Category Archives: Cliven Bundy 2014

Cyrellys Geibhendach on The Covert Report with Susan Lindauer 10-01-2017 wrt The Bundy Fight vs the Globalists

Editor.  Cyrellys Geibhendach was the guest today on the radio in NYC via Susan WIN_20161208_12_08_52_ProLindauer’s Covert Report.  They discussed the latest developments in the Bundy affair, the continuing fight against the western-land-grabbing and its related aspects in the resistance against illegal covert globalist takeover of the Constitutional Republic.


Supporting links for the discussion include:

1. Open Minds Foundation: Exploitative Techniques
**Controlling human behavior without consent.

2.  Ammon Bundy Saving America From Planned Genocide | Common Sense – Dave Hodges

**Simulated Reserve and Corridor System to Protect Biodiversity – Agenda 21; Agenda 2030 (see UN & World Economic Forum)

3.  Clinton Is Selling Uranium From Bundy and Hammond Ranches to Russians to Fund Presidential Campaign | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show

**includes reference to when Donald Trump accused Clinton and Obama of creating ISIS, he was absolutely 100% correct. This fact was undeniably established in 2015 when I interviewed former Army Special Operations Officer and advisor to George W. Bush, Scott Bennett.

5. (2016) Obama Seizes Area Near Bundy Ranch In Massive Last Minute Land Grab | Zero Hedge
**With a stroke of the pen President Obama has unilaterally declared vast swaths of land in Utah and Nevada as two new national monuments, thus putting them under control of the federal government. Startlingly, the area in Nevada includes the site of the infamous Bundy Ranch standoff as well as land very close to the Bundy Ranch itself. The creation of the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah and the Gold Butte National Monument in Nevada
6.  Ammon Bundy’s lawyer tackled, Tasered by U.S. Marshals in a surreal ending to the Oregon standoff trial | Oregon Live
**U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown told him that there was a U.S. Marshal’s hold on him from a pending federal indictment in Nevada.”No, he’s released on these charges. He’s acquitted. Nevada doesn’t have jurisdiction,” Mumford yelled, standing before the judge. “If there’s a detainer, show me.””Mr. Mumford, you really need to never yell at me now or never again,” the judge responded.Brown told Mumford that she’s releasing Bundy on all federal holds in the Oregon case, but he’ll have to take up any questions about the federal holds from the Nevada case with the U.S. Marshals Service.”If they want him, they know where to find him,” Mumford told the judge. “I don’t see any paper proving their authority to hold him.”Suddenly, a group of about six to seven U.S. Marshals, who had been either standing or seated around the perimeter of the courtroom, slowly moved in and surrounded Mumford at his defense table. The judge directed them to move back but moments later, the marshals grabbed onto him.
7.  Jury says ‘no thanks’ to tyranny in Bundy standoff case |
**lists who acquitted & freed; the mistrial; and who convicted in fall 2017 prior to separate trial for Bundy Sr. & Sons.  Also discusses FBI Agents posing as filmmakers to farm for statements or info that could be used for later prosecutions.
8.  The Criminals Who Support Hillary Clinton – Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
**content looks at Aaron Klein’s revelations that some of the illegal Clinton emails were transmitting his location prior to his death; looks at list of Hillary support & associations.
9.  The Bizarre Story Behind the FBI’s Fake Documentary About the Bundy Family | The Intercept
**Looks at: Longbow Productions, listed an address in Nashville, Tennessee, but the Bundys could find no previous examples of their work.  An excerpt from an interview that the purported Longbow Productions film crew conducted with Ryan Bundy, obtained by The Intercept.
10.  Torture and Abuse of Ammon Bundy at For Profit Prison not Going Unnoticed | Washington Standard
**…after being handcuffed in a 3×3 foot shower for 13 hours, stripped naked and then thrown in the hole. All for refusing to let a guard take his shirt that was hanging off his bed which is against the rules to have anything hanging over the side. Had he let them take his only shirt he would not have been able to come to the morning meal.
11.  BLM Employee to Miner: My Authority Supersedes the United States Constitution | Freedom Outpost
**Content covers one of the incidents leading up to the Harney County protest:  In a confrontation with the BLM, a Idaho miner asked, “You are telling me that you supersede the Constitution of the united States?” The BLM employee smugly replied, “Yes, I do.”
12.  9212017-9222017 GMO Online Documention Lethality Review – MANTICORE GROUP
**ties to paradigm – MONSANTO, land use, depopulation agenda
13.  The Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton As Secretary of State | MANTICORE GROUP (Quintus Dias – researcher)
**The Clinton Foundation as a Crime Factory.
14.  The American Deep State and the Rise of the 4th Reich in the 21st Century – MANTICORE GROUP (Quintus Dias – Researcher)
**The Corporatization of American Political Power.
15.  Manticore Group Member Dialogs 912-913 | Manticore Group
**Discussion in group on the weaponization of immigrants.  Includes links to supporting documents.
16.  Lessons From the Syrian War | MANTICORE GROUP (Quintus Dias – research report)
**content on Syria, creation of ISIS, Clinton connection.
17.  (June 2015 – supporting doc)  Telling On Themselves: Rural Cleansing in Idaho and Montana |
**Rural cleansing is the purposeful removal of rural citizens from the countryside and the relocation of rural populations into urban areas.  In the article, Libby County Commissioner, Rita Windom, informs us that she and other commissioners were approached by Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) state land manager, Darlene Edge, with a proposal to cooperate in driving rural residents out of the Montana countryside into cities. When commissioners responded with horror, Windom says Edge replied  “Can’t you see we are doing you a favor by forcing people to move from rural areas into the urban areas. That way you can close roads…Why don’t you work with us and move these people out of the rural areas and into the urban areas so cities can shoulder more of the responsibilities and the county can save money?”
18.  WEF GRI Everybody’s Business Report 2010 | World Economic Forum 
d.  See all info on the GLOBAL REDESIGN INITIATIVE – World Economic Forum.
19.  See enclosed attached document:  Opptinvoiceiv
20.  HARNEY COUNTY – Olympic National Park-UN Bioshpere Hidden History
21.  (dated) 3-3-16 – Emails From Oregon Governor’s Office Re Malheur Refuge Takeover.
**See Heidi of Rural Oregon Organizing Project, Valerie Jarrett, Obama Admin links.

