Category Archives: Health Tome

Health Tomb: Magnesium Vital to Health

Quintas Dias & Cyrellys Geibhendach.  A health note to all those leaving no health facet unturned!  Magnesium may be more important that many realize.

This Mineral Found to Reduce ‘All Cause Mortality’ Drama…

Magnesium has been shown to reduce mortality rates from all causes.
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 Magnesium is an incredible mineral that plays a role in over 300 enzyme reactions and metabolic processes.  An adult of an average age between 31 and 50 years recommended recommended dietary allowance consists of 420 mg for men and 320 for women.
“Approximately 30% to 40% of the dietary magnesium consumed is typically absorbed by the body”  ~ Magnesium Fact Sheet, National Institute of Health
“Researchers have concluded that many people don’t get the levels of Magnesium they need from their food.”  ~  University of Maryland Medical Center
A tremendous number of conditions can be helped with magnesium rich foods and sometimes supplements, including diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, RLS (restless leg syndrome), sleep disorders, and osteoporosis.  There are some cautions however that should be taken into consideration as there are some medications that do not do well or have adverse interactions with magnesium supplements.  The literature highly recommends those considering taking the supplements consult with their doctor on the interactions before taking a supplement form.
For those wishing to add magnesium to their diet via natural foods the best sources can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, dark beets and nuts.  It is the chlorophyll in dark or bright colored vegetables that helps them be high in magnesium.
For more information on magnesium the best article I found while researching was at the University of Maryland Medical Center at


Ebola Bioweapon, Possible Cure: Nano Silver and Sugar For Wound Care

Quintas Dias.  FYI.  Do some research on the use of silver in fighting bacteria and other types of illnesses with the use of colloidal silver that started in the 1930s.
There is considerable evidence that silver particulates have been known to be effective in fighting bacteria and viruses for thousands of years.  Also keep in mind that Napoleon popularized the use of sugar to treat wounds in his army.  Note the effectiveness of healing wounds and burns by using sugar/honey/grease that goes all the way back to the ancient Egyptians.
As a young man, I was seriously flash burned on my lower legs from an explosion and had to undergo the painful process of surgical debridement.  My nurses were wonderful and did such a good job that today the scaring from the wounds are almost indistinguishable.
The sugar/honey/cooking oil treatment does not require debridement for burns.  You do NOT want to undergo debridement or be confined to a burn center.  What is debridement?  It is the cutting away of damaged flesh by the use of surgical scissors and scalpels.  Snip, snip, cut, cut, snip, snip.  Major hurt and pain.  Back in the day they did not have lasers.  I was in hospital for four months.
Nucleus factsheet image
This is one of the reasons we have a huge and bitter divide between allotropic and osteopathic approaches to healing.  One uses synthetic drugs and the other natural compounds.
Keep in mind that like with the CDC, the FDA represents big biz and Big Pharma.  Colloidal and nano silver, if effective would undermine the huge antibiotic industry.  Big Pharma holds monopoly positions in the drug industry and do not want competition.  This is the same type of hostility found between monopoly capitalism and entrepreneurial capitalism…they are mutually exclusive.
World’s Oldest Antibiotic Also Shows Promise as an Anti-…

World’s Oldest Antibiotic Also Shows Promise as an Anti-Cancer Therapy
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Sugar for Wound Care – The People’s Pharmacy

by Richard A. Knutson, MD • WHAT IS SUGARDYNE? Sugardyne is a specially-formulated dressing composition suitable for use on a great variety and number of wounds, burns and ulcers. It was developed in its earliest form by the battlefield surgeons of ancient Egypt some 4,000 y…
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 Quintus Dias

Spanish Nurse and Ebola

Quintas Dias.  From Email October 6 of 2014.

A Spanish nurse has contracted Ebola after treating a patient.  This underscores two things.  One, health care personnel are a primary at risk category.  Two, proper personal protective equipment (PPE) and knowledge in using it are essential.  Perhaps there may be a third factor at work.  Three, the virus may now be airborne adding a deadlier threat scenario of catching it through aerosols rather through the other two primary transmission modes: body fluids and surface contamination.
Thus far, Ebola has felled scores of health care practitioners who have acted heroically to save patients.  This alone should alert hospitals and clinics that they must DO everything possible to protect their doctors and nurses and other health staff.  In the military medics are a vital MORALE factor.  Soldiers do everything possible to protect medics and nurses.
You can’t afford to get cute with Ebola or any other infectious disease.  Our EMS group urges care facilities and professionals to review their procedures and impose rigid security protocols in dealing with infectious disease vectors, review diagnosis signifiers, contaminant agents and appropriate disinfectants.  Amazingly enough, despite the death rate among professional practitioners many institutions are ignoring the threat or downgrading it.  This verges on gross malfeasance and criminal negligence.

It also appears health care workers despite the use of PPEs are contracting Ebola.  Why is this when they are using full body suits, booties, gloves, face mask, hoods and body aprons??  What is being overlooked or misapplied?

Quintus Dias

The Illusionist and Vaccines

true conspiracy theories
Conspiracy Theories that turned out to be true…

Quintas Dias.  There has been a long and bitter running gun battle over the effectiveness of vaccines and Big Pharma (BP) pursuing profits from creating myriad new vaccines to cope with a plethora of newly discovered, or old familiar bugs that have mutated periodically, creating new and deadlier super bugs. Many have questioned the motives, ethics, and the honesty of researchers, doctors and biologists working for BP, as to the legitimacy of the vaccines under development and their effectiveness.  Others have questioned BP’s penchant for coopting and the outright bribery of politicians and resulting new laws mandating compulsory vaccinations.

