Category Archives: Population Theory

Flashback: FW – ISIS Caliphate Has Created A New Front In North Africa

Quintas Dias.  From email November 29, 2014.  Re:  ISIS moving into North Africa…
This event should have the bummer man and his goddamn crew of stupid idiots thrown out of the WH and into jail.
It all began with George Soros and his buds in the WH seeking to profit from destabilizing the Middle East, especially in toppling Gaddafi, who was pursuing an independent course and for refusing the Rothschild banking cartel access to Libyan resources.  Our intelligence agents are a bunch of morons or paid-off traitors.  They should have seen the Al Qaeda connection behind the so-called Arab Spring and George Soros.  He is the same killer, war criminal,  and psychopath who also orchestrated the Orange revolutions in eastern Europe, resulting in the explosive Ukrainian crisis.
Regime change is a polite term for killing anybody in the international arena you do not like.  It is basically murder and an act of war against another state.
Bummer hides the brutal acts of his regime change notions under the neo-liberal mantra currently in vogue with the UN of acting to protect people from their leaders, termed “RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT.”
This doctrine conjured up by the globalists, is a means to intervene in the internal affairs of any state, and infers, the loss of state sovereignty.   It is based on the notion of global security architectures maintained by the UN to stop incidents of genocide or internal repression which could destabilize a country, and thus the stability of a region.  Great powers have vested interests in stability, as it grounds trade and money exchanges to benefit them.  They also have interests in removing from power anyone leader of a state perceived as a rival, or who refuses to concede economic concessions to a great power.  Just ask Gaddafi about that.
Al Qaeda has now morphed into ISIS.  A move by ISIS into North Africa, jeopardizes the entire region and I must say it poses a mortal threat to Spain.  Spain, geopolitically is enormously important.  It represents the southern axis of NATO and the shield of continental Europe from invasion from Africa.  Really?  Yeah, really!  Remember one thing.  An aggressive Islam conquered all of North Africa by the 8Th century, and then launched an invasion of Spain, dominating Spain for 800 years.  The thrust of the invasion was finally brought to a halt when the Muslim invaders attacked France.
There is another thing you should know.  This is the complicity of Turkey in facilitating the expansion of ISIS.  I attribute this to the hidden hand in Turkish affairs that really controls Turkey–the Donmeh, a faction of crypto Babylonian Jews that are part of the cabal.
 Thus far, Spain has refused to consider letting the descendants of Spanish Islamicists related to the Spanish Al Andalus to return to Spain.  And for very good reason.  ISIS has cited several times that they want the return of the glorious Cordoba Caliphate and to base it in Spain.
Of course, Americans are not to know of these things and we are constantly fed a bunch of bullshit to keep us distracted, like the mini-riots orchestrated now regularly as a new reality show entertainment  “BLACK FRIDAY” and the events in Ferguson, Missouri.
This is a very important issue that could like the Ukrainian crisis cause WW III and set the west on a direct collision course with Islam.  Albert Pike and the Illuminati sought the destruction of the world’s major religions as a final step to implement a global Luciferian-oriented government on earth.  ISIS in North Africa could very well be a step in that direction.

GEORGE SOROS AND THE ARAB SPRING 2.0 George Soros is a man obsessed. He is a diabolical genius with a gift for making vast sums of money.
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Dialog: ISIS on the Border and My Confession

By QUINTAS DIAS.  From Email October 12 of 2014.

Report: Feds Arrest Four ISIS Terrorists in Texas

Apprehended in the last 36 hours… Government watchdog group Judicial Watch says they have received intel from high-level government sources claiming that federal …
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Man, all of a sudden we have Fox News (faux news, lol) screaming that ISIS is affiliated now with radical Black Muslims.  The f–[expletive]? What does that mean?  Well, the black chop dude that did that lady recently in OK is a rad black Muslim.  Digressing…
I am very leery about a lot of this.  I’ve been had before and a lot of this stinks.  Especially with ISIS suddenly evolving out of no where.  I do not buy that crap.  Nothing in politics suddenly evolves.  Digressing…
Back in the 1970s, we had the Black Liberation Army (BLA) blowing shit up and killing police officers, robbing banks, and killing folks.  Quite a few of them were Muslims.
My contacts conclude that after making some WAGS (wild ass guesses) and intelligence assessments, that like the Black Panthers, present day radical black Muslims have morphed to serve a new purpose…dunno for sure what it is.  Digressing again…
I had a lot of experience back in my day with the George Jackson Brigade and that asshole, John Sherman, the Brigade’s leader robbing banks and blowing shit up in the Pac NW.  His girlfriend, a gorgeous legal adviser slipped him a handgun that he used to escape custody after he got shot up and was convicted of bank robbery after the memorable Tukwila, WA bank robbery and blazing shoot out that left Sherman wounded.
Back then, I was hot on the trail of Sherman, and before that on the trail of the SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army).  We had set up a road block to intercept Sherman supposedly on his way back from CA, but we were too late.  An act of God?  I don’t know, but we were determined to shoot it out with Sherman and his bad boys.  He got past us.  Good for him, good for me.
I was also assigned to track leads regarding the SLA and Patty Hearst’s movements in the PAC NW back in the day.  I didn’t have a clue about the deep state politics and the agenda involved in these incidents until much, much later.
Today, I and a lot of other cops, wiser, and much more mature, are quite bitter because we had the wool pulled over our eyes many times over by our own government.  We did not like bank robbers or armed robbers (didn’t like the FBI that much either).  But we respected an honest criminal.  Imagine how we felt when we discovered that another bank robber, Cinque (Donald deFreeze) of the SLA (and perhaps Sherman) were in fact manipulated by the Illumines inside the CIA and the FBI.
Note: these later day findings apply equally well to another major asshole we were chasing around back then.  Who was that?  Well, it was that Weatherman dude, Bill Ayers, the bummer man’s mentor, who claims little knowledge of Obama, but then smirks that he maybe wrote Bummer’s biography, “Dreams of my Father” (Bill, you were an [expletive] back then and you are still a [expletive]).
Today, many years later, the inescapable conclusion is that these people were provocation agents, perhaps unwitting, but serving a covert agenda nonetheless.  Today, we know what it was.  “The man”was scared of rising black consciousness and the evolving wide acceptance of black power movements among whites.  That’s right, white kids were buying into black angst and identifying with it.  [expletive] groovy– right on, bro!  That scared the [expletive] out of the man.
What was the purpose of creating fictitious bad guys and terrorists we all could all rally around and hate?  I’ll attempt to explain it.  Basically, it is political warfare 101.
The man wanted to disrupt black unity movements, black aspirations, and the emerging civil rights movement…  Essentially, guys like George Jackson’s Soledad Brothers, Donald deFreeze, the Black Panthers, the BLA assholes served as “useful idiots,” to push forward a preplanned political agenda.  They were usually disposed of by equally stupid cops in spectacular shoot outs like the LAPD and SLA shootout.
So what about that foxy UCLA black professor who got mixed up with the BLA and Panther dudes, the feminist movement, and black power movements?  Maybe despite her Ph.D, professor Angela Davis was just another dumb fuck like me, and the cops out there chasing her bros around.  Fact is, we were COINTELPROED.  WTF?
And the man COINTELPROED a lot of chicks back in the day, when deep cover CIA operative Gloria Steinem and that porn rag devoted to female orgasms and male bashing Cosmopolitan got lots of chicks to burn their bras and to switch from wearing sexy French cut panties to guys’ jockey shorts (oh, no!).  Digressing…
A lot of guys bought into the political drama and social angst surrounding the feminist movement, too.  They dropped their balls and became wussies, another crop of useful idiots for the man. This is not to say that a lot of morons out there fucking around on their women, beating up their wives and girlfriends. getting constantly drunk, screwing the pooch, smoking dope, and acting badly toward women did not lend legitimacy to the feminist movement.  It sure did.  And then some.  However, it would have served us all much better if the women along with decent males had gotten baseball bats and had beaten the shit out of these guys.  Then we could have all gone back to being men and women, loving each other, instead of being enemies playing that “she said, he said bullshit” that drives up apart.  [expletive] man, he be real sly and ya gotta watch his moves.
I gotta say that we were stupid back then.  The “man” knew how to use the cops’ patriotism, willingness to serve, and our blind faith in the goodness of America, and its leaders as weapons against us and the American people.  That has all changed.  There are still plenty of stupid cops out there today, but the people have woken up and they are much wiser today than ever before.
In many cases, the people see right through all the bullshit and political theater.  So now, instead of bank robbing [expletive]s like Sherman and Ayers, we have Ebola, and Muslim head choppers playing these roles.  Same old shit and same old story.  Thing is, the scripts are stale, have been played too many times before, and our people are tired of being led down the primrose path by sly werewolves.  We got guard dog packs watching our backs and those dogs have sharp drooling fangs and they want payback.  Payback is a bitch.
I learned much of this to my horror from army CID operatives and from a former LAPD (LEIU) intelligence cop, who I networked with.  He jumped ship, told “the man” to fuck off and the last I know of, is still driving his tractor around in circles on his remote Alaska homestead.  I wasn’t far behind in following him to Alaska, when something else came up diverting me to another purpose.
See the links–
The Lighthouse Report