Aftermath Harney County Meeting 1-19-2016 Message to the People from Researcher

From Cyrellys to the People – Harney County Meeting Clarification; it IS a National Problem.

Cyrellys Geibhendach.  I have now viewed several versions of the video concerning the meeting last night in Harney Co Burns OR regarding the Ammon Bundy group and the Hammonds situation, land grabs and corruption. It seems to me, as a concerned researcher and frequent radio guest, that the evidence of the national scope of the land grabbing is not reaching the citizens on the ground living in Harney Co and Burns. While I seen some heartfelt concern from the community for the welfare of their community, the whole came across as extreme PROVINCIALISM. Provincialism is a noun, defined as:

Provincialism is the state of having concern for purely local matters, or having a narrow outlook.

example of provincialism is being concerned with only one’s town, as
opposed to surrounding communities or other countries as well.
Read more at…

This is very concerning because the problem here IS a national one; harney county is not the only county in America experiencing the victimization involving the siphoning of land to securitize the NATIONAL DEBT to our creditors while lining the pockets of the corrupt officials involved.


HarneyCo-UraniumOne-Sheriff1-18-16E HarneyCo-UraniumOne-Precedent1-18-2016 HarneyCo-UraniumOneFB-Hillary1-18-16D HarneyCo-UraniumOne-BLM1-18-16G HarneyCo-Rosatom1-18-16B HarneyCo-MineralLands-FederalMonuments1-18-16H HarneyCo-GreatOutDoorsInitiative-Depopulation1-18-16J HarneyCo-CBNG-1-18-16F HarneyCo1-18-16A

While I don’t agree with what Ammon did, I do recognize his actions have finally broken the log-jam on awareness about the use of Agenda 21 to clear lands in the west and compensate for what we’ve learned is a failure of the federal government to pay creditors like China. China who has been caught openly talking about COLONIZING the western United States lands that two years ago they had representatives quietly inspecting! That’s not stirring the pot. It commonly known fact in the Liberty Community which the provincial communities of America who just desire ‘normalcy’ and all the bias that goes with it, apparently DON’T KNOW.

