequate training, PPE (personal protective equipment), appropriate protocols for an infectious disease which by German accounts is not only airborne but contagious in asymptomatic states! Quite frankly our medical personnel and first responders are in dire need of the public’s direct assistance.


I call for people to contact the directors and managers of hospitals and demand they respond appropriately to the crisis BEFORE it becomes pandemic in this nation, as it is in Africa. Our first responders, nurses, physicians, and other personnel need equipment, training, and handling protocols commiserate with the experiential reality of the disease. It is not tolerable their requests to their supervisors and management are being ignored, or downplayed. It is not tolerable that government does not support them in any meaningful visible manner. It is not tolerable that the alternative media has in their possession intelligence which these professionals are not readily privy to, because of information screening, mainstream media censorship apparatus, and a seemingly simple minded approach by the CDC and its eugenics affiliates.


I could say much more, giving detailed accounts of the long lists of information pertaining to the cause for this editorial rant.  However, at this point I no longer see any purpose in reiterating what hundreds of competent researchers have already presented. These details are readily available upon the web for those with the gumption to go read what our corruption laden leadership is party to. I will however urge the public to begin considering the needs of our medical personnel and first-responders for in the absence of competent leadership, someone must step in to fulfill those needs, that these people do not become victims of the infectious disease in the course of attempting to assist others. We need communities to help them obtain documents and manuals on dealing with infectious diseases Ebola. We need business establishments to volunteer off hospital/clinic/campus locations for personnel to meet and examine these manuals and documents for themselves and determine what is imperative for their safety and operational procedures. We need communities to pool resources proactively securing any necessary supplies or equipment they request and purchase these separately if necessary to fully equip every facility, service organization, or individual who will participate in emergency, health, and peripheral operations. Local communities should also pre-arrange for local militia to provide security to facilities to against chaos, problems, terrorist assaults (because there are on records threats by ISIS and ISIS related groups), and to assist with menial external task organization thus freeing medical personnel to do what they do best. Supplies provided by the public may also include simple basics such as food, toiletries or other items a facility such as a hospital, clinic, fire or police station might require should it have to maintain its personnel on site or in the field for the duration of a crisis period. Our communities and general population must cease being solely receptors of these good people’s services and become their supporters, guardians, supply line, and inspirational fuel.


While I could bash away at those who are not doing their jobs, we all either know or can guess in each situation who those individuals are, but what would that solve? How would it make the prospects and situations of our medical professionals and first responders any better? In a crisis time and energy is always in short supply and so we must encourage each other to proactively; it is time the disjointed masses come together, thinking of how we can fill in the gaps and accomplish what otherwise should have been done under ideal situations. Americans of every stripe have always stood up and embraced attending to necessity in the most heroic of fashions in decades past. One of our most recent examples includes all those who chipped in during 9-11 and contributed or attended to the situation or the needs of those in the midst of rescue, and cleanup efforts. Despite all our social and political quarrels, when faced with adversity we Americans are first and foremost one soul, indivisable, gathered together to face down adversity and evil wherever we find it.   It is time each person within this nation comes to the full realization that we are it, we are the last line of societal defense, fully capable to calmly and collectively apply our considerable problem solving skills to any crisis, to assist any professional engaged in crisis response…. and no corruption, or incompetence will ever fully strip us of that. In the darkness, we shine.


So the call goes out. Our first responders, medical personnel, and their support systems need your assistance. Begin with asking them what they need and then rally your community to provide it quickly and efficiently. Let them know they have the support of the people and the people will do everything humanly possible to empower them to the best of their ability with whatever they need. They need to know their fellow Americans stand by to be of constructive assistance where all else fails.