For many the scenario is familiar.  Health case workers respond to the onslaught of a new bug wreaking havoc in some far off land.  Alarms are rung.  Newscasters portray scenarios of doom.  Politicians decry a new emergency.  Doctors wring their hands and shrug.  Pastors make appeals to the All Mighty.  And Insurance executives get worried people to sign on the dotted line, just in case Mystery Disease X1Y2 makes an appearance.
BP goes on the offensive seeking tax breaks and public funds to create a new wonder vaccine.  Behold!  Bug Slayer is introduced with much fanfare…only costs 100.00 a hit.  Then atrocious stories surface of lethal contaminants in the vaccine killing or crippling vaccinated people.  Lawyers threaten to sue.  Jurists hold ABC Corp harmless…Supreme Court decided they are exculpable (too big and powerful to sue even if they are guilty of perpetuating a fraud and poor quality control.  Meanwhile, whistle blowers appear in dark shadowy interviews with alternative news reporters mumbling that ABC Corp actually created Super Bug Slayer to reap massive profits from the very bug they engineered, called agent Z that is causing Mystery Disease X1Y2.
People get the impression that BP is racing to save the world from a deadly bug war and from their own rivals pursuing those same obscene profits.  It’s war you know, so quality, safety, and ethics all have to fall by the wayside to defeat the enemy.
What do you think?
Rappaport seems to think Ebola manifestations are a manufactured crisis and an illusion designed to embolden predatory corporations seeking to reap immense profits from not only creating a real disease that is designed to get rid of troublesome populations in resource rich lands, but also to reap astronomical profits from the manufacture of vaccines designed to combat and kill the disease they made.  Wow, what a scam.  Even the Mafia should be impressed.  Wait a minute.  Maybe the wise guys busted out Big Pharma and are now running the show!
Part 1
Ebola: what op is being planned for Western nations?

Ebola: what op is being planned for Western nations? by Jon Rappopo…
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Part 2
 Part 3

The Revolution in Military Affairs and Constructing Illusions for Military Purposes


Virus Update and Detox Forumla

By Quintas Dias.  September 10 of 2014.  Virus update…pretty lame news account.  BTW, “K” believes it is weaponized.

Hospital sets patient record as virus spreads

Medical officials admitted a record number of children to a local hospital over the weekend because of a rare respiratory virus.
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Cy, can you please pass the detox formula on to everyone on your list…here and in Europe.  I’ve known about this formula since the 1990s, especially when it gained traction after the numerous fatal (Cryptosporidium parvum – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia outbreaks we had back then.
Cryptosporidium parvum – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi…

Cryptosporidium parvum is one of several protozoal species that cause cryptosporidiosis, a parasitic disease of the mammalian intestinal tract.
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This is the famous detox formula furnished by alternative medical practitioners to combat weaponized viruses and bacteria.  Some of the ingredients are exotic but have a proven track record over centuries.  For example, myrrh has excellent antibacterial properties.  This makes a lot, but you can halve or quarter it.  I am told to drink it in tomato juice and not directly.
LIQUID IONIC MINERALS – Calcium, Magnesium, Iodin…

Maintaining a proper mineral balance, has proven to be a vital key to health and well being. Thank you for being here.  May we take just a moment to introduce ourse…
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1 cup Curry Powder
1 lb. Fresh Jalapeno (or if preferred) Habenaro Peppers chopped fine.
3 cups 80,000 BTU Cayenne Pepper.
3 heads garlic, fresh, chopped fine.
1 cup Red Hot Pepper seeds.
2 cups Myrrh Gum Powder- Dissolved.
2 gallons Brandy (Vodka should work as well it must be at least 80 proof)
½ gallon (2 bottles) Water OZ silver mineral water (colloidal silver water will also work though not as well)
¼ cup Celtic Salt (Sea salt was recommended by a local health food store for a substitute).  Stir and marinate 14 days, turn daily. Yields 3 gallons. Recipe can be halved or quartered or whatever amount you want to make.  You do the math.
Directions for use:
1 teaspoon mixed into 4 ounce tomato or vegetable juice. Acute take every 2 hours for the first 24 hours, then three times a day, as needed. One or two times a day for maintenance. Do not exceed the tolerance of your body!  Note: take a non-dairy Acidophilus as described for thirty days.  As with all home remedies the quality of the end product is the sum of the quality of the ingredients you use. Try to get the best quality ingredient for the best results. The results may vary from person to person and from batch to batch.
I have not used this personally, but have spoken directly to users who have during the chem spraying back in the 1990s that sickened and even killed so many people in Texas and in Minnesota.  They all said it tastes like [expletive], but worked when nothing else did.
Quintus Dias

Ebola Discussion Continued: ‘Ebola Devouring Latter Day Plague’

Textbook: Where There Is No Doctor
A widely used health education handbook.

The following compilation is a continuation of the email group discussion influenced by the monitoring the group has been conducting, on the matter of Ebola 2014.  The discussion has expanded to include the recent Enterovirus outbreak of 2014 in the U.S.

Extinction Protocol produced the following news piece as part of its excellent continuing coverage on Ebola:

Ebola ‘devouring everything in its path,’ – former UN rep calls Ebola “Latter Day Plague” that is growing exponentially

Ebola ‘devouring everything in its path,’ – former UN rep calls Ebola “Latter Day Plague” that is growing exponentially

“Karin Landgren, the former UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Liberia, called the outbreak a “latter-day plague”’ that is growing exponentially. She told the UN that most health workers had gone for long stretches without proper protective equipment, training or pay. Al Jazeera’s James Bays, reporting from the UN in New York, said it was the first time the UNSC were discussing the matter, illustrating that Ebola was rapidly becoming a security threat.”

From Quintas Dias to Group.  September 09 of 2014.

