Political Warfare Primer | Quintus Dias

QUINTUS DIAS.  Political Warfare Primer, as presented on Who’s Next on the Microeffect Radio Network on Thursday March 17th 2016.


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thcentury history]


I. POLITICAL WARFARE DEFINED:  Political warfareis the use of political means to compel an opponent to do
one’s will, based on hostile intent. It describes the calculated interaction between a government and a target population to include the use of the criminal justice system to criminalize political opponents, the press to demonize opponents and includes black operation methods by secret agents such as:
  Character defamation and assassination
  Deceptions and false narrativesappearing in the press
  Media spin and false imagesappearing in the press
  Passage of new laws to criminalize former legal political behavior
  Propaganda campaigns to delegitimize targets
  Psychological operations todemoralize targets
  The use of police and military to falsely accuse, to falsely arrest and detain targets
  Drugsto alter perceptions…Ibogane is a perfect example
  The alteration of a target or targeted group’s opinions and actions by overt or covertcoercion to further state interests or those of a group seeking primary political power and dominance

NOTE: Altering population perceptions and thus focusing on winning hearts and minds of the population is key to
victory in waging political warfare.There are generally foursolid organizing principles to drive forward political
warfare—driving wedges between…
1. Races
2. Genders
3. Classes
4. Spiritual or Religious Belief Systems:  These organizing principles tend to isolate, categorize, inflame and drive forward a political warfare campaign to divide, isolate and inflame passions within these categories—basically driving a wedge between them and preventing unity thus weakening any possible coalition and facilitating their destruction individually.


AIMS: In political warfare, the aim is to completely destroy political enemiesso that no opposition to the dominant and victorious political class is possible.  The most virulent form of modern political warfare was manifested in the class struggles waged by ruthless socialist motivated communist and Nazi revolutionaries in the 20th century.  Upon achieving victory, the Nazis and communists immediately rounded up, imprisoned and executed their enemies.


II. VICTORY-WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? This is a critical question, especially when a dominant political group wins an orchestrated political warfare campaign. The following is noted when a ruthless political group wins dominance of the political environment.
  The former opposition is now criminalized through bills of attainder and ex-post facto laws.
  The creation of concentration and re-education camps
  The mass murder of former political opponents by the new and dominant government-democide or murder by government as part of a national security construct
  The ushering in of an overarching police state
  The legislation of vast numbers of new laws dealing with political crimes.
  The creation of a new and vast slave labor force of political criminals-the greens of Nazi Germany


III. THE TOOLS OF POLITICAL WARFARE. Various tools can be employed to wage political warfare-either soft or
hard. These can be categorized as


A. Soft Political Warfare. This construct rests on effective policy forcefully explained and repeated as often as required.  Soft political warfare focuses on altering perceptions to encourage group action that a problem exists and rests on using:  1. Diplomacy and persuasion; 2. Public Relations; 3. The vesting of Political Action Groups to solve a community political problem…like garbage collection, rent reduction, shelters for the homeless.


B. Hard or Coercive Political Warfare. These measures are used by radical, and revolutionary groups, by elites, and by tyrannical governments to mobilize action to a desired political outcome. Its main objective is to create an “other” and then to demonize “the other” as the enemy.

NOTE: The “other” can be anybody or anything, as long as it focuses and creates and sustains rage and feelings of animosity in society that the figure of “the other” is harmful or destructive of their needs. Whether that is true or not is immaterial to the artful practitioner of political warfare. In hard political warfare the main tools are:

1. Propaganda…either white,(from overt sources) or gray(from semi-official government sources)or black propaganda (from unattributed and manufacturedsources).  Black propaganda comes from an apparent disinterested source claiming to favor an equitable solution, when in fact it does not.

NOTE:Propaganda does not allow for contrasts and comparisons…it effectively blocks comparisons and poses as the sole voice of reason or the only correct voice.  Propaganda in political warfare is designed to inflame passions and to create chaos, distrust and disunity, to create divisive factions and then to set factions against each other.

2. Penetration, Disruption and Violence. Covert agents penetrate a group, disrupt its purpose and turn it violent. Agitators and disruptor agents manufacture dissent, opposition and inflame passions disrupting the organization and inflaming passions toward violence.

3. Assassination of opponents(In Nazi Germany prior to Hitler’s rise over 400 political assassinations took
place committed by Nazi operatives).

4. Sabotage. The destruction of vital infrastructure is blamed onthe targeted group (The Reichstag Fire blamed by Nazis on the communists; 9/11 the Twin Trade Towers blamed on Muslim terrorists).