Ignorance is one of the most solvable problems in all of life and yet it is our greatest nemesis in this paradigm – a problem we have not yet mastered on the local level. I ask, do we still have time to solve this problem and apply solutions that don’t involve violence against a eugenic culture that also openly talks about population reduction and population stabilization? I personally do not know. Communities like Burns Or are many. They simply have never been exposed to the proof and its supporting information. They have not been exposed to the patterns of the clandestine activities to reform American culture, sentiments, and understanding. They barely understand that there is something inherently wrong with Common Core.

I know what many in the liberty community are thinking right now after this meeting last night in Burns OR. It is why should we continue to stand against this tyranny and be the buffer of the provincialism afflicting the roots of America. We know this provincialism has been carefully fostered to keep everyone asleep and oblivious to the scope of what has been going on in their name in the shadows. The people in the liberty community are probably asking themselves why should we continue to put our lives and futures on the line on the behalf of a nation that doesn’t care about their nation’s survival as a Constitutional Republic. Who patently don’t self-educate and who routinely fall for emotional intrusions to the perceptions designed to keep them asleep? Why should we defend them still?

The answer to that is if we don’t, no one will. And without EVERY American, no one left behind, we no longer have a nation. We no longer have our due diligence. We no longer have a mutual collective soul. We become balkinized like Europe who cannot defend their nations from an obvious invasion from the Middle East. Now if we can’t do this, we will not be able to defend ourselves from that SAME invasion that is being brought here by our national leaders in DC. And we will not be able to defend ourselves from the depopulation advocates in high places in government, academia, medicine, and media. It starts here folks.

We must continue to say to the tyranny, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”

Someone asked me this morning, “do you see the size of the can holding the worms of the paradigm?”

I said “yes, yes I do.  IT runs across the whole nation and around the planet beyond — clear to the top of every structure of governance, this NWO reformation.  This is a national issue as I said this land issue in Harney is a channel through the paradigm and a place where the nation as a whole can hit home – respond effectively against the NWO.  There is so little opportunity left and I am VERY concerned about how the Liberty Community and national militias are going to take this lack of understanding in Harney Co.  Peole believe what they see and if they don’t see the other side or HEAR it loud and clear, they believe what there is, even if it is not truth.”

Folks we have a chance to carry this break in the log-jam.  However we’re on the verge of losing that break because people are either too busy or fear to be televised or don’t think they can or have an obligation to stand up.

So few realize this is a NATIONAL ISSUE.  This siphoning of lands is happening EVERYWHERE in the nation!  And the debt and the destruction of the nation from within is NOT going to go away if we allow ourselves to just “get on with life”.  In fact, just ‘getting on with your lives,” is the fastest way to affirm those behind the scenes in high places of power to take what little you still possess, hand it off to foreign players, and finish the set up to depopulation.

You say it can’t happen here.  I’m telling all of you whether you are liberty community or some other person, that it IS HAPPENING HERE.  And if you allow this deconstruction of our nation to continue don’t you DARE EVER AGAIN criticize the GERMANS or the RUSSIANS for standing passively by while their nations were taken to their knees and so many were loaded onto trains to the camps.


Cyrellys, Admin, Manticore Group


— portions of the above message were part of a comment submitted to Intellihub article on the meeting January 19, 2016 in Burns OR