THE CONSTANTINE REPORT No. 1 “Remote Viewing” at Stanford Research Institute or Illicit CIA Mind Control Experimentation?
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vacaville | In Search of Black Assassins

Posts about vacaville written by Prince Ray
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Bill Ayers– Profile of Bill Ayers, the Weatherman (aka …

Bill Ayers led the Weathermen, a 1970s student group, to violent action in the quest to achieve a classless society and protest the Vietnam war.
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COINTELPRO FBI Domestic Intelligence Activities COINTELPRO Revisited – Spying & Disruption
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I am NOT getting down on blacks…do not forget there are legions out there who love America, have served as good soldiers, as cops, as legislators, business men and scientists.  The Illumines, goddamn their rotten hearts want to use our black folks as racial weapons to ignite a devastating race war.
It’s not working very well, is it?  And it will never work, as long as whites and others reach across the divide to assure black folks that we will join with and protect them as they must with us.  That drives the man up the [expletive] wall.
Another thing, the media will have you believe is that blacks are all criminals or criminal wanna bes… You know MOFOS.  Well, there are lots of black criminals.  I put a lot of them in jail and had it out with some of them.   However, there are even more decent black folks then black criminals.  And there are even more white criminals than blacks.  Black criminals just stand out more because they are black, is all.
So, eff the media.  What we need to do is to reach out to our black bros and sisters.  We have much more in common than we realize.  Same goes for decent Muslims who believe in America.  Islam is not my religion, but Muslims have a fundamental right to worship as they please under the First Amendment and the Constitution and that is what is really at stake here.
Don’t know about you folks, but I am sick and tired of being fooled and had by the man.
Quintus Dias

Reply by Cyrellys on October 12 of 2014.
In regards to your story this recent account piece from one of the listeners at Quayle’s Alerts seems apropos to note:

Islamic loyalty in US Military & Russian troops.You must understand the nature of this threat especially, to those who serve along side of those whose job will be to kill you when ‘it happens’I was traveling through the southeast for my business this past wk. I stopped overnight in Johnson City TN before I headed to Virginia. I met some business partners of mine to discuss growth & numbers at a restaurant/bar. Granted our conversation inevitably moved towards the realities of our market place & current economic state of the nation & the world. In the midst of this conversation, a strong, early 30’s black man approaches me & asks me if I’m in the military(he was wearing his dogs tags) I said no but I come from a military family. He then asked what I know. I responded with what do you mean? He then began to aggressive. He pulls out his military ID & says we can’t talk at the table come outside. (I come from a military family & have been around some very influential people in my time & you &I both know what’s coming)

When we got outside his first question to me was are you Russian?! I’m not I said no. Than he kept saying don’t lie to me! You look just like them! You know more than you’re saying!

After i shared with him what I know about money, powers at be, & the times we live in he than asks “who’s side are you on?” I’m an American, I know this country is toast but I’ll stand by my fellow Americans. He then asked again who’s side are you on? I had to ask what do you mean? He then lifts his sleeve & shows his tattoo on his arm, which is a text/quote out of the Quran.. He then looks at me & says plainly, ‘I will not shoot an American citizen, until the EVENTS. If we see each other again when this takes place and I know which side you are on. (I’m a Christian!) I asked why did it matter if I’m Russian? He said ‘they know, & we (radical Muslims) know it’s soon’, we talk. (I also know there’s a large population of Russians in the Smokey Mountain areas & Appalachian/BlueRidge) 

I’d appreciate your insight on this seeing that there is an American Citizen in our military who’s loyalty is ultimately to Islam & apparently they “talk” with the UN Russian troops “waiting” here.

Whatever’s coming is big, & it’s coming soon. CHRIS

Oct 10, 2014

Reply from Bob on October 12 of 2014 via email. 