This is the reality of the situation.  I am staying on top of this and if you’ve noticed, consider the toll it is wreaking among health professionals.  No doubt it has mutated and probably has gone airborne.  It is only a matter of time before it reaches Europe and the US.  Spain is becoming inundated by African refugees fleeing to Spanish Morocco.  The WHO and especially the CDC are full of shit and are minimizing the situation.  We are no better prepared to handle this than anyone else.  How do I know that?  It was my business to know.  The most likely US response will be a SHTF scenario and massive panic and bureaucratic ineptness, just like we saw with Katrina.
If it gets started here, the focus will be on quarantining the living from the dying and there it is.  Now we are facing a threat by an Enterovirus outbreak of a lethal strain more than likely introduced into the US by illegals.  The media is blacking this story out and the CDC doesn’t know shit what to do about it.   It has spread quickly to 10 states.  That means pandemic.
Our immune systems remain our best line of defense, but have been degraded by Flouride, toxic spraying, lethal poisons in garden and fertilizer products (which include toxic heavy metals from smelters), and from the low grade poisons found in Chemtrails.  Thus, the solution in part is to boost our immune systems.
Africa in many places only has a rudimentary health system even though her health practitioners are heroic in devotion to their patients.  Africans also have degraded  immune systems due to poor or non-existent public hygiene, poor diets, and ignorance.  Thus, Africa may revert back to the worst imaginable scenarios associated with the Black Plague and witness scores of deaths.  The response from the world community has been pathetic.
I have a med manual written by Hong Kong medical practitioners related to protective gear, basic hygiene practices and treatment protocols for infectious disease.  Hong Kong medics lead the world in prophylactic measures for infectious diseases, especially after their latest go around with H1N1.  Anyone wanting a copy let me know and I will send it.

Reply from Cyrellys to Group.  September 09 of 2014

Yes, I’m still watching this with a cautious eye as well.  I have the same opinion on it.  What I think I can contribute here at this time that would be useful to everyone is my prior experience with Enterovirus.

I have a family member prone to lung infections and asthma who three or four years ago had a really bad run in with Enterovirus and landed in the hospital for it.  The hospital successfully treated it with steroids to knock it down and after three day layover in the hospital to recoup we finished treating it with albuterol using a nebulizer.  Albuterol is a prescription medicine.
Since then we put anyone in our family who gives the least hint of a croup cough on double to triple doses of vitamins and echinacea tea which is similar to using steroids.  Anyone who has kids that are asthmatic should see if they can get their doctor to approve a purchase of a home vaporizor machine that can administer the albuterol medication direct to the nose and mouth and a small reserve supply of the medication for in case of emergency when during an oubreak the doc can give you the go ahead to use it via the phone.
In children croup cough is one of the most distinct signs of the illness alongside labored breathing.  IT is DIFFERENT from the cough typical of the common cold which is generally wet and full of congestive phlegm to be expelled.  Croup cough is dry and sounds like the child’s lungs are barking during the cough.  Albuterol works for adults with weak lungs too.  But like any medicine should be used no more often than necessary with reliance being placed first on building and maintaining the immune system and healthy diet, exercise etc.  Many medicines have lessened effect when used too regularly.  Having a resource like this available prior to an outbreak could improve the situation and give physicians some breathing room to work with if inundated with patients all requiring immediate attention and a sudden strain on existing supplies in pharmacies.

Video:  How to make herbal tinctures | Mountain Rose Herbs

Reply from Quintas Dias to Group.   September 09 of 2014

Thank you.  The strain of Entero now loose in the US seems to be attacking kids in school settings.  It would be helpful if somebody could list possible remedies that are non-prescription.  I say this because in medical emergencies I have been associated with Doctors cannot be bothered writing prescriptions for individuals.  Moreover, we have an acute shortage of pain killers and antivirals and antibiotics.  Hospital supplies are under guard, and rural hospitals face severe shortages.  IMO, you do not want to go to hospital unless absolutely necessary.  Killer Staph infections in hospitals are now common and the degree of care has largely been degraded from what it once was.
Keep this in mind.  In event of a public health emergency or disaster scenario you will have to contend with RULE 1.  Rule 1 is simple.  It is TRIAGE.  Triage divides treatment according the following schema.  A.  These people we can save now, thus resources go to these first.  B.  These people we might be able to save, and less resources are accorded to this category.  C.  These people are the ones we cannot save.  They get no resources at all…they are left to die.
I need to restock my supply of Goldenseal, Fever Few, Red Clover, Echinacea.  It’s a good idea to stock up on Hydrogen Peroxide, Alcohol, Baking Soda, Bleach, and Pool Shock.  Vitamins are essential and I try to maintain a stock of B12, C, D3, Zinc and Magnesium.  I also stock Cinnamon and Tumeric.  I keep Oregano, Basil, Olive Leaf Extract on hand.  Red Clover tea is an excellent blood purifier.  Also keep in mind Russian Penicillin.  This is mashed up fresh garlic in olive oil.  The Russians did not have access to Penicillin in WWII.  Being of inventive mind they used the garlic concoction successfully to treat infectious wounds.
When Mt. St. Helens blew up, I was in Yakima Co.  The county was severely impacted by ash fallout.  It was dark 24/7 for weeks.  Ash debridement caused infectious boils.  We had fantastic results using home made saline solutions to treat this with.
In using herbal teas, I had fantastic results in breaking a young girl’s high fever using FEVER FEW herbal tea.  It was amazing.  It broke her fever within an hour.  I got the idea out of a pharmacopeia called Back to Eden.  The best Herbal Med source book I have come across is BACK TO EDEN available in health food stores.
There are five good med books that I use.  (a) Where there is no Doctor.  (b) Ditch Medicine, (c) US Army Special Forces Medical Handbook, (d) Merck Manual, (e) Back to Eden.
Finally, you might want to get in good with a Mex “curandera.”  They know stuff our high falutin medical personnel have no idea of.  Such as masticating Agave cactus roots and slapping the masticate on gunshot wounds.  No infection, rapid healing,  and minimal scaring.  Ole!

Reply from Cyrellys to Group.  September 10 of 2014

All good points.