My Raw Notes

Uranium One
1956 Survey
Dept of Interior – land grab. Fox News
documents how being done – how to go around congress
400,000 dollar fine
Hammond agreement signed to sell their land to BLM if cannot keep it
links to depopulation agenda
Ex-Fire Marshall – public statement
Occupy arrives – fails to understand issues
Center for Biological Diversity based in Arizona
Dutch Sinse research
Narrative – Constitutional Security
Confusion of who’s in charge – FBI or Sheriff
Brandon Curtiss – Pacific Patriots Network
Committee of Safety in Burns OR
Mulitiple public community meetings
Institute of Pacific Relations – plan to kill off surplus population
Camera Swap
Confrontational interactions with FBI
Request of Sheriff to assert his authority
“meathead” at front gate – FBI
Requests for Sheriff presence not responded
dereliction of duty – best interest of public safety
mutual agreement w/someone else who will respond
unarmed protesters
Cascadia Project – for rewilding America
Rewilding America project
Land Corridor
History back to FDR
FBI insistent their role was to be as supportive to Sheriff dept
Indirect threat from Sheriff – “hour glass is ticking”
Compared to WACO
psy-op evidence & agent provocateurism
Judge Gratsy – gone dark
Necessary – FBI investigation of deep corruption
Public Assembly black balled by Gratsy
law suit in progress
People asked not to support Pete’s rally
PPN statement – doesn’t answer to Pete or to FBI
evidence of active stonewalling
Judge abusing his power – holding multiple public posts; conflict of interest
power in courtroom no where else
snookered the community
Nature Conservancy link – Agenda 21 activity
right to rent a public facility
Judge should have no power to deny assembly
PPN – employing intelligence team for situational research
Investigating Judge Gratsy on corruption – will release to public
CBNG – Coal Bed Natural Gas
ISL projects
Kit Laney
Nazi Enabling Laws
Soviet criminal code 1929
Individual local citizen stories
Gratsy wants the liberty community out of there
normalcy bias
normal is a corrupt group of officials operating with impunity
the US Constitution is not negotiable
gov will negotiate with terrorists but not with political adversaries
tactics – textbook WACO
core- negligence & corruption of county officials result incarceration of Hammonds
OathKeepers ask LEOs & Mil to stand down when given unconstitutional orders to shoot to kill
noted FBI command not present in community only operators
total disconnect
Curtiss has seen zero transparancy in time in community
Piutes as original deed holders – tribes getting involved
message to Piute Tribe put out by Santilli
Subjected to socialism and why it does not work
expressed support – recognized their interests
issue of custody at local level
the corruption will be an ongoing project
prosecutorial misconduct
Frank Papagny
weaponzed politeness
intellectual terrorism on part of gov
citizen’s grand jury
Silver Spur acting as receiving site for all refuge packages and mail, and for PPN, etc
Were the Soros crowd called by someone in retaliation for the pressure the Judge has been rcving?
system is cannibalistic
dynamics in community
Stockholm Syndrome
letter to Congress requesting congressional investigation of BLM
Joseph Rice – Pacific Patriots Network
pre-political rights
41st Infantry Brigade of Oregon National Guard
reactive vs proactive
Values:  honor, loyalty, hospitality, honesty, justice, courage
Suzi Hammond Lou Dobbs?
tools of war
public records denied access, threatened, job loss in community
moral weight
Albert B Fall – Teapot Dome Scandal
Albert Jennings
inspiration, motivation, idealism, dissonance,
Technocracy Rising – Patrick Wood
Edwin Vieira Jr.
cultural infrastructure
sustainable development
public private partnerships
smart tech, climate change, cap & trade, zoning laws,
green economy, human enhancement, smart grids
CFR – Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission
UN control consolidation
Scientism, Dept of Energy
Senator Cranston, stimulus money 2009, blank check from Congress,
Chinese test of gold, not gold bars
Hilary sent to China to secure Chinese co-op with public lands
Trilateralists in charge of globalization process
Father of Technocracy 1760 – 1825
Rhodes Round Table Group
International Financiers
tax exempt foundations creating legislative proposals
Carnegi, Ford, Rockefeller & Morgan
National Education Association
American Medical Association
American Historical Society
Norman Dodd Report
Irregular warfare
Unconventional Warfare
Mind War
Continuity of Governance
Tragedy And Hope – Carrol Quigley, book
The Impact of Global Political Awakening, Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Phoenix Program (Vietnam)
“Agenda for the Twenty first Century”, Agenda 21
Autobiography of Senator Barry Goldwater “With No Apologies” 1979
US Army document “From Psyop to Mindwar”
“A Brief Overview of Activity Based Intelligence 2nd Human Domain Analytics by Mark Phillips [2012], Trajectory Magazine,
Mindwar by Michael A. Aquino
Human Domain, Human Terrain, Human Dimension – “How we hear, see, think, or act in an environment”
Scientism to Technocracy
Inciting Incidents, Agency (human agency)
Jade Helm, Mitre Corp, John P Wheeler – homicide
Dr. Timothy Leary
Cascadia Project & Agenda,
stereotypical misconceptions,
national monuments as a means to acquire land
edifices of globalist movment
Liberty Link Corn Dust – content report on Roundup ReadyCorn Dust
Mold count, Aspergillus, Penicillium, reduction of beneficial bacteria
Historical Ancient:  Sacred Elements of Kingship by Daniel Bray
Historical Ancient:  From this Immense Panorama: Studies in Honor by Eric J Sharpe
Gov. Exhibit 003-0085 US vs HLF et al “the Group”
General Wesley Powell, policy coup; “we are going to attack seven countries in five years.” comments 1991
Wolfowitz said we have about 5-10 years to clean up the old Soviet client regimes
McCain & Kerry visits to Ukraine instigate civil war
Cheny & Rumsfeld Project for New American Century
Missing Trillions; 9-11