5. Manufactured Revolution or Insurgency. A government demanding resources from another and if demands are not met, then the government funds an insurgency to bring the opposition government down.

6. Coup d’ Etat.The overthrow of anexisting government and the imprisonment or execution of government officers and oppositional political party members.

7. Civil War. This isthe most extreme and destructive tool of political warfare. It aims at the total destruction of a culture made up of the opposition, political dissidents, free-thinkers and all of their norms.

The Fascists in Italy arrested all of their enemies, put them in prison or shot them. The Nazis did the same and the communists in Russia and China murdered millions in creating a vast forced labor or Gulag System of political prisoners

NOTE: Political warfare demands the use of so-called “Useful Idiots” to accomplish the goal of political warfare,which is the elimination of an oppositional government, political dissidents, and the destruction of an oppositional culture.


IV. CURRENT PRACTICES IN AMERICAN POLITICAL WARFARE: Today current American political warfare practices centers on aggressive measures or direct action.  Americans expressing opposition, expressing contrary views, adhering to Constitutional principles, to religious or moral principles are perceived by the state, by elites, by the MSM media, by the DEEP STATE corporatocracy to be the enemy, meriting elimination, imprisonment or destruction.

NOTE:The Deep State are adjuncts of the state that are not elected, but are appointed or created to wield power in managing state affairs through unregulated bureaucracies. They are also part of the military-industrial complex, elite corporations with transnational interests, lobbyists, and politicians who whore out their constituencies.Congress thus sells out their constituents in creating new federal bureaucracies or ignores agencies created by the administration with no Congressional oversight.


A. The Rise of the Foundation and Philanthropy in Social Change. Humanist philanthropies or foundations were created by elites and the Robber Barons in the 19th Century to gain power over society.A
few examples-

  Rockefeller Foundation. Gained control over medicine, public health, education and social welfare and the economy. The Foundation provided assistance and grants to eugenicists’ and to the Nazi murder squads concentrated in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.
  Carnegie Foundation. Shared control of education with Rockefeller and gained control of American
land grant colleges. Carnegie provides grants to suitable academic institutions to advance the causes of globalization.
  Tides Foundation. Promotes progressive or leftist causes centering on positive social or political changes to create socialism in the United States. Is supports social and environmental justice and the LGT community.
  The George Soros Foundation and the Open Society Institute.  This group funds over 150 other groups and promotes an opens society vision based on respect, accountability, transparency, economic justice.


B. The Outcomes.  A close examination of the foundations’ role and outcomessuggest anything but a positive outcome in American society. We note the following destructive or self-serving practices-

  Elites use foundations to escape taxation. Most foundations are 501C 3 or C 4 organizations
incorporated to avoid income taxes and to shelter wealth.
  Elites use foundations to shelter wealth.Tax free foundations are a favored mechanism to hideand or to launder money.
  Elites use foundations to foster covert social changes.Elite foundations fund radical or revolutionary change agents to shape society to benefit their interests-GS Soros foundation finances the massive and illegal immigration of Muslims to fracture European society and to do the
same in America.
  Elites use foundations to promote radicalism and social violence in America.George Soros funds Moveon.org. Moveon.org is a progressive political advocacy group created by associates of Bill and Hilary Clinton to promote progressivism(socialism) in America.

C. FOCUS ON MOVEON.ORG. MoveonOrg raises millions to fund hard-core socialist advocacy groups and political candidates. MoveOn takes focus on the recent Chicago campaign of Donald Trump, totally disrupting the campaign, engaging in acts of violence and promises of mayhem against Trump supporters. Some salient points-
  Socialist Bernie Sandersseves as a headliner
  Socialist Hilary Clintonserves as a headliner
  MoveOn enlists dissatisfied blacks with agendas-such as Black Lives Matter
  MoveOn fosters direct action-riots, disrupting political candidates, urges violence to dissuade other legitimate political candidates from the political process
  MoveON attacks anyone perceived to contest its social and political views by running attack ads and by blistering social media tirades-attacking personal integrity, honor and purpose
  MoveOn is funded by elitists-billionaire George Soros (1.5 $Mn in 2004 Election Cycle, (and by wealthy multinationals-Hyatt Hotel Chain—$4 Mn)


V. THE FOUNDATIONS’ REAL OBJECTIVE. Arguably the foundations’with a social change agenda,who sponsor
radicals are a cover for the waging of political warfare. Their objective like The Tides Foundation, George SorosOpen Society Foundation, and MoveON focus on changing the American practices of entrepreneurship, the family, the electoral process and seek the destruction of the American way of life and family, and the American culture
based on –
  Freedom and liberty for all
  Entrepreneurial capitalism and innovation
  Self empowerment and actualization
  Free speech
  Helping others
  Maintaining a Republican form of government where the weakest citizens haveinalienable civil rights and freedoms


VI. THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION AND WATERGATE: The Downfall of NixonThe Watergate break in did not bring down the Nixon Administration. The cover up and the motivation for the breakin and cover up DID! Nixon was slated to move on after his second term to be the UN General Secretary. The Nixon Administration was slated by elites to usher in the following-1. The elimination of the gold standard and the devaluation of the American currency to create economic
chaos in America.