Cyrellys Geibhendach,

Manticore Group



QUINTAS DIAS.  Reply October 13 of 2014.   Great stuff and very eloquently said.  I am getting feed back that the people need to flood Congress, state legislators, local officials with demands that they step up to the plate and help or BE GONE.  We are actually on the threshold of a national emergency scenario.  Ebola has all the hall marks of an extinction level event.  It may also serve as evidence of an act of war on the American people if information links the disease with the hostile intent or action of any foreign state or terrorist group.
We need to go on a war footing right now.  We are under assault by a deadly and implacable disease.  It kills people very dead.
1.  Kitchen militias run by volunteer women.  We need kitchen militias to be organized to start phone in, mail in, and email campaigns to notify other groups and to apply pressure on politicians and political nerve centers.  Objectives: (a.) raise funds locally, (b.) seek donations of medical equipment, food, water, money.  (c.)  Write consciousness raising copy and to distribute awareness literature to the public, to stores and to schools on prophylactic measures, proper PPEs, decontamination measures.
2.  Links and Info exchanges.  We need links to other community groups, blogs and websites devoted to help health care facilities and staff and to raise awareness that our health care providers and first responders are at risk.  We need these links to be able to exchange and to provide timely information on possible harms, disease tracking, damage assessments and the availability of resources in civilian hands.  They can integrate with kitchen militias.
3.  Citizen National Health Intelligence Nets.  These links will be the basis of a citizen organized and run national intelligence health network to provide information on problems, solutions and best practices in dealing with infectious diseases or the potential for terrorists to harm facilities, patients or health care workers and first responders.  This net will be run by citizens and not by the CDC or NIH.
4.  Citizen Task Forces.  We need a task force devoted to this issue at the state, local, regional and national level.  These task forces should be controlled by citizens and not fedgov.  Their main job is to identify competent leaders, issues, problems, bottlenecks, and the availability of resources for care facilities and health care personnel.  Thus the procurement of supplies, and storage facilities separate from the health facilities is a main objective.
5.  Armed Local Militias.  We need the formation of local militia groups to assist with the security of medical care facilities and staff.  We need local militias to escort first responders on code runs to prevent or to respond to ambushes.  Our militias must protect our first responders at critical incident scenes, on transpo runs to care facilities, and must provide physical security services to care facility staff, buildings, grounds and for patients.  They will be under the control of local militia commanders and will coordinate their services with police and National Guard units, but remain independent from their command staffs.  Local militias will provide training to health care staff in threat identification, assessments, and threat response, i.e active shooters on the scene, checkpoints: pass and ID controls.  They will provide their own equipment, weapons and supplies.
Either lead, follow or get the hell gone.  Ping back on ideas, thoughts welcome.  It took me five minutes to delineate the above.  WTF are our politicians doing in the meantime? Jacking off with Chinese whores no doubt.
THIS IS A CAMPAIGN ISSUE.  Any politician muffing up, evading, or shirking on this issue should be thrown out and criminally charged with malfeasance of office!
Quintus Dias
Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you, for ever

Fw: Fwd: Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’ — Commentary

QUINTAS DIAS.  (note from Cyrellys:  the following is a commentary which began with the forward of the Rockefeller “Ebola Plot” link to the group from JA.  Also due to the severity of the topic I have chosen not to do the usual edit for expletives…somethings should not be sugar coated.  Cy)

Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’Oh, come on, bullshit! You might be prompted to say, when you read this dry and deadly account of global mass murder caused by deadly microbes, as espoused by the Rockefeller Institute, their whores in academia, and by the elitist cabal operating in the global deep state now emerging in international affairs to further a covert political agenda.

Let me digress for a moment–  It’s not bullshit, but very real.

When conducting academic research for several papers on Nazi Germany, I uncovered little known archival material exposing the dreadful Nazi T-4 Euthanasia program linked to the Rockefeller Medical Institute and to Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, and links to the Anglo/American eugenicist movement.

Alan Bullock, the eminent historian on Nazi Germany and subsequently an excellent interpreter of communism and the Soviet Union provides penetrating insight into two parallel political constructs that are essentially from the same origin.