John Whitehead



If a government is operating outside its own law it is a criminal government.

It takes a breed of outlaw to force our government to get back within the law.

no conformity, no suppression…

The fates of quicklings are very simple growing consuming expanding dying.  And always rushing predictably along your paths.  You are unique among beings; you decide your own direction, but does that mean you will choose anything different?

Fir Flathemon (Old Irish):  The truth and justice of a ruler.  See Audacht Morainn, “The testament of Morann” 7th Century example of Speculum Principum (“Mirror of Princes”)

Z – Plan:  (Z meaning Zukunft or future, devised by Canaris)  The ‘future plan’ was for the Third Reich to survive outside Europe and re-emerge in the future from either another location on Earth or from the stars if a raumschiff could be constructed in time before the collapse.

Power resides where men believe it resides; its a trick; a shadow on the wall.  And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.

How I wish you could see the Potential, the Potential between you and me; its like a book elegantly bound but in a language you cannot read.

Images courtesy of Professor Doom1 video at youtube.

Edit to add:

Oregon governor calls on feds to act against armed group – Yahoo News

American Land Rights Association


ABOUT CYRELLYS.  For those who do not know Cyrellys and are concerned her message is as an outsider, you should know she was born and raised in Oregon until moving to Montana a decade ago.  She is a researcher, communication facilitator and freelance writer and information analyst with a history in the research community on the Deep State.


FW: Open Letter to Sheriff Gillepsie Ammon Message

Forward courtesy of Quintas Dias.  Copy of the recent letter from Ammon Bundy to Sheriff Gillespie; posted by request.  It’s an excellent read.   Hat Tip, Cy.
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Carol Bundy <snip>
To: naconah
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 10:25 AM
Subject: Open Letter to Sheriff Gillepsie
Bundy Ranch
Please help us Share Clivens Message – Gray 

August 6, 2014
To Sheriff Doug Gillespie, Clark County Nevada Sheriff’s Department,
In a recent press conference, you mentioned 1) the BLM lied to you and 2) Bundy brought armed men to the ranch for protection.
While I can’t speak to the validity of your first claim, we unequivocally take issue with the second.  We never asked for armed men to come to our aid.  In fact, everyone who arrived at the Bundy ranch (men, women, armed & unarmed) voluntarily came to support the constitutional rights that you failed to defend.  Had you not neglected your duty to defend our rights, the rights of the very people for whom you swore a solemn oath to defend, there never would have been a standoff in the first place.

So while you chastise my family and pontificate about how “Bundy should be held accountable for crossing the line”, let it be known that the responsibility for this escalation rests primarily at the doorstep of the Clark County Sheriff’s office.