2. The elimination of political protests in America with the CIA’s Operation Chaos and the FBI’s COINTELPRO programs aimed at criminalizing, disrupting American dissident movements and in the political assassination of American icons by murdering Rock Stars!

3. The creation of a massive police state and spy system as outlined in the Huston Plan for America. The
Nixon Huston plan envisioned…


1.) Domestic police burglaries to obtain information on targeted individuals;


2.) Massive electronic surveillance of the population;


3.) Mail openings by agents; 4.) the creation of concentration camps to detain dissidents; the practice of political warfare to eliminate Nixon’s enemies and dissidents;


4.) False flag terror incidents to pin blame on Nixon’s enemies and on dissidents;


5.) Police terror in subduing the population…e.g. there is now credible evidence the FBI instigated the Kent State massacre;

6.) The proposed firebombing of the Brookings Institution and


7.) Arresting anti-Vietnam War protestors and charging them with sedition.


NOTE: Americans as a people hate political corruption andcorrupted politicians. Once they are aware of corrupted politicians, it meant the end for crooks and fraudsters in government service. Nixon was impeached and removed from power. The Harney County corruption as exposed by Aamon Bundy and associates threatens the American Establishment as Watergate did Nixon. If handled correctly, the Harney County corruption can bring down Obama and his associates and crooked politicians in Congress and candidates like Hilary Clinton.



Round Table Discussion Agenda Talking Points

  • Trump campaign totally disrupted by covert infiltrators(est. 10,000 ppl)from MoveOn and other Soros’groups, turning the rally into a scene of violence. Trump’s organization cancelled the rally. Protestors claim victory.
  • Trump supporters harassed and beaten by Black Lives Matter personnel
  • Convicted felon and self-admitted Communist revolutionary, and founder of the Weatherman Underground terrorist group, Bill Ayers, who is a close friend and political mentor and financial benefactor to President Obama, was seen on camera at the rally. Ayers urged that Americans be sent to concentration camps for political re-education and advocated killing some 25 million Americans deemed hopeless.
  • The current trend in American politics centers on: A police state; violence and murder by cop, empowerment and militarization of American police, the massive state surveillance system to be used by elites, politicians and police.
  • The creation of intolerance, the creation of intolerant organizations, the arrest and murder of dissidents like
    laVoy Finnicum engaged in exposing political corruption and the fostering of a BORG HIVE MIND resting on
    political correctness in society.
  • Political corruption and Harney County. Ranchers LaVoy Finicum and Aamon Bundy exercise in peaceful non-violent protest while exercising their rights at the Malheur Refuge. They submitted a bill of particulars to the FBI related to redress of grievances-1. The Obama Administration and Deep State Actors bent on seizing Bundy’sland illegally so the Obama regime can sell valuable American resources to foreign corporations and foreign governmentsas exposed by Sen. Harry Reid’s back scene involvement supporting a Chinese corporation to use Bundy’s land.


2. The use of violence or threatened use of deadly force by Deep State BLM actors in pointing guns atthe Bundy family and supporters. The discovery of BLM snipers surrounding the ranch.

The BLM engages in violence against protestors by using attack dogs and TASERS against the protestors. Aamon Bundy isarrested after being tasered whentrying to protect a female protestor from aggressive BLM police.

3. The disregard for civil liberties by the Obama Regime in allocating so-called Free Speech zones and removing protestors from the Bunkerville site.

4. The seizure of Bundy cattle and transference to a private entity for sale.

5. The blatant disregard for Bundy’s land and title rights to graze cattle on his land.

6. The BLM, Forest Service, and EPApracticesin harassing land owners over permits, water and grazing rights on private land held for over 100 years and citing environmental concerns aligned with agenda 21 as superior interests to American civil liberties.

7. The numerous ranchers run off their land in NM, AZ, CA and in Harney Co by the BLM or Forest Service. The imposition of onerous fines that can never be paid off in violation of the 8th Amendment –the use of huge fines to bankrupt land owners and to seize their land at garages sale practices.