In his study, he contrasts and compares German Fascism and Soviet Communism, and underscores what a totalitarian deep state really is.  Moreover, he explores the socialist concept of what a “useless eater” is, and how Germany and the Soviet Union built secret killing machines to murder anyone tossed into the category of “useless eater” and “social parasite.”

Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola P…

21WIRE + Intellihub | It’s easy to see how something like Ebola could be used to fast-track long-term plans of the Establishment’s family cartels.
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See Bullock’s masterful and detailed historiography of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, and the origin of the deep state, and who provided the finances to carry the notion of deep state politics to realization and the motives behind it.  This book explores the notorious and hideous T-4 secret euthanasia program and why it was implemented and who designed and financed it.If you read Hitler and Stalin followed byCleansing the
Fatherland by Gotz Ally et al, a penetrating study of Nazi Racial Medicine you will be well prepared to identify and to understand the dark forces being unleashed today by the global death cult and their agenda: global pandemics, a new world war, and endless and grinding regional conflicts with no end in sight, all designed for one purpose… population elimination and the imposition of a global deep state that magnifies the power of the cabal in all sphere so life.

What one must realize, is that the Jews were a convenient pretext used to further Nazi racial medicine constructs in delineating them as “infectious parasites,” and thus, as racial aliens to the German community because of their espousal and historical association with communism, the ugly stepchild of Nazism (nobody bothers to link Karl Marx, a German Jew and widely regarded as the father of communism with the Nazi or Soviet deep state.  Moreover, few know that Marx was a paid Illuminati agent) .

Consequently, in selecting the Jews for extermination and cleansing Germany of Jews, it was only a logical step forward in selecting entire categories of persons the Nazis perceived as problematical and deserving of liquidation to cleanse the German polity: welfare cases, vagrants, bums, prostitutes, drug users and alcoholics, political non-conformists, ugly people, cripples, the homeless, drifters, developmentally challenged persons and those perceived as mental cases.  However, there was a profound rationale for getting rid of what the Nazis classified as useless eaters and persons notdeserving of life.  It was basic capitalist profit and loss constructs. Useless eaters consumed resources.  They did not generate wealth.  Thus, in Nazi eyes they were to be killed as a state interest in preserving state resources.

These measures were considered entirely legitimate and the right thing to do according to Nazi environmental concepts and their close association with the elite’s advocacy for the need of a global eugenicist movement.

Therefore, in understanding what the Nazi and parallel Soviet deep states were all about, the pseudo scientific rationales and bullshit you find in Rockefeller eugenicist and medical literature will be entirely clear for what they truly are… Global population murder schemes to further the interests and power of the occultist death cult personalities behind the scenes driving forward the imposition of a global totalitarian government.

However, in the 21St century, the cabal has selected a new measure to accomplish this.  Instead of guillotines, firing squads, gas chambers and brutal forced labor regimes, there is something far deadlier, cheaper, and much more effective… A series of global pandemics caused by deadly man made viruses.  Mass murder on a global scale contained in a pill bottle…Deal with it.

The CDC and globalist mass murder advocate, Bill Gatres now facing Indian prosecution for killing and crippling of thousands of Indian citizens with his deadly vaccines have a patent on Ebola and all of its variatons.

WTF?  It is illegal under American law to patent the genes and DNA from natural organisms.  Hmmm.  What does this tell you?   Could the implications be that Ebola is not natural, but an engineered man made virus?

Think about it and then apply the knowledge presented to you in Bullock’s interpretation of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and their two leaders, contextualized with Nazi Racial medicine and the Rockefeller’s Institute’s preoccupation with population reduction.