Please allow me a moment to remind you of some of the history leading up to that day:
  • Hundreds of militarized agents invaded our community and terrorized us.
  • They seized the land by gunpoint, claiming it as their own.
  • They not only threatened, but actually inflicted bodily harm on anyone who stepped onto the land.  Remind you, this land was cared for, cultivated and improved upon by my family and the community for many generations.
  • A 57 year old cancer surviving woman was body slammed by a federal agent, for doing nothing more than exercising her first amendment rights.
  • As we sat in the sniper’s cross-hairs, federal agents shoved M-16 rifles into the faces of our wives who were holding our infant children.
  • Dave was, kicked, beaten, battered, loaded into a federal truck and taken to the BLM compound to become the BLM trophy.  They paraded him around in the sun, cruelly ridiculing him for hours, tightly bound (without water). After they had their fun with him, they dump him out on the road and covered up any legal proof that they even took him.
These are just a few of the atrocities that were inflicted upon my family and the community – who was peacefully protesting.  The only thing we pointed at those agents, were cameras to capture their atrocities for the world to see.  In return, they released dogs on us, they tased us, they beat us and they abused us in order to intimidate us.
When our first amendment rights were stripped down to a 20’x50′ box, you did nothing.  When armed men trampled my brother, beat him and nearly took his life, you refused to protect. When women, infants, and children were held captive at gunpoint by angry and violent men, our cries for help fell on deaf ears.
When men and women literally wounded and bleeding were in need of emergency assistance, because you allowed these heavy hands to afflict us, you then refused the emergency medical services to be dispatched for our care.
When we called, you said, “there wasn’t anything you could do”.  You said, “this fight was between the Bundy’s and the BLM”. However, you commanded your deputies to stand by while their own families and community members were being inflicted upon and threatened with lethal weapons.
Sheriff, your response demonstrates that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of your place in our government.  You have more authority and responsibility than any federal agency, and yet you cowardly forced the people to defend themselves.
Evidence in your power and responsibility was never more apparent than at the standoff.  When your deputies told the federal agents to back down – the federal agents backed down. They backed down because your deputies who had constitutional and jurisdictional authority from the people, finally did what the people hired you and them to do, and insisted that these federal agents stop their abuses.
In the end, your deputies did the right thing, but Sheriff, you should have never let it come to this.  While the BLM was willing to shoot my family over land and power
, we were willing to die for our families, our livelihoods and our constitutional rights.  You should have been defending these rights for us.  That’s what we elected you to do.
Thankfully, the American people came to our defense.  They came to our defense because you failed to do your duty.  For that you should be grieved and held accountable.
I offer warning to you and other government personnel that lead or follow your example. The people are in unrest because of these types of egregious actions. The purpose of government is to protect and uphold the unalienable rights of the people, not to infringe upon them. It is our duty and obligation to defend our God-given rights if our government representatives fail to do so, or tries to discard them. We as citizens desire to live in peace and tranquility, but will defend our freedoms if necessary, in order to do so. I call upon you Sheriff Gillespie, and all civil servants, to honorably effectuate the true purpose of government, to uphold the oaths and duties of your sworn offices-to truly be representative of the people, by the people and for the people.
I leave you with the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson:
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”
Ammon Bundy