QD,  I sure am glad that you are on the same page as I on the racial issues!  I have been telling black people for several years now that this entire racial strife is orchestrated by government/illumines/ et. al. to implement their “divide and conquer” game plan of enslavement on all of us, black and white and you can throw the Hispanics into this scam with us !  One of the founders of the NAACP was Jewish Bankster Jacob Schiff, a white man who wanted to divide the races so we couldn’t gang up on the evil banksters and throw them out of the country.
During my last two years of trying to get the Constitution Party moving forward in New Mexico I have spoken to many black Americans trying to explain how we need to join hands (forces?) and convince both of our races that we all are Americans and we are being made fools of ourselves by buying into the racial divide !  The Black people in this country are not AFRICANS !  They are AMERICANS !  Abraham Lincoln tried to convince the black Americans to return to Africa, but most refused because they were born and raised right here in America, and most had been here for many generations.  They would have been in a very strange land (to them) if they had gone to Africa in the 19th century, and more so if they go now !  i.e.  We need to join together and win back our freedom from the global bankster overlords who THINK they own us and want eventually to eliminate us !
What disappoints me today, is that the black people I spoke to seemed to agree with me, but none have contacted me to move forward and bring our two peoples together.  They did appear to be very surprised to hear that message coming from an old white man.  I told them that it may be more difficult for me to convince the white people than it would for me to get the support of the blacks.  Our white people are so brainwashed, but I truly believe that it is our only hope of winning freedom for all of us.  Real education needs to be free of government interference and open to total local control.  Our youth must be educated to the truth and leave the social engineering to the dustbins of history forever!
–Bob ———–
New Mexico

Reply from PB on October 13 of 2014 via email.  I have a short story to tell that I hope give at least a little bit of insight into today’s condition.
When I was a young teenager in the mid 1980’s I attended church with my family at a very active and outreaching church. almost every week we had someone from around the nation or world come in a present something different that would either be very uplifting, heavily warning, or strongly informative.
One Sunday evening a very well dressed black man with jeri curls and a slight islander accent told the church about a subversive movement going on in the seminary schools but especially those of the black organizations. He said they are being literally invaded by islamic men who are not seeking to change themsleves but instead seeking to subvert and change the Christian church. He said they (the “black” church) has been targeted and many ministers in the churches are already (in the 1980s) causing problems. It seemed that NO ONE listened.
I can go on with examples like BOBO calling himself a Christian and that minister “Wright” calling himself a Christian when we know better.  However I just wanted to lay down the idea this has been going on for at least 35 years and those PTBs are definitely generational in their approach.  Christians must stop avoiding generational thinking.

Fw: Fwd: Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’ — Commentary

QUINTAS DIAS.  (note from Cyrellys:  the following is a commentary which began with the forward of the Rockefeller “Ebola Plot” link to the group from JA.  Also due to the severity of the topic I have chosen not to do the usual edit for expletives…somethings should not be sugar coated.  Cy)

Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’Oh, come on, bullshit! You might be prompted to say, when you read this dry and deadly account of global mass murder caused by deadly microbes, as espoused by the Rockefeller Institute, their whores in academia, and by the elitist cabal operating in the global deep state now emerging in international affairs to further a covert political agenda.

Let me digress for a moment–  It’s not bullshit, but very real.

When conducting academic research for several papers on Nazi Germany, I uncovered little known archival material exposing the dreadful Nazi T-4 Euthanasia program linked to the Rockefeller Medical Institute and to Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, and links to the Anglo/American eugenicist movement.

Alan Bullock, the eminent historian on Nazi Germany and subsequently an excellent interpreter of communism and the Soviet Union provides penetrating insight into two parallel political constructs that are essentially from the same origin.

In his study, he contrasts and compares German Fascism and Soviet Communism, and underscores what a totalitarian deep state really is.  Moreover, he explores the socialist concept of what a “useless eater” is, and how Germany and the Soviet Union built secret killing machines to murder anyone tossed into the category of “useless eater” and “social parasite.”

Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola P…

21WIRE + Intellihub | It’s easy to see how something like Ebola could be used to fast-track long-term plans of the Establishment’s family cartels.
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See Bullock’s masterful and detailed historiography of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, and the origin of the deep state, and who provided the finances to carry the notion of deep state politics to realization and the motives behind it.  This book explores the notorious and hideous T-4 secret euthanasia program and why it was implemented and who designed and financed it.If you read Hitler and Stalin followed byCleansing the
Fatherland by Gotz Ally et al, a penetrating study of Nazi Racial Medicine you will be well prepared to identify and to understand the dark forces being unleashed today by the global death cult and their agenda: global pandemics, a new world war, and endless and grinding regional conflicts with no end in sight, all designed for one purpose… population elimination and the imposition of a global deep state that magnifies the power of the cabal in all sphere so life.

What one must realize, is that the Jews were a convenient pretext used to further Nazi racial medicine constructs in delineating them as “infectious parasites,” and thus, as racial aliens to the German community because of their espousal and historical association with communism, the ugly stepchild of Nazism (nobody bothers to link Karl Marx, a German Jew and widely regarded as the father of communism with the Nazi or Soviet deep state.  Moreover, few know that Marx was a paid Illuminati agent) .

Consequently, in selecting the Jews for extermination and cleansing Germany of Jews, it was only a logical step forward in selecting entire categories of persons the Nazis perceived as problematical and deserving of liquidation to cleanse the German polity: welfare cases, vagrants, bums, prostitutes, drug users and alcoholics, political non-conformists, ugly people, cripples, the homeless, drifters, developmentally challenged persons and those perceived as mental cases.  However, there was a profound rationale for getting rid of what the Nazis classified as useless eaters and persons notdeserving of life.  It was basic capitalist profit and loss constructs. Useless eaters consumed resources.  They did not generate wealth.  Thus, in Nazi eyes they were to be killed as a state interest in preserving state resources.

These measures were considered entirely legitimate and the right thing to do according to Nazi environmental concepts and their close association with the elite’s advocacy for the need of a global eugenicist movement.

Therefore, in understanding what the Nazi and parallel Soviet deep states were all about, the pseudo scientific rationales and bullshit you find in Rockefeller eugenicist and medical literature will be entirely clear for what they truly are… Global population murder schemes to further the interests and power of the occultist death cult personalities behind the scenes driving forward the imposition of a global totalitarian government.

However, in the 21St century, the cabal has selected a new measure to accomplish this.  Instead of guillotines, firing squads, gas chambers and brutal forced labor regimes, there is something far deadlier, cheaper, and much more effective… A series of global pandemics caused by deadly man made viruses.  Mass murder on a global scale contained in a pill bottle…Deal with it.

The CDC and globalist mass murder advocate, Bill Gatres now facing Indian prosecution for killing and crippling of thousands of Indian citizens with his deadly vaccines have a patent on Ebola and all of its variatons.

WTF?  It is illegal under American law to patent the genes and DNA from natural organisms.  Hmmm.  What does this tell you?   Could the implications be that Ebola is not natural, but an engineered man made virus?