I mentioned the prescription medicines for two reasons.  The first so that we can see boosting the immune and energy system to deal with this illness is the same method they synthesize artificially using steroids.  Steroidal medicines don’t attack a viral infection directly.  They supercharge the immune system and the body’s endurance capacity to do what it does best, formulate an anti-viral reaction of its own.  We can do this also using things like vitamins, echinecea, and honey (which has some of its own anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties as well as being an easily digestible energy source).  Another thing that can be done, but you have to start very early, is alter the bio-chemical composition of the body itself through the low dose consumption of vinegar.  There has been success doing this through the consumption of a spoonful of vinegar 2x daily if you can stomach it…those with stomach erosions probably should not try this.  There are some microorganisms that cannot survive in the body if you change the PH factor which is what consuming vinegar does if you do it long term.
The second reason I mentioned the prescription medicines, is because there are some (often older doctors) who are willing to help families pre-stock prescription supplies for chronic ailments.  Ours wrote us prescriptions for albuterol supplies to keep on hand.  Granted not all doctors will do this, but for those out there who might have access to one, it would be sensible to have a conversation with that person and explain what you mean to do and your reasoning.  Doctors being frontline for any crisis are generally practical people too.  So don’t be afraid to ask; worst one can say is no.
The biggest problem with home remedies and herbal medicines is not their effectiveness, but locating useful instructions for preparing and dosing them, and any conflicts with other substances they may have.  Many books happily tell you what to use for what ailment, but they won’t give specific instruction for preparing the tinctures, whether to grind or steep, or even what part of the plant to use and how much of the raw to start with or how much of the preparation to take and for how long.  Some herbal plants use only one part of the plant specially prepared and in the raw they are toxic.  Some if you get the consumptive quantity too high, can be toxic, i.e. valerian (root).  Others can illicit an allergic reaction in some people, i.e. echinecea can be problematic for some people allergic to plants from the daisy family.  Some can only be used topically and should not be ingested.  Your average mainstream physician will not know the first thing about these issues because they are not part of his medical training.  Your kitchen herbs is not so much an issue as are the more exotic ones like willow bark for pain relief, etc.  If you cannot find access to a book that gives such info, track down an herbalist or try getting a recommendation on who to contact from the American Herbalists Guild or The School of Traditional Western Herbalism.  Not all locals have access to holistic medicine practitioners, but many of the large cities will have a few or even a group.
Another thing everyone needs to know about herbal remedies and vitamins is that when you purchase over the counter pre-prepared substances (vitamins are notorious for this), they are often in dosages that are so low as to be more placebo than medicinal or health supportive.  You can for example look up the vitamins helpful for COPD (chronic bronchitis) and discover that vitamin D-3, Ginseng, Vitamin E, and Selenium in combination are effective.  Vitamins are measured in amounts labeled IU or mg (milligram).  You have to match the effective Vitamin D-3 IU quantity of 100,000 IU per month to a daily dose which when divided by the number of average days in a month (30) comes out to approx 3333 IUs per day which is far above the recommended daily IUs of Vitamin D.  Consider how many tablets you’d have to consume per day to achieve this if your bottle only contains 400 IU tablets like the product available from Nature’s Measure!  So it is not enough just to have some sort of vitamin D-3 on hand for this ailment.  You must pay close attention to the product you are acquiring, its content dosage and what your needs actually are.
Another example for the same hypothetical ailment pertinent to this discussion is Vitamin E (d-alphatocopherol).  Vitamin E requires a buddy to be effective and bond with nutrients in the body.  It is usually buddied up with Selenium.  Not just any kind of Vitamin E works for this…it has to be the form of d-alphatocopherol (natural) not the synthetic dl-alphatocopherol.  So learning if there are more than one form of some kinds of vitamins may be important to what you are doing.  Learning what questions to know to ask is worthy of your time.
Substances containing selenium in good quantity as an alternate to pre-prepared medicinal sources such as tablets include Brazil nuts.  3-6 brazil nuts contain 200 mcgs of selenium which is the recommended dose per day and where in cancer patients they typically take SE (methylselenocysteine) to as much as 200-400 mcg per day.  This implies there’s some flexibility with the dose range when dealing with a terminal illness.
Other substances that are helpful for afflictions of the lungs include Olive leaf (natural antibiotic with anti-inflammatory and anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties), Serrapeptase (a natural enzyme), Cayenne (increases circulation, improves breathing – 1 cup water/1/4 tsp cayenne/1 tsp apple vinegar/2 tsp honey together as a concoction drink slowly throughout day), astragalus, ginseng, quercetin, thyme, milk thistle, eucalyptus, lobelia, ginger (anti-inflammatory), NAC (N-aetylcysteine; recommended by Jeremy Mikolai ND National College of Natural Medicine in Portland OR, and administered via nebulizer, anti-phlem mucus thinning), Carnitine and CQ10, vitamin C and Magnesium.  There is a mail order organization, Swanson Health Products, which puts out a pretty thorough catalog you can get for free that contains vitamin products in dosages more commiserate with practical use.
Dosages for vitamins and other medicines are usually specified by the weight of a person.  In Selenium where an adult might be at 200 mcg/day, a children’s range will look more like:  kids age 4-8 years at 30 mcg, 9-13 years 40 mcg dose, and over 13 years of age at 55 mcg dose.  Most books will talk about the adult doses of medications if they give any dosing information.  So you will have to extrapolate from the average weight of a healthy adult and figure as close to the per pound to gain appropriate doses for children in their weight ranges.
A resource for anti-biotics like pennicillan, oxytetracycline, and supporting vitamins lie injectable vitamin B complex, intravenous fluids, etc is your veterinarian.  Many livestock producers stock their medical refrigerators prior to the production season because with a sick animal you may only have an hour or two to get medications into that animal before it is beyond all help because animals not being communicators of the human kind will not exhibit symptoms oft times till they’ve keeled over into the ground.  So it is not unusual for a veterinarian to help a farm or ranch prepare ahead of time to handle most matters themselves because a Vet can be an hour or more distant in an emergency.  These medicines through a vet are usually of the injectable kind and you’ll have to know or learn how to give them with a needle per instructions like intramuscular(IM) or sub-cutaneously (SC or Sub-Q) in addition to dosage.
Another critical piece of information for home healers to know is that sometimes it isn’t the original affliction which ends up killing a critter or person.  It’s the secondary issues like dehydration, shock, or severe nutrient loss that either kills in itself or contributes to the establishment of a third party infection usually bacterial.  Here are some commonly used recipes used by farm families for both people and livestock to address the secondary issues:
Homemade Electrolyte Solution
(since death results from dehydration and shock the first goal is to restore electrolyte balance.  Electrolyte formulations are available from drug companies, but in an emergency a suitable solution can be mixed from ingredients found in any kitchen)
2 teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
8 tablespoons honey, white corn syrup, or crystalline dextrose (never cane sugar!)
1 gallon warm water
Neomycin, nitrofurazone, or chloramphenicol can be added to formula or given separately
1. Add salt, baking soda, and sweetner to water.
2. Mix well.
3. Add antibiotic to formula if you wish.
4.  If the patient in question is too weak to drink, it can be administered via a syringe or stomach tube.  Give 1-2 cups per 10 lbs of body weight per day until recovered.
Giving an electrolyte solution orally is called hypotonic.  The above solution contains electrolytes in roughly half the concentration of electrolytes in the blood and is given ONLY by mouth.  Giving electrolytes intravenously direct to the blood stream via needles is called isotonic and is done with special solutions available via doctors or veterinarians only.
Home Remedy for Diarrhea also called Scours
(the source of this home remedy was a veterinarian)
1 cup buttermilk
1 raw egg
1 teaspoon cocoa
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1. Mix ingredients in a blender, or shake well in a jar.
2. Give one-fourth of this mixture every 2 to 3 hours.
One crushed bolus(tablet) of neomycin can be added to this mixture.