A New Mexican Views on Bundy and Government acting like Bandidos

Article by Quintas Dias:  I wrote this several months ago during the height of the tense standoff between Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy and federal agents.
New Mexico is a strange place full of extreme contrasts.  It is full of awesomely beautiful country intermixed with sprawling range lands and hard rocky desert.  The land in some places is so broken that it looks like an angry giant had picked it up, and then in fury had dashed it hard into the ground.  The cataclysmic impact rendered the land into torturous deep chasms, spires, weird-looking hooligans, narrow cuts, featuring towering mesas back dropped by deep blue skies and snow-capped mountains.
The people who live in this land denoted by extremes of topography that sees daytime temperatures soaring to over 110F in the daytime and then plunging down into a bone-chilling freeze at night are an ornery lot.  They are very tough and self-reliant, soft-spoken and polite.
Many of them are descendants of American Natives, who claim that their ancestors were star people.  Apache, Comanche, Kiowa, and Navajo warriors roamed, raided, and hunted all over New Mexico.  The Spaniards built marvelous frontier communities in some of the harshest lands possible, giving their names to many striking waypoints, such as the malpais or bad country lands around the Trinity site and the White Sands, and the bleak Jornada del Muerto (Dead man’s Journey) trail that saw many tragic deaths from exposure, Indian attacks, and murders.  Some are descendants of Spanish explorers, hardy soldiers, and very tough Spanish and Mexican vaqueros (cowboys).  Yet, others are descendants of long riding American outlaws of Irish and Scottish descent.
Sure, they have their differences, but by far and large they have learned to look past language, custom, and tradition and get along very well.  Anglos do not go to the Mex dances to sit and drink, they get up and dance with the senoritas.  They have many commonalities.  The first is the tradition that everybody goes about armed.  The second is that you never insult a man, his family, or his woman.  The third is you never mistreat a horse, dog, or a man’s woman.  Finally, it does not matter who starts something, what matters is why, and how it ended.
There have been more range wars, shootings, murders, and instances of sheer barbarism in New Mexico than anywhere else in the United States.  New Mexicans will not allow themselves to be abused.  They are slow speaking, thoughtful, and very considerate, but God help you if you start to “prod” them.
I went to see my rancher friend, Isaac “Gabe” Montano for his opinion on the gripping Bundy incident over in Nevada.  Gabe originates from Spanish stockmen and looks it.  He has black eyes, curly black hair, is of medium height, and is fine featured.  Gabe, a handsome man is a “chick” magnet.  His pretty wife, Nata said so.  Gabe runs about 500 head of cattle north in the Vermejo country, near the Colorado line adjacent to Raton, NM.  So, we got to toodling (drinking shots of Jose Cuervo alternating with Jim Beam and strong cowboy coffee).
I asked him about Bundy.  Gabe shoved his sweat-stained punchbowl shaped Stetson back off of his forehead and frowned.  After a moment, and several sips of Joe Crow (Jose Cuervo) Gabe, spoke his piece.  “Es una faena de mala fortuna para todos demas (It’s a show with bad fortune for everybody).”  He did not comment on who started it, as I knew he would.  What mattered was who did what and how it would end.  Gabe considered that Bundy might have ancestral rights to the land, especially if his land was part of the Spanish Land Grants, which the Americans had acknowledged to preserve by signing the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.  Nevada is Spanish for snowbound.  Nevada was Spanish territory.
“There is bad and good for every person.  Nobody does right all the time.”  Gabe said, adding that he pays his grazing fees although it rankles him to do so.  When I asked him how he would feel if he had evidence of the Grazing Commission using fees to benefit other ranchers or to drive him out of business.  He did not hesitate to say that was a matter for the quarenta-y-cinco or the Tejana as Hispanics call Colt .45s. Gabe took a sip and shot a hand out at me.  He said back in the old days ranchers doing a cattle deal or cowboys playing poker or dominoes would pull their irons and slap assorted .45s and .44s on top of a table to discuss a deal or to play a hand.  That kept the dealings more or less honest.
He said he did not like it that Bundy was grazing cattle without paying his fees like everyone else in New Mexico.  He offered that the matter should be looked at by the courts, as long as the courts were playing fair.  He stroked his mustache.  “Si, es como asi, las cortes–mejor antes que las armas.  (Yes, it’s like this, the courts before the gun).”
I was curious to know if he thought Bundy was a bad man or if he could get justice for his claim.  Gabe took another sip and then shook his head.  His dark eyes flashed.  He remarked that no, Bundy was not bad, but hard and proud.  After a moment, he added that as for justice, maybe.  I asked him to explain.  Justice he said was in the heart of men.  Good men gave justice.  Bad men did not, and it was as simple as that.
He refilled his glass, then mine, and then shot me a hard glance.  The government he said had done Bundy bad, they had killed and had mistreated his animals, had injured his people and women without justification.  That he said made him favor Bundy’s cause regardless who had started it.  Finally, I asked him how he would handle and end it.  Gabe reached down to a badly scarred saddlebag, opened it and retrieved a worn but mechanically perfect old Colt Bisley Model with a five and a half inch barrel.  The shooter had belonged to his grandfather, Eulegio.
He slapped the Colt down rather hard on top of the mesquite table and said in a soft voice that for insulting him, mistreating and killing his animals, and assaulting his women, the government men were acting like bandidos.  There was only one-way to deal with bandits…the way of the gun.  Then he put the old shooter away, nodded at me, and said goodnight leaving me to consider that maybe the old ways were still good ones to use when the government acts like bandits.
Quintus Dias
NB:  Like with many New Mexicans, there is no pretense with Gabe.  He tells it as he sees it and if you don’t like it, then you can go dance with the devil.
From email:  August 1 of year 2014  Quintus Dias to Group
Posted with permission.