Think about it and then apply the knowledge presented to you in Bullock’s interpretation of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and their two leaders, contextualized with Nazi Racial medicine and the Rockefeller’s Institute’s preoccupation with population reduction.

Hitler and Stalin

Hitler and Stalin

Forty years after his Hitler: A Study in Tyranny set a standard for scholarship of the Nazi era, Lord Alan Bullock gives readers a breath…
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Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene

Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene: 9780801848247: Medicine & Health Science Books @
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Bill Gates – Ebola, Death and Vaccines: Add In WHO, PATH, GAVI, UNICEF, Merck, GSK – EbolaGate

India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes


Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you, for ever


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Cyrellys
To: QD; Bob Bowen
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 1:05 PM
Subject: Fwd: Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: JA
Date: Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 5:51 AM
Subject: Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’
To: JA Group 

US LIBERTARIAN.   In response to:  “A group of German medical doctors in a peer-reviewed medical journal article published by Oxford University Press have challenged a key assumption regarding the Ebola virus repeatedly asserted by Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.   The researchers found that a patient showing no symptoms of the disease can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.”  Live Free or Die asking questions about censorship wrt a Susan Duclos and John Moore story:  “in it we learn from John’s sources that Ebola has now spread to 9 states and there is a total news blackout!”.

So is the CDC the “Center for Disease Creation” or is it ‘Control’? The CDC patent on ebola certainly implies that it could be a biologically engineered weapon, that could be used to bring forth the NEW WORLD ORDER. Just posing the scientific question..Dave Hodges in the below link has information that forced vaccinations will soon be implemented. The globalists will use it to destroy what is left of freedom in America and will force vaccinations of questionable safety onto the American people. Just remember a certain former Microsoft guru, was helping the funding for India to administer polio vaccines and some 40,000 people were crippled by its administration. We certainly don’t want that certain someone to profit from a questionable ‘forced’ EBOLA vaccine that could be just as unsafe, or deadlier, than the Indian fiasco. And our President’s actions certainly expose a wreckless agenda to allow infected Africans, (undetected by temperature-taking measures at 5 US airports), into the country and to send 4000 US troops to the hot ebola zones in Africa. These reckless actions need to be suspended immediately to prevent the spread, of what definitely appears to be a ’12 Monkeys’ scenario, where even people in bio-suits are coming down with it. The infected population is doubling every 20 days in Liberia.…


Nano-silver may also be a possible cure, but of course, that is being prohibited from being flown into Africa. .………

Colloidal silver could be a cure, but that is being blocked by the powers that be from coming into Africa….

Three followers of wisdom:  imagination, purpose, and endeavor. — Irish Triad

FiOs ~ “Vision, Memory, Dream” Berla Feini (old Irish), “Knowledge” Modern Irish.

In singing, in exploring our connection to our Spirit and the Creative Source, then turning to examine our Reality, what we thought was only Imagination or only a Dream is revealed to be the most powerful Truth of all…

India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crime…

Vaccines provided by the Gates Foundation have caused thousands of deaths and cases of paralysis in many countries, including India, Japan, Pakistan and Africa.
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Bill Gates – Ebola, Death and Vaccines: Add In WHO, P…

Bill Gates is central to the following article about vaccine crimes in India and Africa. “The Gates Foundation Blamed for 10,000 Vaccine-Related Deaths In 2013, yet…
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Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola P…

21WIRE + Intellihub | It’s easy to see how something like Ebola could be used to fast-track long-term plans of the Establishment’s family cartels.
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Rappoport Was Right? Interesting Read on Ebola

P. Bunyan.  From email October 4th of 2014. Have you seen, heard or considered this?  I present this to you on the heels of a phone call from a friend whose wife is an RN at a major hospital in Alabama. She says there is an Ebola case in Birmingham.

Your thoughts?
They get everyone whipped up into a frenzy about this Ebola and badda bing badda boom!!! They introduce a vaccine that EVERYONE goes running for so they can get a shot of something that WILL kill them or otherwise DUPE them in a very serious way.

Reply From Quintas Dias on October 4th of 2014.

PB, in response, my thoughts rest on two levels.  One, that Rapport is right.  In 2008 I was the director of an emergency services training academy.  We trained cops, nurses, firemen and first responders of all types concerned with mass casualty incidents:  natural and man made disasters including terrorism involving CBRN causatives.
I was approached about storing and disseminating some 300K hits of H1N1 vaccines to issue regionally, as soon as the CDC gave the green light.  Meanwhile, sources of information were quite skeptical about the vaccine’s effectiveness, and then they dropped a bombshell.  Whistle blowers began to report that the vaccine was heavily contaminated with lethal toxins that were causing major medical emergencies including paralysis and death.  I advised my board to steer clear due to vicarious liability issues.  We rejected the request.  One informant alleged that Big Pharma was playing two games, and both sides of the coin.  One, they engineered the malady.  Second, they also engineered the cure.  It would be interesting to see who own Big Pharma and their links to certain people and organizations such as the Rockefeller Medical Foundation and to certain persons with links to the Nazis and Nazi companies such as Bayer.
Two, that Ebola is a legitimate health emergency and is actually wreaking havoc on the poor people of Africa.  That it is as some credible sources allege it to be, a bioweapon designed to get rid of certain classes of people.
Ken Alibek a former Soviet bioweapon scientist, who defected to the US provided much insight into what viruses the soviets were working on to weaponize and use against Europe and the US in case of war.  Alibek made several mind blowing allegations, including that the Sovs had been engaged in biowarfare since 1928 and to  his notions had the most extensive and deadliest biowar program in the world.  This is were the information on VX agents came from and rumors that the soviets had weaponized a form of smallpox that was so lethal it was called the blackpox. I believe that it was Alibek, who provided the first clue on the engineering of viruses to attack certain races, (genetic weapons) such as blacks based on their DNA profiles.  Alibek maintains that the Sovs were working hard on Marburg virus which is in a class of viruses associated with Ebola.
Robinson in his seminal book on the conglomeration of global organized crime posits that numerous bioweapon scientists since the collapse of the Soviet Union have disappeared from Soviet labs and are known to working for some very murky outfits likely to be associated with rogue states and the global terrorist network.
Who created the Soviet Union?  Who financed the communists and who were responsible for the slaughter of some 60-80 million people in that unfortunate country?  I must add who leads the world’s population reduction program and their mass culling advocates like Bill Gates and George Soros?  Finally, who were the people behind the implementation of the notorious and deadly Nazi T-4 euthanasia program?  Who created the death cult oriented artwork at the Denver airport and who installed the Georgia guide stones?  Last questions.  Who was responsible for the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and ISIS, and who employs Doctor Eric Pianka?  Who patented the AIDS virus?  What does God and the Bible have to say about the Molochians and sacrificing children to Moloch?
There you will find your answers.
Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones

An analysis of the occult symbolism found in the Georgia Guidestones. An exclusive look at the text left by its anonymous authors to herald a new age of reason.
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Doctor Doom, Eric Pianka, Receives Standing Ovation fro…

Evolution News and Views (ENV) provides original reporting and analysis about the debate over intelligent design and evolution.
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The Man Who Created Aids : ‘Robert Gallo’

In April 1984, Dr. Robert Gallo filed a United States patent application for his invention, the HIV/AIDS Virus. Normally, when a patent is filed and approved, as Dr…
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Who was Molech?