Obama’s Kabuki Theater: a disaster waiting to happen

By Quintas Dias.  After spending days studying data, in reviewing assorted incident reports, and in talking to people all over the United States regarding the illegal issue, there can only be one conclusion.  Obama’s immigration policies, non-enforcement, and dispersal of illegals carrying highly infectious diseases is a disaster waiting to happen.  An enemy state conducting war on the United States could not have asked for a better heaven sent opportunity to conduct a deadly war on America.  Please keep in mind that in this instance, the weapons used will be silent and non-visible weapons…Microbes and nano-sized virons from viruses.  They are very potent and lethal weapons.

The possibility of illegals carrying Ebola is very high.  However,  that is not the only deadly infectious disease Americans  have to worry about.  There are valid reports of illegals carrying the following:

1.  Infectious TB (lethal)
2.  Dengue (lethal)
3.  Scabies
4.  Chickenpox
5.  Flesh eating Staph infections (lethal)

6.  Chagas (lethal)
7.  Malaria (lethal)
8.  Hantavirus (lethal)

The fact that these people are not being medically inspected or quarantined is highly significant.  Anybody with a measure of common sense or who knows anything about emergency medicine and disaster management would never allow the entry and subsequent dispersal of these people all over the United States.  That is simply criminal and malfeasance, and misfeasance of office.  They are being dumped unsupervised in town and cities far and wide and pose a first class medical disaster waiting to happen.  You do your medical screening and prophylaxis protocols at the point of entry and not at the destination where even the conveyance can be the carrier of deadly disease.

You can only imagine the resulting disaster if we get hit with an infectious disease scenario involving a multitude of highly contagious pathogens.  Our resources at every level will be soon exhausted and crisis managers overwhelmed.

What is so absurd about this Kabuki theater is that Obama’s minions are emphatically denying any threat to Americans and have engaged official and unofficial apologists to attack anyone saying otherwise.  Then we have politicians telling us we have to submit to this because of the children and that immigration is the American way. We have seen reports of federal SWAT teams to be deployed to Border Patrol processing centers throughout America to face a rising tide of protest and dissent over Obama’s immigration policy of dumping illegals anywhere in the US.  This implies the use of force to exact compliance with not only questionable policy, but with the Administration’s flagrant breach of its own laws.  Before moving on let’s look briefly at the US disaster response system.


Overview:  The American disaster system is predicated on a cascading series of failure protocols.  Imagine a stepped waterfall, with each step cascading down to the next from the top.  Each step has its own system and SOPs leading to the next, and its own chain of command, response procedures, personnel, and C4I (command, control, communications, cyber, intelligence), supplies and equipment.  Police, emergency medical, rescue and fire are all part of this.  Some agencies may be more specialized than others due to their particular locations and threat contingencies, such as range fires, water, mountain, collapsed structure extrication, and rescue.  The overall scene and incident command is flexible.  In some instances, a police officer may be in charge, a fire official or a disaster response coordinator.  The system flows from-

1.  Local incident agencies to-
2.  County incident agencies to-
3.  State incident agencies to-
4.  Regional agencies to-
5.  Federal agencies (buck stops there)

Thus, if one level is overwhelmed the next level is tasked to respond and to cope with the situation, and is authorized to call for outside resources to assist.  Many agencies have inter-agency agreements and protocols arranged in advance as to what person or agency is to lead, and what agencies are to support.  This is a good system.  The disaster incident and response array is integrated…more or less, and operates wthin a common Incident Command System.  In sum, the American system works very well as long as three factors are present and maintained.