Hitler and Stalin

Hitler and Stalin

Forty years after his Hitler: A Study in Tyranny set a standard for scholarship of the Nazi era, Lord Alan Bullock gives readers a breath…
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Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene

Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene: 9780801848247: Medicine & Health Science Books @
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Bill Gates – Ebola, Death and Vaccines: Add In WHO, PATH, GAVI, UNICEF, Merck, GSK – EbolaGate

India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes


Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you, for ever


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Cyrellys
To: QD; Bob Bowen
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 1:05 PM
Subject: Fwd: Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: JA
Date: Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 5:51 AM
Subject: Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’
To: JA Group 

US LIBERTARIAN.   In response to:  “A group of German medical doctors in a peer-reviewed medical journal article published by Oxford University Press have challenged a key assumption regarding the Ebola virus repeatedly asserted by Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.   The researchers found that a patient showing no symptoms of the disease can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.”  Live Free or Die asking questions about censorship wrt a Susan Duclos and John Moore story:  “in it we learn from John’s sources that Ebola has now spread to 9 states and there is a total news blackout!”.

So is the CDC the “Center for Disease Creation” or is it ‘Control’? The CDC patent on ebola certainly implies that it could be a biologically engineered weapon, that could be used to bring forth the NEW WORLD ORDER. Just posing the scientific question..Dave Hodges in the below link has information that forced vaccinations will soon be implemented. The globalists will use it to destroy what is left of freedom in America and will force vaccinations of questionable safety onto the American people. Just remember a certain former Microsoft guru, was helping the funding for India to administer polio vaccines and some 40,000 people were crippled by its administration. We certainly don’t want that certain someone to profit from a questionable ‘forced’ EBOLA vaccine that could be just as unsafe, or deadlier, than the Indian fiasco. And our President’s actions certainly expose a wreckless agenda to allow infected Africans, (undetected by temperature-taking measures at 5 US airports), into the country and to send 4000 US troops to the hot ebola zones in Africa. These reckless actions need to be suspended immediately to prevent the spread, of what definitely appears to be a ’12 Monkeys’ scenario, where even people in bio-suits are coming down with it. The infected population is doubling every 20 days in Liberia.…


Nano-silver may also be a possible cure, but of course, that is being prohibited from being flown into Africa. .………

Colloidal silver could be a cure, but that is being blocked by the powers that be from coming into Africa….

Three followers of wisdom:  imagination, purpose, and endeavor. — Irish Triad

FiOs ~ “Vision, Memory, Dream” Berla Feini (old Irish), “Knowledge” Modern Irish.

In singing, in exploring our connection to our Spirit and the Creative Source, then turning to examine our Reality, what we thought was only Imagination or only a Dream is revealed to be the most powerful Truth of all…

India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crime…

Vaccines provided by the Gates Foundation have caused thousands of deaths and cases of paralysis in many countries, including India, Japan, Pakistan and Africa.
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Bill Gates – Ebola, Death and Vaccines: Add In WHO, P…

Bill Gates is central to the following article about vaccine crimes in India and Africa. “The Gates Foundation Blamed for 10,000 Vaccine-Related Deaths In 2013, yet…
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Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola P…

21WIRE + Intellihub | It’s easy to see how something like Ebola could be used to fast-track long-term plans of the Establishment’s family cartels.
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Healthcare Worker Astonished at Mediocre Equipment Purchased By Hospital

Quayle Alerts.  Anonymous.  I work for a major Hospital in Kansas City. My Co worker just showed me a little hood–This is how unprepared we are that the Hospital bought to use for Ebola Patients…they bought 12.

Hey Steve..just might want to share this with Hawk…we are in so much trouble with this Ebola thing…i work for a major Hospital in Kansas City.

My Co worker just showed me a little hood that the Hospital bought to use for Ebola Patients…they bought 12. 12. No kidding. To be used by employees, visitors, and Patients. Yes….shared. No suits…just
hoods. Shared. 12. We are so screwed if it’s takes off. I thought it
was a joke at first. It was not. This is how unprepared we are..these are


Oct 10, 2014



QUINTAS DIAS.   Sadly, Ebola victim, Mr. Thomas E. Duncan has succumbed.  There should be an inquest to see who was complicit in this man’s death and what measures could have been taken to prevent it.