Who was Molech (Molek)? What did Molech worship involve? Why did some people worship Molech instead of God?
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Q imposed in Kansas City, E patient critical, American Preparedness, Mexico

Quintas Dias.  Breaking…Ebola patient now critical.  Apartment building under Q in Kansas City.


I might add this is how not to handle an important issue by covering it all up in layers of secrecy.  The American people want to be informed and have that right.  Secrecy just adds fuel to the fire and makes people wary of GOOFS (government officials).

Do not forget that panic is a political warfare weapon used to destabilize populations and to drive people in a certain direction.  If you are upset and anxious and the victim of mis or disinformation, it is that much easier to manipulate you.  Notice how that hospital in Dallas changed stories after they got smoked out.  The PR director there is a moron like the [expletive] director of the CDC.
More and more of my EMS contacts are reporting that their facilities are woefully unprepared to handle any major infectious disease outbreak, much less Ebola.  Here are the primary concerns.
1.  Staff do not have the training in recognizing symptoms and treating mass casualties resulting from an infectious disease outbreak.  They do not know what questions to ask to identify medical intelligence signifiers.  Obviously, that was part of the [expletive] up in Dallas.  Training is a MANAGEMENT FUNCTION AND RESPONSIBILITY.  Most nurses and doctors want to do the best possible job and to provide the best possible care.  I know that from experience.  But let’s not forget that they are frequently at loggerheads with administrators who are not medical practitioner care givers, and focus on the bottom line and are essentially bean counters.
2.  There are only four level 4 contagion facilities in the entire United States.  And these have limited capacity.
3.  Hospitals lack PPEs and know how in using this equipment properly.
4.  Nurses, doctors, transporters lack decon equipment and knowledge in using it.
5.  Medical staff lack current intelligence parameters in assisting them to categorize and track patients.
6.  Medical staff do not trust the CDC and their BS.
7.  Staff lack knowledge and training in infectious disease WASTE management and disposal.
Look at the idiots using a pressure washer to clean up vomit on the sidewalk outside the E patients apartment.  Heavy rains hit Dallas soon after the incident.  Where do you think all of that residue went?  Could it be into the drains and sewers?
Recent discussions with Mexican EMS personnel indicate that they realize their asses are on the line too.  If we lack preparedness, equipment, and training, they are as much behind the power curve as we are.  Momentarily, they are concerned about outbreaks of cholera and the concentration of people coming over their borders from Meso America that have Chikunguya, malaria, Dengue, and virulent strains of TB.  They are just as angry as their American brothers and sisters.  Illegals TRASH their country and put them at risk, too.  They cite the need to develop and implement a common medical intelligence system to benefit both Mexico and the US.  Most Mexicans do not support illegal immigration.  It’s the bought off [expletive] in the Mexican government on the US pad that do.
Something that many of you may not be aware of.  Despite Mexico’s social and economic issues, Mexico has always maintained very high standards of health care and medical practice.  Their doctors and  nurses are among the very best in the world.  The Mexican health system is patterned on the German and Spanish models and many of their practitioners are trained at Madrid University and Heidelberg University.  They have made large strides to improve health care that we should take note of.
What impressed me in recent discussions with practitioners there, is their willingness to admit to mistakes and lost opportunities and to try to overcome those deficiencies without putting the country into bankruptcy.  Another thing.  Despite popular stereotypes many Mexicans do not subscribe to the ‘fuck you gringo’ mentality.  They are decent people who love their families and country as much as we do.  Their country has been hijacked by foreign entities pursuing agendas related to global organized crime and terrorism.  And we know where this leads back to, right?
Finally, they too are aware that Mexico has been targeted by the cabal because of Mexico’s immense natural resource wealth and high birth rate. They also cite concerns that it would be much easier to start the hemispheric war in Mexico and then ship it over the border to the US.  That very nearly happened almost 100 years ago when US officials discovered German intelligence plans to embroil the United States in a ruinous war with Mexico (see The Plan de San Diego, 1915).  The originators of the plan were German intelligence agents.  Germany hijacked the Mexican Revolution and were conducting biological warfare and guerrilla warfare against the United States from Mexico.  Contextually, think about it.  What better place than Mexico to destabilize and conduct a quiet war against the United States with silent weapons.  Is it should be obvious why the crime cartels have taken over Mexico and why the US border remains open.
US NURSES: We’re Not Prepared To Handle Ebola Patients

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Nurses, the frontline care…
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Project MUSE – The Plan de San Diego

The Plan of San Diego, a rebellion proposed in 1915 to overthrow the U.S. government in the Southwest and establish a Hispanic republic in its stead, remains one of…
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Mexico chalks up success in health-care reforms

Near-universal coverage results from science-informed changes.
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What Makes Spain’s Health Care System The Best?

Spain’s single-payer health care system is ranked seventh best in the world by the World Health Organization. The system offers universal coverage as a constitution…
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Ebola-infected passenger was sent home from ER

DALLAS (AP) — The airline passenger who brought Ebola into the U.S. initially went to a Dallas emergency room last week but was sent home, despite telling a nurse t…
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Texas hospital changes Ebola patient statement – MarketWatch

A day after saying that doctors didn’t receive a Liberian patient’s travel history due to an electronics records glitch, the Dallas hospital that initially failed to admit the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S. has changed its version of events, stating that information…
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Hospital: Dallas Ebola patient critical

DALLAS (AP) — After hospital officialson Saturday said the condition of the lone Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S. has worsened, the woman he came to Texas to vi…
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Rhiza Labs FluTracker Forum • View topic – Patient & Apa…

Report: Nigerian Woman in Kansas City Quarantined with Ebola Like Symptoms Posted by Kristinn Taylor on Sunday, October 5, 2014, 1:45 AM
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Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you, for ever

The Covert Report host Susan Lindauer: Interview With Cyrellys on Ebola & The Depopulation Agenda | Truth Frequency Radio

Susan Lindauer.  October 5th of 2014.  You’re a great guest— I’d love to get you back