These are-

a.  All personnel have the required training and are competent individuals
b.  There is agreement on coordination, command and control
c.  There is exists some sort of functional government and decision maker/s on the scene

The United States in the last 20 years has made enormous strides and efforts to improve disaster response and training for emergency services personnel.  Many agencies have regular hands on training exercises, special courses, and advanced training at mock disaster scenes.  Disaster engineering is now an accepted field of study.  Disaster technology, while improving has not kept pace with other applications.  There are many lacks in lightweight portable, easy to use and repair disaster equipment.  On average, the majority of disaster responders are well trained and capable people at the field operations level.  IMO and based on 20 some years of experience, where we have real problems with personnel competency is at the top.  Careerists, suck asses, and fools abound in upper management.  Incompetents instead of being booted out are often booted upstairs and this can have fatal results.

Coordination and smooth inter-agency operations are usually achieved.  Sure, there is always some friction, some degradation of effort when working with outsiders, but generally, people strive to perform their best, as long as  you do not have some psychopathic control freak in overall command (you’d be surprised at the number of those in the system) making bad decisions and unnecessarily risking lives.

As long as some resemblance of government exists with decision makers still emplaced, the system generally works.  However the entire system is dependent on government existing with people present that are able and capable of making decisions.  If that is not present, then the entire system collapses in on itself.  This then is the key weakness.  We saw that emphatically dramatized with Hurricane Katrina and the horrible response effort from FEMA and the bitter inter-agency fighting between local, state and federal personnel.

There is one other level to a disaster response, and that is the individual and community level that can either boost or undermine the entire system.  Officials because of stupidity, arrogance or for whatever reason rarely include individual capabilities and resources in plans and operations.  Individuals in many, many instances have special training and capabilities and emergency gear on hand that can add to the overall relief and mitigation efforts.  This level was an active component of the former Civil Defense system (CD) during the Cold War that unfortunately has been abandoned.

Note: This may surprise you, but one of the very worst disaster response agencies I ever worked with is the RED CROSS.  I would prefer to put “grandmother” who has raised some kids and has experience in running a household in charge of supplies than some of the Red Cross goofballs I have seen fuck up everything.  Like turning away supplies and food donations because it did not neatly fit their parameters.  For CHRIST SAKES!  Nothing ever neatly fits a disaster scenario.  Another little example based on personal experience.  A town was wiped out by a flash flood.  Ninetey percent of the residents had no shelter.  FEMA dispatched the Red Cross, a FEMA contractor and UN NGO. They set up shop and after some fumbling and mumbling turned around and arrogantly informed the miles long crowd of people outside, some still in their undewear, dirty, shaken and hopeless that no, they would not process any relief application without proper individual ID!!!!  You can imagine the effect on the survivors standing in line after just having their homes and everything they owned including important papers and ID wiped out by the flood?  Police had to be called to maintain order and to protect the dumbshit Red Cross dudes from being hung on the spot.

The other problematic agency that I had very bad experiences with is FEMA.  Fema has some good field grade personnel, but many of their highers are stupid jackasses and political hacks.  I found that they could not manage their way out of a paper sack or could even find their own asses with both hands.  “Uh, I have to get clearance for that.  Uh, I have to check with DC…Uh, that is not in the manual and so on and on.”


This is not the place to analyze in depth what went wrong at 9/11 or during the Katrina disaster.  However, take note of these issues and act around them at your individual level.

The key problems rested with bureaucratic incompetency and mismanagement, including no, or slow decision making, inability to absorb and to react timely to information streams, and a stupid commitment to already failed courses of action, and inability to accept help at the individual level and ignorance of local individual resources to assist with the disaster.  Like, geez “we don’t have enough boats”…Anybody bother to ask the locals to come to the party with their boats?  Duh!

As result, all three problem areas noted above FAILED.  The magnitude of the disaster overwhelmed all four disaster component arrays and stunned decision makers, leaving them befuddled, impotent, or without a clear course of action.  Government failed.  Officialdom failed.  Crisis managers failed at all levels and the people were abandoned and left to fend on their own.  And that includes you, President Bush.  You and your lousy FEMA managers failed.   Case in point and it is a little one.  FEMA spent millions for temporary shelters, buying thousands of  low quality trailers that were soon found to poison their occupants with toxic fumes from hazardous materials used in their construction.  Consequently, they were declared unfit and abandoned.  Way to go dudes!

The best agency on the Katrina disaster scene was the US Coast Guard.  They immediately acted on their own initiative and maintained a good working relationship with locals.  I have worked extensively with the coasties and from enlisted to officer ranks they are very good at their jobs.


These are hard questions that needed to be asked, and nobody at the moment is asking them.  The government is not supplying any answers.  Those responses that exist are unclear and confusing.  Keep in mind that with an infectious disease scenario we may be facing the aftermath of a KATRINA many orders of magnitude in severity.  I have attached some relevant links to help you decide on what to do and what actions to take and information regarding Katrina

1.  MARTIAL LAW.  Will martial law be imposed?  There is a very good likelihood that it will in order to categorize, segregate and quarantine the population: the ill from the healthy.  You will be ordered to shelter in place until some government official arrives at your door to conduct an inspection and determines whether you are a carrier, have been exposed or manifest symptoms.  If a determination is made that you have been exposed, or have symptoms you will be arrested and transported to an isolation area.  If your locale is determined to be a contagion area and you are healthy you will be arrested and transported to an isolation area until you either manifest symptoms or you are cleared.

A containment perimeter manned by police or troops is likely to be erected around the contagion area and nobody will be allowed in or out,  Anyone trying to leave will be shot.  Checkpoints with 30 miles of the immediate contagion area will be manned and provide outer perimeter security.  Again nobody, unless on official business will be allowed in, and those trying to evade the checkpoint will be shot.