8. The obvious corruption of Harney Co. OR officials such as Judge Steven Grasty and the County Commissioners in obtaining corporate welfare grants from the Dept of Interior by not using their land…The appearance of “ghosts”on the Malheur Refuge Payroll obtaining huge salaries as supposed volunteers. The violation of the protestors civil rights to assemble, to address grievances, to demand an investigation into the Hammond case and the threats made against the protestors by the sheriff and Harney County Officials.

9. The refusal of Harney County officials to investigate Judge Grasty’s association with non-profit environmental agencies, such as the Nature Conservancy and the Center for Biological Diversity that advocate “monkeywrenching” or sabotaging agriculture centered enterprises. The disappearance of ranching, farming and or logging as commercial enterprises under Grasty’s leadership-making Harney Co one of the poorest Counties in Oregon.

10. The military posture and engagement of the FBI and harassment of local ranchers by police and the FBI.

11. Claims of foreign contractors and or armed mercenaries posing as police or armed security at Harney County in violation of the Pinkerton Act.

12. The obvious insertion of infiltrators/informants and the murder of laVoy Finicum by the OSP and the FBI. The obfuscation of evidence and a coverup conducted by state and county officials and the FBI.

13. The non-appearance of concerned Oregon politicians to attempt to settle the protest and to safeguard civil liberties.

14. The massive FBI fishing expedition and arrests of protestors at the Bundy ranch in2014 following the murder of Finicum.

15. The obvious disregard of police protocols in erecting a deadly force roadblock on HWY 395 resulting in Finicum crashing his vehicle with occupants into a snow bank, and police firing into the vehicle without due regard for the occupants welfare.

16. The admission by FBI agents and OSP officers that they fired on Finicum as soon as his vehicle appeared.


The Progressive view of Oregon (1993). Conservatives wield the initiative, with liberals retreating step by step, winning individual fights, losing the over-all battle as Oregon changed from an innovative social laboratory to a backsliding retrograde state with the highest rate of poverty in the nation and the shortest school year. Oregon is a largely rural state and conservatives hold sway in rural Oregon, especially the influential Christian anti-gay, antifeminist based Oregon Citizens Alliance.

The Rural Organizing Project (ROP). The organization is a progressive response to the Oregon Citizens Alliance.

The basic principles to foster progressive movements in the Rural Oregon Project is based on values centering on a progressive (socialist) vision of what democracy is in the 21st century. TheROP aims at combating conservative reaction to gay and lesbian rights, immigration, abortion rights, feminist rights, labor rights and alternative life styles espoused by the gay community and opposition to environmentalism.

1. Create Human Dignity Groups among Homosexuals

b. Feminists
c. Ethnics

2. Seek alliances among militant social advocacy groupsfavoring immigration, welfare, and promotion of gay rights.

3. Raise consciousness among these groups about conservative roots based on racism, class divisions, wage inequalities’, gender discrimination, abortion rights, gay rights, anti-union labor practices, dismantling of social safety nets, white privilege prerogatives’.

NOTE: Anti-white privilege groups on campus now demand that whites kill themselves in atonement over past white injustices to people of color, to gays and other minorities.

4. Target religious right groups with notions of prejudice and anti-dignity bigotry.

5. Use rural Oregon as a power base to gain influence and power instate elections.

6. Once power is achieved state wide, liaise with national groups and target reactionary groups, Christians, anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-immigration, and anti-labor groups and destroy them.

7. Use violent and inflammatory rhetoric to brush conservative groups depicting them as anti-human, as non-progressive and selfish groups favoring their own interests in stripping progressives of all human worth.

8. Attack family values as anti-gay and discriminatory, invalidating gay groups.

9. Attack religious instruction in schools and creationism.

10. Promote democracy and majority rule instead of Constitutional principles.

11. Couch and advocate for progressive causes enveloped in a human dignity mantra.

12. Paint anti-progressives as racists and as insurgents.

13. Infiltrate the Democratic Partyand seek change from within.

14. Address progressive messages and political rhetoric within a matrix citing inclusiveness, fairness,  democracy and equal rights.


CONCLUSION: These organizing principles, the use of attack ads, radical left legislation, right-wing demonizing and propaganda, are taken from the revolutionary handbooks of the socialist/progressivemovements and from Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.  Moreover, they appear wedded to principles for funding progressive e organizations espousing globalism as seen in George Soros Open Society Foundation and in other progressive-based institutions, such as the Tides Foundation.


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