1.  Duncan could have been detained and quarantined in Africa.
2.  Duncan could have been refused boarding rights on the air carriers that flew him to America.
3. Airport medical inspectors at his destination could have quarantined Duncan.
4. The President could have revoked landing rights to air carriers coming in from African Ebola contagion zones.
5.  Hospital staff could have also quarantined Mr. Duncan.
This is not to place to conduct a post-mortem analysis of the facts and circumstances contributing to Mr. Duncan’s passing.  That is an inquest panel’s responsibility.  The intent is to jar awake apathetic public officials charged with our public safety and to remove incompetent ones.
We know that Duncan participated in transporting a sick Ebola patient in Africa.  Thus, he was exposed to the disease.  Much less is known about his itinerary and travel arrangements.
Duncan was allowed to deplane and meld within the Dallas civilian population.  Duncan was likely symptomatic at some point within ten days of his arrival in the United States.
Becoming ill, he sought medical help at Dallas’ Presbyterian Hospital. Something went wrong at the hospital.  Staff failed to dig into his background and missed important signifiers that Duncan could be a possible Ebola carrier.  There is no point in blaming the hospital examining staff for the tragedy. Sometimes the only way you learn is from the bitter fruit realized from your mistakes. However, the bitter fruit remains.  There were intelligence signifiers available that should have prompted medical staff to dig deeper into Duncan’s background.
We know the hospital tried to evade responsibility for releasing Duncan back into the population after being given a prescription for antibiotics.
We know that Duncan was transported in an ambulance and vomited inside the ambulance.  We know that he was found deathly sick in his apartment and vomited on the sidewalk outside of his apartment. We do not know how many people Duncan met while symptomatic
Duncan’s immediate close contacts have been quarantined.

We are not sure about the ambulance crew

The ambulance, the sidewalk, and Duncan’s apartment were decontaminated days after his admission to hospital.
The clean up crew used a high-pressure washer to flush the sidewalk of vomit.  Thus, highly contagious body fluids were blown about, possibly contaminating the clean up crew, and were dispersed about the area, and flushed down sewer drains by rain.
We are not sure whether any of the passengers aboard Duncan’s flights have been identified or have been placed under observation.
A CDC spokesperson publicly stated there was no danger of contagion and no, the CDC was not going to search for, and track individuals Duncan may have been in contact.
Mr.  Duncan is now dead.
Subsequently, the President remains indifferent about taking any vigorous action to limit or stop air travel from Africa’s contagion zones into the United States.
Moreover, the US southern border remains unsecured.  ISIS spokespersons have publicly stated that they intend to slip deliberately infected Ebola operatives over the US border to infect US citizens.
Meanwhile, we have a jackass American politician calling for US airstrikes on African villages in the contagion zone to kill anyone infected with Ebola.
This is a classic example of a chain of cascading events setting into motion a tragic trajectory with a fatal outcome.  In sum, Duncan should never have been allowed to board an aircraft departing the contagion zone given the information regarding his background.  African airport authorities did nothing to stop him. US authorities did nothing to prevent the aircraft from landing and Duncan from deplaning.
Hospital staff did not properly identify Duncan as a possible carrier and released him.  Hospital management tried to cover up the error.  The CDC and the NIH stated they would do nothing to stop incoming flights from Africa’s contagion zone.  The President declined to take action.  Now, we have a man dead, and who knows how many potential Ebola vectors loose inside the United States.
The Border Patrol captured an ISIS terror cell on the border.  Where are the others?  Criminals employ effective stratagems in allowing sacrificial goats to be apprehended while allowing others to slip through checkpoints.
There is an urgent need to add hospital and medical staff to US intelligence planning and operation parameters.  They need to be alerted to possible WMD CBRN threats. There is an urgent need to share medical intelligence with US allies in Europe, Africa, and Mexico.
US medical care facilities and medical staff are NOT adequately trained or even prepared to handle an infectious disease crisis of the scale now ongoing in Africa. Hospitals need to coordinate SOPs with police and emergency responders.
In light of the lessons learned from Mumbai and the recent devastating terror attack on a hospital in Yemem, US authorities need to consider hardening hospitals, and increasing security for hospital and medical staff.  Our doctors and nurses NEED and deserve protection.
Despite credible evidence to the contrary, personnel at the NIH and CDC still maintain Ebola cannot be transmitted through the air.
Unfortunately, the focus on treatment or prevention remains on vaccination without due regard of their questionable record of effectiveness, and scores of confirmed deaths resulting from their use.
It was not a good fortnight.
The American people deserve better than this.
Quintus Dias