2.  FAMILY CARE.  Who is going to care for your kids, or parents, a spouse if you are detained?  No answer.  You are probably on your own here.
3.  CONFINEMENT FACILITY DESTINATION.  Where will you be sent to?  There are regional confinement facilities for infectious diseases.  Two that I know of are in El Paso, TX and another in Artesia, NM (on lock down due to infectious chickenpox).
4.  PERSONAL CARE.  Who will care for you in a detention facility?  It will likely be a consortium of police, troops, or contractors.  And no, they have no obligation to care for you personally.
5.  LENGTH OF CONFINEMENT.  How long will I have to stay in confinement?  Apparently, this is being left to the discretion of state governors and CDC personnel…realistically, you will be confined until you either die, or survive, or the emergency resolves itself
6.  WHERE WILL I GO IF RELEASED?  If I am cleared where will I go?  No answer as of yet. probably up to local discretion and resources to transport you out of an area.
7.  MY JOB?  What about your ability to earn a living?  No answer.  Obviously, in an emergency your job does not really matter, if it is determined that you must be confined.  Tough shit.
8.  SERVICES?  If am I locked down will services function (police, gas, water, sewer, electricity)?  Most likely they will stay up until they fail in succession due to being overwhelmed
9.  FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT ON LOCKDOWN.  Will I be allowed out to make food and other essential purchases?  No answer on this, probably dependent on local discretion, availability of local supplies and protective measures to prevent contagion
10.  PAYMENT FOR SERVICES…If I cannot purchase food or pay for services, what then?  No answer.  Tough shit.  Detroit cut off water for thousands of residents because they did not have the means to pay.  California is expected to do the same resgarding the drought

There are related worrisome issues to an epidemic of any infectious disease striking the United States.  Ask yourself how are you going to earn a living with mandatory travel restrictions and entire communities on lock down.  Get back, that’s BS you might say.  Well, I wish it was.  However, Obama has just signed a series of new executive orders without major news coverage.  These mandate that anyone suspected of exposure to or carrying a respiratory illness is to be arrested and confined.  Moreover, the healthy are to be kept quarantined as are the sick.  This implies a massive economic dislocation and disruption.  It will obliterate the remaining economic capability and viability of the United States.  If this is implemented on a national scale, the United States faces collapse.  Note: Obama is skirting like usual, the law making provision of the Congress without any input from the legislature.  Politely, this is called dictatorship.

Additionally, how are you going to feed yourself and buy needed things for your household if you are locked down?  What about water and gas, electricity?  Water, gas, electricity are provided by utilities in a grid network.  How is the grid going to function in the face of a wide scale epidemic?

There are reports that the CDC has been given dictatorial powers to even detain healthy Americans against their will.  In other words, absent any signs of disease, if you are suspected to have traveled through a contamination zone or have been exposed to contact, you will be detained for such a time period until you either manifest symptoms or your body produces evidence that you are disease free.  In the case of Ebola, that means confinement for 3 to 4 weeks.

Finally, if you have kids, are you and your family safe from disease carried into American schools by illegals?  Hardly.  There are rumors Obama is prepared to sign an executive order mandating school districts to accept illegals within your schools.  This is sheer folly and evidence of gross malfeasance.

The fact that these people are not being medically inspected or quarantined is highly significant.  Anybody with a measure of common sense or who knows anything about emergency medicine and disaster management would never allow the entry and subsequent dispersal of these people all over the United States.  They are being dumped unsupervised in town and cities far and wide and pose a first class medical disaster waiting to happen.  You do your medical screening and prophylaxis protocols at the point of entry and not at the destination, where even the conveyance can be the carrier of deadly disease.

What is so absurd about this Kabuki theater, is that Obama’s minions are emphatically denying any threat to Americans and have engaged official and unofficial apologists to attack anyone saying otherwise.  Then we have politicians telling us we have to submit to this because of the children and that immigration is the American way. We have seen reports of federal SWAT units ordered to be deployed to Border Patrol processing centers throughout America to face a rising tide of protest and dissent over Obama’s immigration policy of dumping illegals anywhere in the US.  This implies the use of force to exact compliance with not only questionable policy, but with the Administration’s flagrant breach of its own laws.


As a former disaster responder and incident commander I have this to say.  The Obama Administration is a failure…a CLUSTER FUCK.  You are on your own.  You must prepare for a local infectious disease outbreak at best, and at the worst get ready for a national epidemic.   This is not that hard to do.  If you do it, you are in charge in some aspects of your life and not entirely dependent on some political hack.  Stay alert to what is happening around you.  Obtain emergency supplies and keep them well stocked (this is an excellent source of informatrion–  Talk to your neighbor, arrange a community meeting and identify leaders, make plans and open dialog with others.  An infectious disease kit can cost under 100.00.  You will need at least four months ( six would be better) of food, water, and sanitation supplies if locked down in your own home.  You are not incompetent or unable to manage your own life.  In fact, your skills and qualities can help save others and go far to mitigate  a very bad situation.  See the map link below.  Obama is dumping illegals many of whom have infectious diseases in these areas.  This means you could be exposed.  You are NOT totally helpless.  There is a lot you can do to prepare for this.  The key is to do it NOW, while supplies are still reasonable and available (do not forget that in case of a disaster grocery stores have only a 3-5 day food supply on hand)…


The 1st Sign Your City Was Attacked By An Ebola Bioweapon – Survival Bac

The 1st Sign Your City Was Attacked By An Ebola Bioweapo…

The 1st sign that your city has been attacked by an Ebola bioweapon will be the reports of a suspect case with no primary or secondary ties to West Africa. When suc…
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Deadly diseases crossing border with illegals

A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
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Savoie: Illegals will add to back-to-school complication…

Soon all schools in America will be opening for business. Of course there normally are a few ‘glitches’ for a couple days; missed school busses, children confused, …
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Obama Signs Executive Order to Allow Detention of Ameri…

Amendment comes in wake of Ebola scare.
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Obama Signs Executive Order to Allow Detention of Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’