Today’s guest on “The Covert Report,” Cyrellys Geibendach rips apart the CDC cover story & mishandling of the Ebola outbreak in America to reveal what could be a De…
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Today’s guest on “The Covert Report,” Cyrellys Geibendach rips apart the CDC cover story & mishandling of the Ebola outbreak in America to reveal what could be a Depopulationist agenda tool. Citing serious criticism from the greater community of medical researchers, Cyryllys (pronounced Keer-e-liss Givendah) tears apart CDC assumptions that Ebola is not air-borne and non- contagious while “asymptomatic.” Insisting that Ebola contagion is class-based, not a racial issue—she points to the Deep State and the De-Populationist elite as culprits in perpetrating dangerous non-containment policies that are guaranteed to facilitate the spread of the disease. In short, failure to enact proper quarantine protools might be a deliberate tool utilized by those with a goal of cutting down the population. Just don’t confuse it with racial purging, because Ebola won’t discriminate!
An independent researcher, Cyrellys is a member of Montana’s Liberty Leaders Group, the founder of Compass Morainn, Lead Admin of Open Minds Forum, and the Editor of Manticore Group’s website. She works with a wide range of subjects from US Domestic and Foreign Policy, Corruption, Globalism, Police State, Conspiracy, and the Depopulation subculture. Her interview starts at the 30 minute mark after the first break.

Susan Lindauer.  October 5th of 2014.  Great response on facebook.  Listener just posted this…

The Illusionist and Vaccines

true conspiracy theories
Conspiracy Theories that turned out to be true…

Quintas Dias.  There has been a long and bitter running gun battle over the effectiveness of vaccines and Big Pharma (BP) pursuing profits from creating myriad new vaccines to cope with a plethora of newly discovered, or old familiar bugs that have mutated periodically, creating new and deadlier super bugs. Many have questioned the motives, ethics, and the honesty of researchers, doctors and biologists working for BP, as to the legitimacy of the vaccines under development and their effectiveness.  Others have questioned BP’s penchant for coopting and the outright bribery of politicians and resulting new laws mandating compulsory vaccinations.

For many the scenario is familiar.  Health case workers respond to the onslaught of a new bug wreaking havoc in some far off land.  Alarms are rung.  Newscasters portray scenarios of doom.  Politicians decry a new emergency.  Doctors wring their hands and shrug.  Pastors make appeals to the All Mighty.  And Insurance executives get worried people to sign on the dotted line, just in case Mystery Disease X1Y2 makes an appearance.
BP goes on the offensive seeking tax breaks and public funds to create a new wonder vaccine.  Behold!  Bug Slayer is introduced with much fanfare…only costs 100.00 a hit.  Then atrocious stories surface of lethal contaminants in the vaccine killing or crippling vaccinated people.  Lawyers threaten to sue.  Jurists hold ABC Corp harmless…Supreme Court decided they are exculpable (too big and powerful to sue even if they are guilty of perpetuating a fraud and poor quality control.  Meanwhile, whistle blowers appear in dark shadowy interviews with alternative news reporters mumbling that ABC Corp actually created Super Bug Slayer to reap massive profits from the very bug they engineered, called agent Z that is causing Mystery Disease X1Y2.
People get the impression that BP is racing to save the world from a deadly bug war and from their own rivals pursuing those same obscene profits.  It’s war you know, so quality, safety, and ethics all have to fall by the wayside to defeat the enemy.
What do you think?
Rappaport seems to think Ebola manifestations are a manufactured crisis and an illusion designed to embolden predatory corporations seeking to reap immense profits from not only creating a real disease that is designed to get rid of troublesome populations in resource rich lands, but also to reap astronomical profits from the manufacture of vaccines designed to combat and kill the disease they made.  Wow, what a scam.  Even the Mafia should be impressed.  Wait a minute.  Maybe the wise guys busted out Big Pharma and are now running the show!
Part 1
Ebola: what op is being planned for Western nations?

Ebola: what op is being planned for Western nations? by Jon Rappopo…
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Part 2
 Part 3

The Revolution in Military Affairs and Constructing Illusions for Military Purposes


Obamacare and its Links to the Nazi T-4 Program and Nazi Racial Medicine

Nazi Euthanasia Program  |  Rutgers
Nazi Euthanasia Program | Rutgers; Brandt on trial, August 20, 1947- Photo courtesy of the Wikimedia Commons

Quintas Dias.  Very few people have ever heard of the super secret Nazi T-4 national euthanasia program, conceived by Hitler and his associates back in the 1930s to implement in Germany under the disguise of a national health insurance program, as soon as the conditions were appropriate.  The Nazis realized there would be very strong opposition to a mass liquidation scheme.  Consequently, they considered that war presented the necessary diversion to deflect attention from a national mass murder program aiming at permanently riding Germany of people the Nazis considered unworthy of having life.  Thus, war and wartime economics would present the opportunity to implement a national cleansing of problematic persons and prevent the German people from realizing that their national health insurance plan was really a killing machine aimed directly at them.  Moreover, the Nazis knowing that Germans are a patriotic people considered that they could sell the German polity on the concept of a national cleansing of unfit people by stressing that “useless eaters” consumed precious resources without producing any in return.  Moreover, caring for a huge population of unfit citizens denied significant resources to German soldiers and German wounded requiring medical care for their recovery and return to the front.