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video THENEWSCOMMENTER SHOCK REPORT: 10 ISIS Fighters Caught By US Border Patrol


Cops, Terrorists and Infectious Disease

QUINTAS DIAS.  F—– was a state policeman.  He was in his 30s, nice-looking with a pleasant disposition.  He’d been on the force for four years and was the designated area hazmat officer.
We were having dinner at Tio’s an excellent Mexican restaurant and talking shop.  The topic switched to Texas and the recent death of T.E. Duncan the Liberian Ebola victim.  F——– expressed his regrets over Duncan’s death.  That is all I needed to bore in.
I asked what preps the police were taking to face an infectious disease outbreak.  F——- grimaced and glanced away.
“Dude, come on, ain’t gonna go public with who you are… I’ll deep background ya, my word on it.” I said, hoping this might prompt F—— to open up.
I asked him if the police agencies were being issued PPEs and training on when and how to use this protective gear.  F—— said.  “I’ve got my Tyvek hazmat suit, respirator and other stuff and that’s it.” I asked him to explain.  F——- added that he was part of the state hazmat response task force, a specialized unit.  A brief silence ensued.  He knew what I was thinking.  “No, I’m it in the district…  The other guys don’t have a damn thing, or have the training either.”
I told him what I knew about the circumstances of several Texas cops allegedly displaying Ebola symptoms.  The cops had been dispatched to serve a search warrant at the Duncan residence.
I asked him if he had heard about the ISIS terrorist cell apprehended on the border by the border cops.  He shook his head.  I got mad.  F—– looked around to see who was watching.  I lowered my voice and shot him a look.
“Dude you and the guys, if you don’t get heads out of asses are in MF city.”
F——- look pained and agreed.  He confirmed that the state police lacked PPEs and response protocols.  There was little or no inter-agency hazmat training.  The state had a hazmat unit, were good, but were dispersed and too few to handle any type of sustained chemical or bacteriological onslaught.  The local cops were hopelessly behind.
I was getting hotter.  I asked him if he was aware of lessons learned in the Mumbai terrorist assault and if he knew about terrorists blowing up a hospital in Yemen recently.
“Jesus, didn’t know about that.”  He replied.  I asked him what management was doing to upgrade training and equipment to contend with  infectious diseases or running  into an ambush set to prep a kill zone to take out first responders, or to respond to an active shooter situation at a health care facility.  F——- looked sick and shrugged.
“What are you guys doing about intelligence.”  I asked.  “Well, I brief the locals on what we know.”  I asked him if clinics and hospitals were tied into a formal intelligence network.  He shook his head.
F—– said there had been no contingency plans or consideration to involve health care facilities, medical personnel in assessing security at health care facilities, planning a mutual aid response, target hardening or protecting paramedics, patients, and nurses on site.
Then F——- said something that electrified me.  “I’m up to speed on hazmat scenarios, know the protocols and how to use my stuff… but I gotta say most of the guys, and that includes me will probably not go on a call.”  He added that the bottom line was that the cops couldn’t handle it.
I shot back that he and the guys needed to put heat on the goddamn politicians and the highers.  F——- snickered.
We did a high five half-heartedly, as we pushed our plates away and got up to leave.  I paid and watched F——- saunter over to his cruiser.  He nodded at me and drove away.
I felt sick and depressed.
In sum, the state police and most of the local police were not ready to handle a terrorist attack on any major facility, including a medical facility, lacked equipment and training, and were behind the power curve.  Management did not seem very concerned or aware.  Hospitals and clinics were not part of an integrated intelligence network.
The bummer man is full of [expletive].  DHS is full of it.  So is the NIH and the CDC…buncha puffed up morons.
I knew what would happen to F——- if he choose to go public.  He’ be fired instantly.  He’d loose all of his benefits, his pension and he’d go on the do-not- hire blacklist.  F——- was doomed to shoveling [expletive] in a chicken coop if he blew the whistle.
I drove home in a very black mood.
F——- is a good cop and a good man.  He has a nice family.  Doctor Bennet is also a good man.  Nurse Angela, is a sweet matron with wonderful bedside skills.  They all are part of our first line response community.  People live or die based on their skills, perceptions and willingness to get involved.
When I got home, I checked the latest news reports.  The nurse’s condition in Spain is worsening.  Possible Ebola cases were reported in Austria, a British citizen was reported dead in Macedonia from possible Ebola. A recent poll indicated a majority of Americans wanted incoming flights from Africa’s hot zones stopped, while Ebola cases were reported in France, an Ebola cluster in Spain, and three Texas cops were now reported symptomatic.  To top it off Ebola burial crews in Sierra Leone were going on strike.
And our elected leaders, WTF about them?  What were they doing?  Well, one politician was calling for napalming African villages in the hot zones.  An American reporter was decrying media and official lack of transparency regarding the pandemic EV68 virus outbreak, killing kids and adults and rendering others with a polio-like paralysis.
CLICK… I turned off the news.  I had had enough.  Just before staring off at the wall numb, I caught a flash of a headline on the computer.  I brought up the article and smiled.
The American people were buying up all the emergency gear they could get their hands on.  Emergency gear suppliers were reporting up to 240% spikes in sales on: face masks, gloves, booties, disinfectants, protective suits, gas masks and all kinds of emergency gear, including manuals.
Good.  That underscored something about the American people I had learned a long time ago.  They were always far ahead of the goddamn politicians and were taking their security into their own hands.
I lingered on a thought.  Perhaps these people could be inspired to help F——-, and the little nurses out there left on their own to cope with a prolonged infectious disease outbreak and to form protective details to provide some physical security protection for our first responders and medical facility staff.
The thought cheered me.
I bet they will.
Quintus Dias
Ebola bodies pile up in Sierra Leone as burial teams str…