If Ebola Hits U.S., Even Healthy Americans Will be Quarantined

MAP: Where feds are trying to relocate illegal border su…

Since the border surge gained coverage from the mainstream media last month, the Obama Administration has tried to relocate tens of thousands of newly-arrived ille…
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Invasion USA: Children Dumped on Streets as Illegals Ove…

Border patrol agents are overwhelmed by the massive flood of illegals invading our nation. And make no mistake, this is an invasion, one directly caused by the ille…
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Invasion USA: Children Dumped on Streets as Illegals Overwhelm Border Patrol

MAP: Where feds are trying to relocate illegal border su…

Since the border surge gained coverage from the mainstream media last month, the Obama Administration has tried to relocate tens of thousands of newly-arrived ille…
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Pandemic preparedness

Quintus Dias

Pandemic preparedness

Pandemic Preparedness: Review our pandemic preparedness checklist and learn how to survive a pandemic. Get your pandemic kit together before it’s too late.
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MAP: Where feds are trying to relocate illegal border su…

Since the border surge gained coverage from the mainstream media last month, the Obama Administration has tried to relocate tens of thousands of newly-arrived ille…
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Quintus Dias

Intuition speaking….

I have this itch that suggests a very close eye or ear rather should be monitoring the scanners for Atlanta…that this place, among the first to receive illegals should be observed closely for signs of outbreak.
Realistically, probably all the places who’ve taken them in should have the scanners monitored.  Early alert to emergency conditions may be the only warning we get to this.
I think states and communities need to be prepared to lock out or self contain themselves for their own protection.  But like the failure to provide for their own community self-sufficiency, communities will probably fail at this token effort too.  Without self-sufficiency infrastructure, a community that locks out the world for its own protection is likely just going to starve or freeze to death together.
Which lays out the need to become self sufficient once more.  Its the only way to ensure any kind of emergency readiness or solution has a chance of being effective.  And three to four weeks is not long enough as I understand it with this ebola….quarantine requirements is in excess of 8 weeks!  8 weeks is the minimum.

From Email:  Quintas Dias to Cy August 13 of 2014
I didn’t consider that the states would consider shutting down their own borders to protect their people, inasmuch that most state governors are Illumine sell outs.  But it could happen… I suspect the feds would attack that state.

From Email:   Cy to Quintas Dias August 13 of 2014
CC.  Montana Governor; this one is also for you…
 The feds serving the depopulationists, I don’t doubt they would attack the state…in fact, I’d fully expect it and be prepared to meet such a challenge to state authority.  See, I wouldn’t be an Illumined state governor.  A good many things would be different here in MT (If I were Montana Governor), if I were calling the shots.  I’d already have put quite a few things in action.  Considering what we’re facing…it would be prudent.

  • Construction of facilities, that could disinfect shipments of goods being delivered to destinations in state, at the state border.
  • Trucks would deliver to the facilities, shipments would go through a routine disinfection of packaging, then the receivers or internal trucking companies could pick up the shipments and deliver to the intended destinations.
  • Since there’s already 30 cases in the country, the feds would have 24 hours to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the disease was fully contained.  Outside debate in this would be welcomed to ensure all bases covered.
  • In the event they cannot prove containment then the state would be locked down.  No one who doesn’t already live here comes in.  Anyone who does live here and is returning home, goes through health inspection and an 8 week quarantine at the end of which they are free to go home.
  • Health kits would be required in all businesses and homes.
  • Communities would be mandated to begin cultivation of acreage commiserate with their population of food stuffs.
  • Communities would be mandated to begin construction or accommodation acquisition of buildings to house community food and supplies.  I’d build till we once again possessed three years of food and supplies for the average population.
  • The same for water.
  • A state policy would be produced allowing small livestock (rabbits, chickens, goats) in all city limits within appropriate livestock pens.
  • A state owned production facility for mass production of vermiculture would be started in each region.  Produce would be distributed to communities to improve soils for food production.
  • funding packages would be produced to create private alternative energy plants at each community.
  • state, federal and unclaimed lands owned out of state, would be reclaimed and a land grant system established for state residents of three years minimum residency or more (snowbirds need not apply).
I could probably come up with a lot more but that’s where’d I’d start and expand from there with entrepreneurship, self-sufficiency, tooling, and any general improvements I could come up with to bolster the area.

Health Tome: Nano Silver Ebola Cure?

By Quintas Dias: I have heard about the remarkable curative powers of nano silver for years…This is a formerly classified study on a cure for Ebola. Why it was ever classified is beyond me. You may want to get this to our European friends and to all in your circle.
The doc can be downloaded via PDF.

You can get certifiable nano silver at health food stores…however, I am also hearing rumbles about criminalizing its possession… you know where that is coming from. Friends from the black world that we talked to about Ibogaine 11 that was being used in covert ops told us that the Illumined make damn sure there is a cure for everything they unleash on us and then keep it buried from public knowledge. So, here’s to you Bill Gates…may Ebola reduce you to a blob.

More info coming out about Gates links to a biowar lab in Africa. Might mention that Jon Rappaport helped us with his knowledge of missing children and what and who was behind their disappearance back in the 1990s. Like AIDS there is little doubt in my mind that the Illumined weaponized a natural occurring virus to use for the purposes of waging biowarfare, which is against international law.

What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?, page 1

Espacenet – Original document


What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?,… What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?, page 1
View on www.abovetopsecret… Preview by Yahoo
Espacenet – Original document Original document: CA2526150 (A1) ― 2005-01-06 | In my patents list |
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Health Tome: Oregano

Good morning
I love Oregano and use it a lot and here is an article with some background on how good it is!
8 Remarkable Ways Oregano Can Boost Your Health – He…

I love to cook Italian food, so I usually have a pot or two of oregano growing in my garden this time of year and in my kitchen year-round. Also known as wild marjo…
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Blessed day to all.