I first learned of the T-4 plan back in the 1990s.  I was conducting research on Nazi Germany for a doctorate.  I had the opportunity to interview Germans that knew of the plan. One of those persons was the mother of a friend.  She had been a German insurance executive prior to the war and was familiar with the details of the T-4 program.  She said that she was forced to sit on a regional health commission deciding the fate of Germans consigned to several classes of persons deemed as Aliens by the secret police.  Those in a certain category were detained and slated for execution, while others were imprisoned and worked to death in SS concentration camps run by the huge IG Farben international conglomerate.  During the war, she transferred to France, working for the German Todt Labor organization. She eventually escaped to England on a fishing boat after informing the French resistance of what was in store for French Jews and impressment of French citizens in Nazi labor battalions.
She did not evade my questions and retained bitter memories of the Nazi period in Germany.  What really got my attention was that she implicated German theologians, health care officials, doctors, and police in the murder scheme.  Her revelations stunned me.  Thus, I began to network among a group of researchers that included agents of the Office Special Investigations of the Department of Justice working on identifying Nazi war criminals inside the United States.  Subsequently, I became aware of an American national euthanasia program implemented piecemeal, state by state inside the United States.  The plan had an innocuous name, BIOETHICS.  Imagine my surprise when upon examination, it contained similar elements to the secret German T-4 plan.
When I returned to academia to conduct my research and studies for a graduate degree program, I stumbled upon certain documents that unraveled what the T-4 program was about and who was behind it.
Obama’s National Health Plan is eerily similar in context and purpose to the Nazi Euthanasia plan.  Looking closer at the Affordable Care Act and in talking to sources familiar with its objectives, I was shocked to discover it was similar to the Nazi T-4 murder program.  That is right.  I said murder.  The Nazis intended to murder as many Germans as required to rid Germany of what they perceived as nonproductive parasites.
This is what Obama care is all about.  Obama care has its European equivalents.  It is a thinly disguised political capture and control mechanism, and murder machine.
Its origins rest with Nazi Racial Medicine theories.  The Rockefeller Medical Foundation helped organize, plan, and sponsored the secret T-4 Euthanasia Medical Program run by their subsidiary in Germany, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.  German Health Insurance executives, doctors, Nazi theologians, and the secret police were all complicit in devising a National Medical Murder Machine to maintain the health of German workers until medical costs exceeded profits, to identify and eliminate “useless eaters” so-called, and to enmesh Germans in a control mechanism that had no opting out from.  Once A German citizen was enrolled, there was no opting out for other health plans.
German actuaries estimated the lifespan of German citizens and the breakeven point on costs, profits, and loss. Consequently, when health costs exceeded insurance profits Germans under the plan were to be killed.  The execution method for citizens still capable of performing work was ironically confinement at hard labor.  German biologists and medical personnel scientifically designed a labor regime that killed the selectee within 6 months supported on a minimal maintenance and diet program.
The international conglomerate, IG Farben had the contract to use selectees in SS concentration camps run by Farben (note: see who sat on Farben’s board.  You will be amazed) and its subsidiaries.
Yes, the SS was a business organization and ran commercial enterprises for profit, much like the Democrats and Republicans do.  Many top-level German business executives were members of the SS.
My research and findings disclosed that in actuality, the T-4 killing schema was a Nazi political warfare construct.  My research revealed that the SS, the Nazi police, the Nazi courts and Nazi legal policy were tools for a deadly Nazi political warfare strategy designed to eliminate sociopolitical opposition to the Nazis from any German citizen.  The realization was profound.  The T-4 program was the perfect cover for conducting political warfare against German citizens and was ideal to implement under the cover of a national health insurance plan for all Germans.
Additionally, I was to learn that killing useless eaters soon became a cottage industry in Germany.  Technological benefits were many.  German businesses created an entire industry centering on identification, record keeping, and tracking of likely candidates for euthanasia by harnessing American innovations in business machine technology. Moreover, German industry devised efficient means of execution, such as lethal nerve gasses, improved guillotines, and lethal toxins to expedite the process at the lowest cost.
I do not have the time to take you through all the preliminaries and background.  Read the document links below for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
It was a covert murder plan to get rid of people that the Nazis deemed superfluous for German society.  The Gestapo and the SD devised categories of people that were to be killed to purge Germany of ALIENS TO THE COMMUNITY!  These were-
1.  PUBLIC ANNOYANCES: welfare cheats, work evaders, wife beaters, prostitutes and scofflaws
3.  MENTAL DEFICIENT’S.  Anyone under a certain IQ and requiring care because of mental issues.
4.  DEVELOPMENTALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS.  Anyone requiring care for physical problems
6.  POLITICAL OPPONENTS.  These persons, such as communists, trade unionists, socialists were perceived as infectious parasites.
7.  DISSIPATES: alcoholics, drug users, vagrants
8.  SEXUAL DEGENERATES:  Homosexuals and prostitutes
There were other categories, but these were the main ones.
Clinics and sanatoriums were used as execution sites.  The method of execution rested on injection with lethal Sodium Chloride and Gas–carbon monoxide.  A committee (death panel) signed off the order for the execution consisting of: Gestapo representatives, insurance representatives (actuary), Nazi theoreticians, and a Nazi Doctors.
German families were required to register with the police and to turn over any family member fitting the above categories to the Gestapo.  After he or she was taken away to an appropriate clinic, they were never seen again.  The family was given a death notice: respiratory complications were the usual reason, and then they were charged for burial expenses (crematoria).
German Homeland Security (oh, that word, The RSHA: Reichsicherheitshauptamt) administered the program.
All Germans were required to enlist in a national medical ID program and to list all persons falling into categories 1-8.Non-compliance resulted Gestapo arrests, detention, or worse in a concentration camp.
The American Rockefeller Medical Foundation was instrumental in devising, organizing, and funding the Nazi murder machine carried out under the auspices of the famous Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin.
Some 500,000 people were selected and murdered after Hitler signed off on the executive order.  As many as 1 million people may have been killed.
IBM designed the informatics, and data processing system. They knew what they were doing.
Himmler bragged to Hitler that the German National Medical Registration System resulted in the Gestapo having files on all Germans, enabling the Gestapo to categorize all Germans, and to assign them a national security risk index.  IBM automated data machines could pull a record on millions of people within 5 minutes.
The Nazis did this because the Nazis were part of the Illumine death cult, organized in antiquity by Luciferian Cabalist Jews (false Jews, not Jews of the Bible).  There it is.  Now you know who the enemy of humanity is, and you know what this means for Americans.
BTW, the Soviets who exchanged mind control, military tactics, and technology with the Nazis had a similar program and the attendant Gulag system.  Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote about it in his seminal Gulag Archipelago and in Cancer Ward.
Why did the Soviets maintain a similar program?  Because they too were part of the Illumines’ death cult.
Do your own research.  We have exposed enough of it.  You can start by identifying the [expletive] who wrote bobocare.  Hint, he is related to the bummer’s former Chief of Staff (COS) now serving as the Godfather of Chicago.  This person just publicly stated that there is no reason for anyone to live beyond 75.
Quintus Dias

Continue reading Obamacare and its Links to the Nazi T-4 Program and Nazi Racial Medicine

Doesn’t play with idea of planetary extermination well

My Tribe
My Tribe

By Cyrellys.  Yeah this thing about planetary depopulation by 85% or more isn’t a game I play nicely with.  If I seem a little testy about it, perhaps it has something to do with the notion of maggots crawling across my corpse at some point in the future by nefarious design of some pencil pushing genocidal illuminist with more money or power than he deserves, being more than just a little repulsive (I’ve seen fly strike maggots eat lambs alive while the lamb gives no sign of being infected till its too late to save it – not cool).  So if my verbal skills are more akin to yanking the said illuminist into a proverbial meat grinder before he gets a shot at me, well I have little sympathy and less remorse for my commentary.  Turn about is fair play at this level of planetary management after all.  Point at those Georgia Guidestones and make another snide comment about my people being ‘useless eaters’ and order your minions to create more crippling policies designed to destroy their survivability and yeah, you’ll find me inclined to hand that finger back to you as a bloody stub.