Health official in country at heart of outbreak says situation “very embarrassing” as bodies left lying in streets
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ISIS Ebola Suicide Bombers Coming To America, Europe

Just when you think the situation cant get any worse, theres a new threat being announced by the Israeli News Agency.
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Rhiza Labs FluTracker Forum • View topic – Suspect Ebola…

Ebola: Suspected case in Paris suburbs The Local | 9 Oct 2014, 19:23 A building was cordoned off on the outskirts of Paris on Thursday after a suspected case of Ebo…
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Everything’s Fine: Ebola afflicted locations

Europe.  Everything’s fine-Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

(A message from your caring and sharing Govt. of scumbags)

See list of Ebola afflicted locations quoted from link below:

Below is a list of countries that have confirmed cases of Ebola: Is Mainstream media facilitating mass murder by omitting facts?

Below is a list of countries that have confirmed cases of Ebola:
· Every country in Africa
· Spain
· Italy
· France
· Germany
· Poland
· Greece
· Turkey
· Saudi Arabia
· Yemen
· Oman
· Iran
· Kuwait
· Vietnam
· Myanmar
· India
· Indonesia
· Australia
· China
· Brazil
· Venezuela
· Mexico
· United States
· Canada

What you’re seeing here is the initial global footprint of the Ebola virus. It is most likely that each one of the above countries has more than one case; and, they are struggling to maintain the public’s confidence. We should see a second global wave of Ebola cases following a brief incubation period. The secondary global outbreak will be under-reported, as well. Around the end of October/beginning of November, during the tertiary wave, it will become apparent this is a global pandemic that has spiraled completely out of control.