Anyway, the intellectual community pokes members from other groups and asks, ‘which side of the fence do you stand on?’  Sometimes we ask more than once because something doesn’t always pass the smell test.  Maybe its associations.  Maybe it is philosophical content in the air?  Maybe it is just proximity to circumstances….it’s not to cause offense…its just to clarify at every marker in the pattern, who is who and what is what, and who knows what.  (If)You don’t get it, just chalk it up to having a bad hair day and call me weird.  I won’t think less of you, dear reader.  Hang around me long enough and you’ll notice I have days where I’m standing nearer the sword leaned against the wall than on other days when the implosion of the world is less imminent or at least seems that way.

So on August 25, 2014 Dan Smith over at Open Minds Forum replied as part of an ongoing 2 plus year conversation, which is worthy of trudging, through the many pages from day one, to this mundane date.  He said,

Your Manticore project is impressive.  I have discussed Ebola with Ron.  He is not overly concerned with this particular outbreak.  It only has a limited capacity to spread in large cities, once its presence has been discovered.  This says little about the future of epidemiology, however.  

To understand the importance of this comment, you’ll have to investigate a little to learn who Ron is.  It’s no secret if you are an OMF follower like some forty other silent observers (as evidenced by the IP address logs), but I expect my readers to put in a little effort and do due diligence!  That way I know you have something other than grey matter between your ears.

(QD is probably yelling at his screen I’m being too harsh!  But I learned as a teen that when it comes to facial zits hardcore alcohol is more effective than more passive hydrogen peroxide in the long run.  It’s a philosophical argument I haven’t lost yet.)

On Aug 26th 2014, Dan commented:

Just had a lengthy convo with Gary.  We had not spoken in several years, despite his frequent postings on the forum.  Mostly we were just catching up with things, metaphysical and political.  

Gary observed that the world was in a precarious/parlous state.  I agreed.  I was not striving to make my voice heard above the eschatological cacophony.  I was only keeping my boots on, and my powder dry.  Gary reminded me of the anomalous call to the Princess.  

I responded that it would only take one well-placed phone call, on the God-phone, to launch the Apocatastatic D-day.  

Gary is long-time participant, Gary Bekkum.  Gary is a well respected researcher in the field.

And the Princess, well again,  you are to do your due diligence.  Don’t neglect the part about the drone development (Hint:  prior section of discussion).

And my lead balloon landing on the eschatological  table:

Dan, here’s one for you and Ron

Ebola outbreak ‘worse than we’d feared,’ CDC chief says on visit to West Africa

T2 on high alert as seven Ebola flights arrive in city:Dehli India

Guinea receives Ebola diagnostic lab from Russia:’In addition to the equipment of the latest generation we are a group of a dozen Russian scientists came to work in Guinea to stop the chain quickly spread of the virus’

an alternate issue:


Our USDA inspector told us how they got an email from the big boss, telling them to start hitting food companies hard, really hard! It seems like they want to close a lot of domestic food companies.

So I wonder, is the ‘big boss’ planning on knocking off the inspectors too since the inspectors know who gave the order?  That is the modus operandi for the death cultists.

I suppose when there is no longer any food available by design, the only thing on peoples shopping lists will be the names of globalists who issued such orders and recipe’s of aboriginal head shrinking methods or perhaps more cannibalistic suggestions?  If the press to close down the food supply has been begun, then I suppose they’re aiming for round ups this fall or winter when the extreme shortages hit?

Is Ron up on this or does he even have a dog in the hunt or is he figuring on a spot in a DUMB waiting for him?  I wouldn’t count on a DUMB personally…last cataclysmic cycle saw alot of flattened or collapsed underground cities…Turkey not withstanding.  Those who faired best were top side.  But then most of this cycle is engineered because they ‘think’ they can’t get the earths current massive population through the bottle neck.  So dumb ’em down, strip them of resources, lie to them about the various aspects of the situation, make hollow promises to the peons, and give the rest largely shoddy advice (sloppy survival shows).  Cute.

Spring 2014:  Mediator quote  …red sky at night is NOT a sailors delight.


You are NOT allowed to disconnect from a system that wants you dead…if you do, you might be a domestic terrorist.

The list copy posted at the site is hilarious….apparently if you run around lopping the heads off christian babies (see recent news headline) you don’t make the top of the enemy list. But if you are concerned about corruption in government, depopulationists enacting hidden agenda designed to destroy your nation and depopulate the planet by more than 85 percent, or if you just are sick of the whole solution’less problem and are attempting to disconnect from the plantation to avoid the headaches and chaos, then you DO make the top of the list…can’t be missing that date with a guillotine ya know!

Good is bad, dumbed down is better, and left or right is one in the same, and up is down while the sky is falling. See those who consider themselves above the level of ‘useless eaters’ screw up the moving parts of a rock on the third rock from the sun…its universal fun.

Excuse my sarcasm….

Comparing notes with peers is not always a pretty process.  Or perhaps lead balloons should have been endowed by our creator with more grace than the method I wield them in.

Now a piece of advice with several parts:

  1. Do your own thinking
  2. Do your homework
  3. Be thorough
  4. Form your own opinion based on whatever you can gather NOT on what someone else wants you to believe.
  5. Do NOT believe anything I say without first justifying it with facts you yourself looked up.




UPDATE:  Wed Aug 27, 2014

Reply from Dan at OMF


The last two things that Ron said to me……

1.)  Jihad is the wave of the future.

2.)  Be sure to call when the End is nigh.

Ebola should continue to be a priority concern for the rest of the world, however, the likelihood of a significant spread beyond its present boundaries is diminishing on a weekly basis.  It is no longer exhibiting an exponential growth curve.  But only continued agressive intervention will maintain the containment.  The experience from Monrovia is that the virus can be contained, even in the worst of urban environments, once the local citizens become aware.  There have been recurrent outbreaks of Ebola in east Africa, but each recurrence is met with a more effective response.  Each local outbreak does aid in our global preparedness, or so we can hope.

I agree with you, Cy, that the global situation will continue to deteriorate unless there is a Cosmic/Divine intervention.  Not even MJ12 could act unilaterally, at this late hour, to turn the tide.  It would also require the active participation of the cosmic powers.  The Intervention can still be tailored/minimized so as to prevent panic, but it will require coordination on all levels.

The Princess did get a phone call the other day, but it was rather vague, probably just a communication check.  The ball could be started rolling, with a coordinated set of more specific calls.  This would hardly strain the cosmic powers.

But until such time, we can only try to keep our powder dry.