At this point, economies will start to falter, airline travel will decline rapidly, and governments around the world will blame each other for lack of truthfulness.

One may appropriately expect the spread of Ebola through the international community to look like the spread of Enterovirus-68 in the United States:

1. Initial outbreaks played down and under-reported.
2. Initial reporting suggests the government and health agencies are responding appropriately.
3. Spread has reached several states.
4. Number infected suggests it is completely out of control.
5. Confirmation that it is completely out of control.
6. Increase in morbidity and mortality.
7. Public panic ensues.

It is possible the spread of Ebola will burn through the population like the flu-both have similar infection mechanisms and life expectancies in the external environment. Let’s pray this assessment is completely wrong!

Oct 6, 2014


Dialog on Fw: PLEASE READ…May Apply to You

Naconah.   Note this event…we are likely to see more of it…nobody is addressing this issue but are forcing it on the public.

From JC via Email on October 7th of 2014.

This is important.  Suspected E patient taken into protective custody and remanded to psychiatric hospital.
1.  Is the hospital level 4 certified?
2.  Does staff have the appropriate training and means to supervise infected patients?
3.  Does hospital have adequate security to confine patient and to prevent escape or contact with non hospital staff?
God, I am sick of this and cannot keep up with it…


Reply by Cyrellys.   October 7 of 2014.
Why on earth would they send an E-patient to a psych hospital?  What, they trying to disappear people who contract the disease?  And is the patient a health care worker?  Or someone else?  Link?

Ebola Bioweapon, Possible Cure: Nano Silver and Sugar For Wound Care

Quintas Dias.  FYI.  Do some research on the use of silver in fighting bacteria and other types of illnesses with the use of colloidal silver that started in the 1930s.
There is considerable evidence that silver particulates have been known to be effective in fighting bacteria and viruses for thousands of years.  Also keep in mind that Napoleon popularized the use of sugar to treat wounds in his army.  Note the effectiveness of healing wounds and burns by using sugar/honey/grease that goes all the way back to the ancient Egyptians.
As a young man, I was seriously flash burned on my lower legs from an explosion and had to undergo the painful process of surgical debridement.  My nurses were wonderful and did such a good job that today the scaring from the wounds are almost indistinguishable.
The sugar/honey/cooking oil treatment does not require debridement for burns.  You do NOT want to undergo debridement or be confined to a burn center.  What is debridement?  It is the cutting away of damaged flesh by the use of surgical scissors and scalpels.  Snip, snip, cut, cut, snip, snip.  Major hurt and pain.  Back in the day they did not have lasers.  I was in hospital for four months.
Nucleus factsheet image
This is one of the reasons we have a huge and bitter divide between allotropic and osteopathic approaches to healing.  One uses synthetic drugs and the other natural compounds.
Keep in mind that like with the CDC, the FDA represents big biz and Big Pharma.  Colloidal and nano silver, if effective would undermine the huge antibiotic industry.  Big Pharma holds monopoly positions in the drug industry and do not want competition.  This is the same type of hostility found between monopoly capitalism and entrepreneurial capitalism…they are mutually exclusive.
World’s Oldest Antibiotic Also Shows Promise as an Anti-…

World’s Oldest Antibiotic Also Shows Promise as an Anti-Cancer Therapy
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Sugar for Wound Care – The People’s Pharmacy

by Richard A. Knutson, MD • WHAT IS SUGARDYNE? Sugardyne is a specially-formulated dressing composition suitable for use on a great variety and number of wounds, burns and ulcers. It was developed in its earliest form by the battlefield surgeons of ancient Egypt some 4,000 y…
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 Quintus Dias